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Collapse 1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Copies of original title deeds1 - Copies of original title deeds
Expand 2 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Bathurst family2 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Bathurst family
Expand 3 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Turner, Sleigh and Forster3 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Turner, Sleigh and Forster
Expand 4 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Brown4 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Brown
Collapse 5 - Settlements, wills and purchases of John and Jemina Gilpin and Lady Preston5 - Settlements, wills and purchases of John and Jemina Gilpin and Lady Preston
1 - Conveyance, Charles Francis Foster to John Gilpin and George Hutchinson
2 - Memorandum of an Agreement for preference in a Mortgage
3 - Schedule of Deeds relating to Arkengarthdale
4 - Assignment of £1,600 secured on 1/3rd of the Manor (Forster to Hutchinson and Place)
5 - Copy Appointment of Annuity
6 - Faggergill? (and Thornaby), Atkinson to Rev. John Gilpin
7 - Conveyance of a fee farm rent in Lead Mines W. Chaytor to Rev. John Gilpin
8 - Conveyance of 1/3rd of Manor, as purchased by Jpohn Gilpin from Forster, now sold to Lady Preston's Trustees
9 - Release of 1/3rd of the Manor and lead mines by Rev. John Gilpin to George Brown's Trustees and for Sir Robert and Lady Preston
10 - Abstract of title
11 - Supplementary abstract for Lady Preston
12 - Declaration of Trust Lady Preston
13 - Copy will and related documents of Charles F. Forster
14 - Release and Assignment of 1/3rd of the Manor C. F. Forster to Rev. John Gilpin and Lady Preston
15 - Abstracts of Title for Lady Preston
16 - Release and Assignment, George Brown Trustees to Robert Rayson
17 - Appointment ny Mr. and Mrs Gilpin of Trust Funds held under their marriage settlement
18 - Assignment of a Legacy, Ludlow under codicil of George Brown's will
19 - Appointment by Mrs. Gilpin to Rev. John Gilpin under ther will of Lady Preston
20 - Lady Preston, will and probate
21 - Will and codicil of Francis Forster
22 - Release of £5,000 by Rev. John and Mrs. Gilpin to Trustees of Dame Elizabeth Preston
23 - Deed of Appointment, Mrs. Gilpin and Trustees for her daughter Jemima Margaret Gilpin
24 - Agreement, Rev. John Gilpin to George Gilpin (and Thornaby)
25 - The will of Rev. John Gilpin
26 - Assignment by Henry Coates, for his land at Booze, to Rev. John Gilpin
27 - Appointment by Mrs. Gilpin under the will of her brother George Brown
28 - Declaration of Trusts under Lady Preston's will
29 - Declaration of Trusts as above with successive appointments
30 - Assignment by Daniel Scott of his lands at Booze to Mrs. Gilpin.
31 - Appointment of New Trustees to Lady Preston's will
32 - Assignment of a Policy by Mrs. Gilpin to Maitland and Dundas for securing £3,300
33 - Assignment of leasehold lands at Booze and Reeth to Mrs. Gilpin
34 - Wills of Jemima Gilpin
35 - General Release of estates settled by George Brown's will upon his sister Mrs. Gilpin
36 - Release by George Gilpin Brown to the Trustees of Lady Preston's will (and Deighton and Brompton)
37 - Conveyance and Assignment by G. G. Brown to John Charles Dundas as Trustee of Lady Preston's will (and Newforest and Hope)
38 - Langthwaite- Assignment of leasehold property by R. and W. Longstaff to J. C. Dundass as Trustee of Lady Preston's will
39 - Arkletown and Langthwaite: Assignment by Margaret Dent and M. D. D. Hooton to J. C. Dundas as Trustee of Lady Preston's will
Expand 6 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Gilpin Brown6 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Gilpin Brown
Expand 7 - Settlements, wills and purchases by George Thomas Gilpin Brown7 - Settlements, wills and purchases by George Thomas Gilpin Brown
Expand 8 - Purchase by Colonel Wilson8 - Purchase by Colonel Wilson
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous title deeds9 - Miscellaneous title deeds
Expand 2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records
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Expand 6 - Charles Bathurst Estate6 - Charles Bathurst Estate
Expand 7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers
Expand 10 - Wills and Related Papers10 - Wills and Related Papers
Expand 11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous
Expand 12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records
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