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Collapse 1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds1 - Arkengarthdale Estate Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Copies of original title deeds1 - Copies of original title deeds
Expand 2 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Bathurst family2 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Bathurst family
Collapse 3 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Turner, Sleigh and Forster3 - Settlements, wills and purchases of Turner, Sleigh and Forster
1 - Mr. Charles Turner's receipt for 'Writings' of Arkengarthdale received from Bathurst
2 - Counterpart of Lease and Release (Release only) Charles Turner to Richard Thornton in trust
3 - Deed of Trust, Charles Bathurst to Turner, Sleigh and Foster (and Skutterskelf)
4 - Demise for payment of debts, Charles Bathurst to Turner, Sleigh and Foster
5 - Conveyance (Lease and Release), Bathurst Trustees to Turners
6 - Charles Turner's purchase of a messuage and close near Arkletown
7 - Charles Turner's purchase of John Buckle's property at Booze (and Preston-under-Scar 1724)
8 - Release, Mrs. Bathurst to Turner and others
9 - Settlement, Mr. Sligh
10 - Conveyance Bathurst Trustees to Charles Turner, woodland in Arkengarthdale
11 - Agreement by the Lords of Arkindale to define their Rights in Arkindale and Newforest
12 - Reversion of the estate of Joseph Barningham, James Hird and Joseph Kearton
13 - Reversion of the estates of Robert Alderson and others, John Carter and Edward Elliott
14 - Reversion of the estates of Joseph Atkinson, John Idoll, John Slack, Francis Jaques, Chris. Raine, James Race, Ralph Harker, jr., and Francis Whitehouse
15 - Reversion of the estates of Mary Alderson, Thomas Elliott, Dinah Hall and John Buckle
16 - Reversion of the estates of William Slack, Chris. Raine, Richard Lonsdaile and Joseph Peacock
17 - Reversion of estates held by Mr. Chaytor, Ralph Harker and Nicholas Scott under 2,000 year lease created by John Bathurst, 23 Apr 1659
18 - Reversion of the estates of Jeremiah Jordan, Chris. Brown, Edmund Alderson, Robert Alderson, Eli Alderson and Enoch Atkinson
19 - Reversion of the estates of James Slack, Cuthbert Hall, Thomas Nixon and William Barker
20 - Reversion of the estates of Christopher Liddell, Thomas Brown, Mathew Peacock, Cuthbert Colling, Jonathan Colling and William Broadbent
21 - Reversion of estates in Newforest
22 - Reversion of Hallgate in Newforest estate of Thomas Wilson and Thomas Stodart
23 - 999 year lease created by Bathurst in 1721 and purchased by Sleigh in 1796
24 - Release, Sir Charles Turner to William Sleigh
Expand 4 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Brown4 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Brown
Expand 5 - Settlements, wills and purchases of John and Jemina Gilpin and Lady Preston5 - Settlements, wills and purchases of John and Jemina Gilpin and Lady Preston
Expand 6 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Gilpin Brown6 - Settlements, wills and purchases of George Gilpin Brown
Expand 7 - Settlements, wills and purchases by George Thomas Gilpin Brown7 - Settlements, wills and purchases by George Thomas Gilpin Brown
Expand 8 - Purchase by Colonel Wilson8 - Purchase by Colonel Wilson
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous title deeds9 - Miscellaneous title deeds
Expand 2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records2 - Arkengarthdale Estate Lead Mining Records
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records4 - Arkengarthdale Estate Records
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Expand 6 - Charles Bathurst Estate6 - Charles Bathurst Estate
Expand 7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers7 - George Brown Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers8 - Lady Preston Trust and Trustee Papers
Expand 9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers9 - Arkengarthdale Parish Papers
Expand 10 - Wills and Related Papers10 - Wills and Related Papers
Expand 11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous11 - Arkengarthdale Estate Miscellaneous
Expand 12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records12 - Arkengarthdale Estate Business Records
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