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Expand 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
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Collapse 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
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1 - Commission appointing George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Commander of HM Sloop Calpe
2 - Order by Commander Dundas as senior officer at Gibraltar, to Captain Monat, resident agent
3 - Letter from Lord Dundas to his son George advising him on how to obtain appointment
4 - Certificate of good conduct from Captain J C Searle for William Thom whilst serving aboard HMS Edgar
5 - A Spanish tack indicating parole night, given on board the Victory for Captain Blackwood aboard HMS Euryalus
6 - Account of Morgan and Sanders, London to Captain Dundas of HMS Quebec, India Arms, North fleet, for ships furniture £114
7 - Additional signals to be obeyed by the squadron signed William Bolton [watermark 1806]
8 - Signals to be observed by the transports and by troops embarked under the command of Lieutenant General Sir John Moore KB Commander of the forces, Syracuse
9 - Signals to be observed by the transports and by troops embarked under the command of Lieutenant General Sir John Moore KB Commander of the forces, Syracuse
10 - Copy Swedish private signals as communicated by Baron of Rojalin to Capain Dundas of HMS Euryalus
11 - Copy orders by Lords of the Admiralty to William Bolton,Captain of HMS Fisgard
12 - Instructions for signalling from Capain William Bolton of HMS Fisgard to the squadron under his orders
13 - Orders by Lords of the Admiralty for Captain Dundas to take HMS Euryalus at the Nore into Chatham for refitting and provisioning
14 - Copy orders of Rear Admiral Sir Richard John Strachan to Captain Bolton on HMS Fisgard
15 - Order from the admiralty for Captain Dundas to proceed with HMS Euryalus to the downs and report to Rear Admiral Sir Richard John Strachan
16 - Order from Rear Admiral Strachan aboard HMS Venerable in the Downs to Captain Dundas of HMS Euryalus
17 - Orders from Strachan to Captain Dundas on HMS Euryalus to take up his position off the river Scheldt and then to observe and report upon enemy shipping
18 - General Order from Strachan to Captain Dundas in the event of the enemy putting to sea
19 - Letter from Rear Admiral Strachan HMS Venerable in the Downs to Captain Dundas HMS Euryalus
20 - Letter from Rear Admiral Strachan HMS Venerable in the Downs to Captain Dundas HMS Euryalus
21 - Orders by the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral to the Honourable GHL Dundas Commander of HMS Euryalus at Spithead
22 - Orders by the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral to Honourable GHL Dundas Commander of HMS Euryalus
23 - Orders by the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral to Honourable GHL Dundas Commander of HMS Euryalus
24 - Letter to GHL Dundas from Louis Antoinne (Hartwell House)
25 - Orders by the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral to Honourable GHL Dundas Commander of HMS Euryalus at Spithead
26 - Order by Sir Roger Curtis, Baronet, Admiral of the White and Commander in Chief of HM Ships at Spithead to Captain Dundas HMS Euryalus
27 - Orders by the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral to Honourable GHL Dundas, Captain of HMS Euryalus to Spith ad
28 - Memo from Sir Roger Curtis aboard HMS Royal William at Spithead to Captain Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus at Spithead
29 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton, Admiral of the Blue and Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s ships and vessels employed in the mediterranean, aboard HMS San Joseph, off Toulon
30 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton to Captain Dundas to proceed to Algiers, in the name of HM Government, to confer with the Dey of Algiers
31 - Letter from Wearing in Gibraltar to GHL Dundas regarding bill, returned along with protest
32 - Bill for £15 called by B Yeoman, on board HMS Euryalus at Gibraltar, upon Messrs Barclay, Tritton, Bevan and Co, payable to Mr GHL Dundas
33 - Note of protest re bill of B Yeoman, issued by William Buff, Public Notary, for Messrs Barclay, Tritton, Bevan and Co, having 'no order' to pay it
34 - Letter from Louis Antoinne (Hartwell House, near Aylesbury)
35 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton, Admiral of the White and Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean to Captain Dundas on HMS Euryalus
36 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton to Captain Dundas appointing him to act as Captain of HMS Achille
37 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton to Captain Dundas to take command of HMS Imperious
38 - Order by Sir Charles Cotton to Captain Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus
39 - Admiral C Cotton to Captain Dundas on board HMS Euryalus
40 - Order by Vice Admiral Sir Edward Pellow to Captain Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus
41 - An account of men punished aboard HMS Euryalus between 16 April 1810 and March 1811
42 - Communication to receive Signor Turrie and convey him to Mr Hill without delay
43 - Communication acknowledging delivery of Signor Turrie into the hands of HM Ministers at Cagliari
44 - Order, HMS Euryalus and HMS Termagant to proceed, in turn, to Malta for refit and replenishment, returning to station with all despatch
45 - Letter and account from Joseph Woodhead at Valetta in Malta to Captain Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus
46 - Memo from Vice Admiral Sir Edward Pellow to Capain Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus
47 - Report from Lieutenant James Harvey of the Gun Brig Haughty to Capt Dundas aboard HMS Euryalus
48 - Memo from Vice Admiral Sir Edward Pellow to Captain Dundas
49 - Memo from Vice Admiral Sir Edward Pellow to Captain Dundas
50 - Order, rom Vice Admiral Sir Edward Pellow to Captain Dundas
51 - Letter and 3 accounts from F Collet in Malta to Captain Dundas, late of HMS Euryalus
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Expand 5 - Coastal Signals5 - Coastal Signals
Expand 7 - Receipts for official documents7 - Receipts for official documents
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Expand 9 - Captain GHL Dundas Letter Books9 - Captain GHL Dundas Letter Books
Expand 10 - Correspondence: Lord Bentnick, Palermo10 - Correspondence: Lord Bentnick, Palermo
Expand 11 - Palermo Victualling Office Accounts11 - Palermo Victualling Office Accounts
Expand 12 - Admiral's Private Letters: Mediterrranean 12 - Admiral's Private Letters: Mediterrranean
Expand 13 - Admiral's Service Letters: Mediterranean 13 - Admiral's Service Letters: Mediterranean
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6 - not used
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8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
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