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Expand 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Collapse 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Collapse 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Correspondence1 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Correspondence
1 - Forest and Maxwell, Edinburgh to Mr. Willis, Thatched House Tavern St. James' Street. London
2 - Letter from Alex Maxwell, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas, London
3 - Letter from Elder Forester and Archibald, Edinburgh, to Mr. Willis, Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, London
4 - Letter from James Byres, Rome, to Thomas Dundas
5 - Letter from P Crawford Bruce, Bombay, to Thomas Dundas
6 - Memorandum from Mr Dundas
7 - Letter from John Wilson, St Ormes, to Thomas Dundas
8 - Letter from John Wilson, Nielle near Ardres, to Thomas Dundas, Edinburgh
9 - Letter from Lord Mountstuart, Lamer, to Thomas Dundas, Edinburgh
10 - Letter from Francis Masterton, Clackmannnan, to Thomas Dundas
11 - Letter from Thomas Thomson to John Wordie, Edinburgh
12 - Letter from Patrick Honyman, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
13 - List of officers recommended by Edinburgh Town Council to the King for the Royal Edinburgh volunteers
14 - Letter from General John Carnac, Bombay, to Thomas Dundas
15 - Return of Royal Edinburgh Volunteers: List of recruits Kilmaurs house
16 - Letter from David Forrester, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
17 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
18 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
19 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
20 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
21 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
22 - Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
23 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Dundas, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
24 - Letter from George Goldie to Thomas Dundas
25 - Memorial of Lieutenant George Napier to Lord Barrington
26 - Letter from Lord Barrington, Cavendish Square, to Lieutenant George Napier
27 - Letter from J Chalmers, Dumfries, to Thomas Dundas
28 - Letter from Lord Barrington, War Office, to Thomas Dundas
29 - Memorial of Lieutenant John Mackintosh to Lord George Germain
30 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, London, to Lord Amherst
31 - Letter from Lord Amherst, Whitehall, to Thomas Dundas
32 - Letter from Lord Amherst, Whitehall, to Thomas Dundas
33 - Letter from Lord Amherst, Whitehall, to Thomas Dundas
34 - Rough notes of proposals for raising corps
35 - Rough notes of proposals for raising corps
36 - Letter from Lord Barrington, War Office, to Lord, Balneavis near Haddington
37 - Letter from James Riddock, Kirkwall, to Thomas Dundas
38 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel James Bruce to Thomas Dundas
39 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street, to Lord Barrington
40 - Letter from Lord Barrington. Cavendish Square, to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
41 - Letter from Simon Frazer, King's Arms, Coleman Street to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
42 - Letter from Lord Barrington, War Office, to Thomas Dundas
43 - Letter from Lord Barrington, Cavendish Square, to Sir Lawrence Dundas
44 - Letter from Lord Barrington, War Office to Thomas Dundas
45 - Letter from Scott, Pringle and Co. Madeira, to Thomas Dundas, London.
