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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Collapse 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 2 - Richmond Estate2 - Richmond Estate
Expand 3 - Cleveland Estate3 - Cleveland Estate
Collapse 4 - Scottish Estate4 - Scottish Estate
Collapse 1 - Scottish Estate General Papers1 - Scottish Estate General Papers
1 - Accounts - current- between Lawrence Dundas and Robert Seton
2 - Memorandums for Mr. Bruce in Sir Lawrence's hand
3 - Abstract of rental of barony of Easter
4 - Abstract of rental estate at Airth
5 - Rental of lands and estate of Clackmannan belonging to the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dumfries and Stair
6 - Account between Sir Lawrence Dundas and John Pringle
7 - Abstract of the gross and neat produce of Sir Lawrence Dundas' estate in Scotland
8 - State of the neat produce of Sir Lawrence Dundas' estate in Scotland
9 - State of the neat produce of Sir Lawrence Dundas' estate in Scotland
10 - Tack: William Belchier and George Thomson to William Caddéll, merchant in Cockenzie, Haddington, William Caddell of Carron Park and John Caddell, merchant, his Sons — Lands of barony of Grange, in parish of Carriden, Linlithgow (listed)
11 - Account of granary at Sea Lock, the property of Sir Lawrence Dundas possessed by M & A Ramsey
12 - Excerpts from accounts of Andrew Longmoor, John Coventry and John Berry
13 - Expense of house at Edinburgh - brief notes in Sir Lawrence's hand
14 - Sederunt St. Andrews Square Edinburgh: minutes of meeting of Thomas Dundas, Charles Dundas, John Pringle and Alexander Farquharson on various estate matters
15 - Account: Thomas Dundas with John Pringle
16 - Account: Sir Lawrence Dundas with John Pringle
17 - Account: Sir Thomas Dundas with John Wordie
18 - Account: Sir Lawrence Dundas with John Dundas
19 - Note of value of Hermitage
20 - Account of money received by Mrs Logan
21 - James Hogg's offer for new lease
22 - Account: Sir Thomas Dundas with Charles Innes
23 - Account: Sir Thomas Dundas with John Pringle
24 - Account: Sir Thomas Dundas with Charles Innes
25 - Account: Sir Thomas Dundas with Charles Innes
26 - Newspaper cutting advertising Stirling Michaelmas Head Court
27 - Appointment of John Bruce as factor for lands of Alexander Bruce of Kennet, by Sir Thomas Dundas his commissioner
28 - State of the neat produce of Sir Thomas Dundas estates crop 1786
29 - Instructions from Collector & Comptroller of Customs at Bo'ness to fandwaiter at Grangemouth
30 - Abstract rent-roll of Sir Thomas Dundas estates in Scotland
31 - State showing the neat and gross produce of Sir Thomas Dundas’ estate in Scotland for 3 years
32 - State of the accounts of Messrs Home & Udney and Sir Thomas Dundas
33 - List of debts, interests and annuities and state of income
34 - Petition of tenants at Kerse who reapare the road to Grangemouth
35 - Rents and grass parks belonging to Lord Dundas at Castlecarry, Millhall, Grangemouth and Loanhead farm rouped for crops
36 - Copy agreement for lease for 19 years of Carron flats to Thomas Kincaid, and for purchase by Lord Dundas of Kincaid’s lands of Dalbaith on north side of River Carron for £2,500
37 - Rental of Lord Dundas' estates in Sitrliningshire with arrears
38 - Rental of Lord Dundas' estates in Fife
39 - Rent roll of the tenantry and Lordship of Paisley
40 - Newspaper cutting advertising sale
41 - Summary of observations made at Ashintully and of the information received from Commissary Bisset concerning the rent and value of the estate
42 - Rental of lands pertaining to the principality of Scotland
Expand 2 - Scottish Estate General Papers 2 - Scottish Estate General Papers
Expand 3 - Scottish Estate - Orkney and Shetland3 - Scottish Estate - Orkney and Shetland
Expand 4 - Estate Records - Clackmannan and Fife Estates4 - Estate Records - Clackmannan and Fife Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Records - Stirlingshire Estate: Kerse, Haugh Farm etc.5 - Estate Records - Stirlingshire Estate: Kerse, Haugh Farm etc.
Expand 6 - Estate Records - Dalmuir Alkali Works 6 - Estate Records - Dalmuir Alkali Works
Expand 7 - Estate Records - Forth & Clyde Navigation 7 - Estate Records - Forth & Clyde Navigation
Expand 5 - Irish Estate5 - Irish Estate
Expand 6 - Dominica and Grenada Estates6 - Dominica and Grenada Estates
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
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