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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Collapse 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
3 - Marriage contract of James Dundas and Elizabeth Baillie
4 - Marriage settlement (lease and release) between Thomas Dundas and Charlottle Fitzwilliam
6 - Copy of memorial of marriage settlement between Thomas Dundas and Charlottle Fitzwilliam
7 - Chancery Order for dismissal of bill of Sir James Dundas against Sir Lawrence Dundas
8 - Transfer of mortgage
9 - Assignment of mortgages for £11000
10 - Marriage settlement of Thomas Bates Rous and Amelia Hunter
11 - Will of Sir Lawrence Dundas of Aske Hall, Baronet
12 - Deed revoking codicil of Sir Lawrence Dundas
13 - Will of Sir Lawrence Dundas of Aske Hall, Baronet
14 - Draft of will of Sir Lawrence Dundas
15 - Settlement (lease and release) relating to marriage settlement of Thomas Dundas and Charlotte Fitzwilliam
17 - Re-settlement (release)
18 - Lease for one year of Richmond property
19 - Lease for one year of property at Richmond
20 - Proposals for exchange and re-settlement of Yorkshire property
21 - Settlement of annuity of £300-£4000
22 - Deed of appointment of Richard Underwood as receiver of rents
23 - Will of Sir Lawrence Dundas of Arlington Street, Baronet
24 - Mortgage and further charge (lease and release) £50000
26 - Bond of Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous in £40000
27 - Will of Sir Lawrence Dundas of Arlington Street, Baronet
28 - Additional clause to will of Sir Lawrence Dundas
29 - Probate of will of Sir Lawrence Dundas made 14 Feb 1779
30 - Bargain and sale
31 - Bargain and sale
32 - Declaration of Trust (bargain and sale)
33 - Mortgage (release and assignment) £12000
34 - Transfer of Mortgage and further charge
36 - Memorial transfer of mortgage and further charge
37 - Transfer of mortgage (lease and release) £26000
39 - Transfer of mortgage (lease and release) £26000
41 - Memorial of transfer of mortgage (lease and release) £26000
42 - Bargain and sale to create a tenant to the precipe
43 - Recovery
44 - Transfer of mortgage (lease and release)
46 - Memorial of transfer of mortgage (lease and release)
47 - Bond by Sir Thomas and Lord Gallwey and others
48 - Assignment of terms to attend inheritance
49 - Quitclaim
50 - Memorial of quitclaim
51 - Mortgage (lease and release) on the manor of Marske, Redcar and Upleatham
53 - Memorial of Mortgage (lease and release) on the manor of Marske, Redcar and Upleatham
54 - Bond by Sir Thomas Dundas and Lawrence Dundas to Willett
55 - Settlement with counterpart
57 - Draft of settlement
58 - Memorial of settlement
59 - Final concord
61 - Will of Sir Thomas Dundas of Arlington Street, baronet
62 - Valuation of estates at Swallow Street and Harford Street, Middlesex made for the purpose of paying legacies
63 - Assignment of terms
64 - Declaration of trusts
66 - Mortgage (demises for various terms and lease and release) of Loftus estate
68 - Memorial of mortgage of the Loftus estate
69 - Deed for opening a recovery of the estates of Lord Dundas at Loftus
70 - Will of the Honourable Lawrence Dundas of Marske Hall (2 copies)
72 - Will of Margaret, Lady Dundas (copy)
73 - Mortgage for £1500 grant of shares
74 - Bond for £3000 by Lord Dundas
75 - Marriage settlement of Lord Milton and Mary Dundas
76 - Transfer of Motgage (lease and release)
78 - Fine (2 parts)
80 - Copy of memorial
81 - Probate of the will of Thomas Lord Dundas
82 - Abstract of probate of the will of Thomas Lord Dundas
83 - Surrender of a term of 2000 years
84 - Copy draft settlement on the marriage of John Charles Ramsden and the honourable Isabella Dundas
85 - Settlement on the marriage of Henry Walker Yeoman and Margaret Bruce Dundas, eldest daughter of Lawrence Dundas
86 - Assignment of mortgage and further charge
87 - Bargain and Sale to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a recovery for the manor and recoty of Marske
88 - Exemplification of Recovery relating to the manor of Marske
89 - Release to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a recovery for the manor of Aske and property at Richmond
90 - Exemplification of Recovery
91 - Memorial of Assignment
92 - Copy memorial of will
93 - Copy declaration of trust
94 - Abstract of settlement by Lady Charlottle Dundas of £1271 13s 1d
95 - Probate of the will of Sir Robert Lawrence Dundas of Loftus, Major General
96 - Probate of the will of Lawrence Dundas Earl of Zetland
97 - Administration of the unadministered goods of Thomas Lord Dundas granted to Thomas Earl of Zetland
98 - Appointment of new trustees for T L Dundas
99 - Release of indemnity
100 - Release and Quitclaim
101 - Deed of appointment of trustees
102 - Conveyane to trustees £7400
103 - Conveyance to trustees £1500
104 - Discharge by tustees to the late Thomas Lawrence Dundas to the Earl of Zetland (copy)
105 - Discharge by trustees to the Earl of Zetland (copy)
106 - Schedule of securities of Frederick Dundas and others on Lord Dundas's Scottish estate 1814-1848
107 - Release and quitclaim
108 - Draft assignment to Lawrence Earl of Zetland
109 - Copy declaration of trust by the right honourable Lawrence Lord Dundas
110 - Letter of Mary Cunynghame to Lawrence Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Expand 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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