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Expand 1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds
Expand 2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Collapse 4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records
Expand 1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Leases and Assignments1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Leases and Assignments
Expand 2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Rentals2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Rentals
Expand 3 - Arkengarthdale Estate Account Books and Vouchers3 - Arkengarthdale Estate Account Books and Vouchers
Expand 4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Boundaries4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Boundaries
Expand 5 - Arkengarthdale Estate Sale Particulars5 - Arkengarthdale Estate Sale Particulars
Collapse 6 - General Arkengarthdale Estate Papers6 - General Arkengarthdale Estate Papers
1 - Lord Wharton in the Court of Exchequer concerning the survey of Richmond in 1618
2 - Chaytor's purchase of the Fee Farm rent
3 - Notes concerning Jeremy Taylor Hird's Mortgages Estate
4 - Tenancy Agreement: G. G. Brown with J. T. Hird
5 - Running Fines
6 - Reeth Moor, Gamekeepers dispute
7 - Seal Houses, Valuation etc. by Hammond
8 - Proposed sale to Col. Wilson
9 - George Newby, Statutory Declaration
10 - Draft survey
11 - Hutchinson/Metcalfe interest
12 - Correspondence: Brown and Reeth Union Arkendale Mines liability for poor rate
13 - Redemption of land tax (Lammas Land)
14 - Enclosure Award, Arkengarthdale and Bowes Boundary
Collapse 15 - Large bound volume, containing copies of the following:15 - Large bound volume, containing copies of the following:
7 - Arkengarthdale Church
8 - Arkengarthdale School
9 - Deighton Estate
10 - Gilling
11 - Hurst and Marrick
12 - Norton Estate
13 - Ravensworth
14 - Sedbury Estate
15 - Stockton Estate
16 - Thornaby Estate
17 - Common Rights and Sporting Rights
Expand 55
Expand 6 - Charles Bathurst Estate6 - Charles Bathurst Estate
Expand 7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers
Expand 10 - Wills and Related Papers10 - Wills and Related Papers
Expand 11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous
Expand 12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records
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