46 - Letter from Major A. Dundas, Quebec, to Thomas Dundas
47 - Letter from Alexander Morton, Thurso, to Thomas Dundas
48 - Letter from James Gordon, Stromness to Thomas Dundas
49 - Letter from Gilbert Stuart, Musselburgh, to Thomas Dundas
50 - Letter from Andrew Clark, Comru? to Thomas Dundas
51 - Letter from John Robinson to Thomas Dundas
52 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel James Bruce, Halifax, North America to Thomas Dundas
53 - Letter from John Wordie, Edinburgh, to Thomas Dundas
54 - Letter from Moffats and Co. London, to Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
55 - Letter from Robert Jamieson, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
56 - Letter from Walter Hamilton, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
57 - Memorial of the Royal Burghs of Scotland about linen Manufacture
58 - Letter from John Arnold, Frigate Jason at the Nore, to Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
59 - Letter from John Dalrymple, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
60 - Letter from Walter Ross, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
61 - Letter from Geoffrey Wheatley, for Messrs Drummonds, London to Thomas Dundas
62 - Letter from William Morehead to Thomas Dundas
63 - Letter Sir A. Gilmour, Warkworth to from to Thomas Dundas
64 - Letter from John Livingstone, Clerkerton to Thomas Dundas
65 - Letter from James Syme, Queensferry to Thomas Dundas
66 - Letter from Thomas Vickerman, Marske to Thomas Dundas
67 - Letter from Alexander Peat, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
68 - Letter from Walter Hamilton, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
69 - Letter from James Andrew, Linlithgrow to Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
70 - Letter from James Syme, Queensferry to Thomas Dundas
71 - Letter from John Walker, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
72 - Letter from John Wilison, - Morison, William Hunt, Robert Ireland, Dunfermline to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
73 - Letter from W. Brummell, Downing Street to Thomas Dundas
74 - Letter from William Kerr, Wrights Houses to Alexander Cunnynghame
75 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross to Thomas Dundas
76 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, Clarges Street, to Lord Amherst
77 - Letter from Thomas Dundas to Lord Amherst
78 - Letter from Lord Amherst, Whitehall to Thomas Dundas
79 - Letter from Provost Walker Hamilton, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
80 - Letter from Geoffrey Chalmers, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Northallerton
81 - Letter from Alexander Cunnynghame, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
82 - Letter from John Wordie, Edbinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
83 - Letter from James Callander, Dublin, to Thomas Dundas
84 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
85 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
86 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
87 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
88 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
89 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
90 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
91 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
92 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
93 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
94 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
95 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
96 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
97 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
98 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
99 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
100 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
101 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
102 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
103 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
104 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Upleatham to to Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
105 - Letter from General Faucitt, Hanover to Thomas Dundas at Sir Lawerence Dundas' Arlington Street
106 - Letter from Colonel James Callander, Hamilton Place? Row Dublin to Thomas Dundas
107 - Letter from R. Graham, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
108 - Letter from Richard Watson, Upleatham to Thomas Dundas
109 - Accounts of the sloop Peggy for four years to 1 June 1780
110 - Letter from Charles Innes, James' Court, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
111 - Letter from William Nesbit, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
112 - Letter from Richard Watson to Lieutenant Colonel Dundas, Harford Street, London
113 - Letter from Richard Watson, Upleatham to Thomas Dundas
114 - Receipt for £100 by Thomas Dundas to Richard Watson: the signature is torn out
115 - Letter from Thomas Mackie and Lawrence Fell, London to Colonel Dundas, Manchester
116 - Letter from William Cadell, Carron Park to Thomas Dundas of Castlecary, St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh
117 - Letter from Barbara Baikie Mrs Hugh Monat, Kirkwall to Colonel Dundas
118 - Letter from Gilbert Stuart, Musselburgh to Thomas Dundas
119 - Letter from Gilbert Stuart, Musselbugh to John Murray, 32 Fleet Street
120 - Letter from Captain Charles Napier, Edinburgh to Philip Stephens
121 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig to Thomas Dundas
122 - Letter from Patrick Graeme, Graemeshall to Thomas Dundas of Castlecary
123 - List of Commissioners of supply for the Stewartry of Orkney and Zetland
124 - Letter from Alexander Blair, Stirling to Thomas Dundas
125 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
126 - Letter from Robert Stewart, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
127 - Letter from Sir James Dunbar to Thomas Dundas
128 - Letter from Robert Stewart, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
129 - Claim by Sir Lawrence on the estate of the deceased Colonel James Masterton and Thomas Dundas esquire of Castlecary, his executor
130 - Letter from Robert Ireland, Dunfermline to Thomas Dundas
131 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
132 - Letter from Alexander Maxwell, George Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
133 - Letter from Joseph Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas Dundas, Hertford Street
134 - Letter from James Fraser, Greenock to Sir Thomas Dundas, London.
135 - Letter from William Morehead, George Street, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
136 - Letter from David Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London.
137 - Letter from J. Spottiswoode, Tumbosiers? to Sir Thomas Dundas
138 - Letter from Nicholas Pearse and Sons, London toThe Officer Commanding the Royal Lancashire Volunteers, Ipswich
139 - Letter from Earl of Buchan, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
140 - Letter from James Alison, Mansfield Orkneyto Sir Thomas Dundas, Westminster
141 - Letter from Robert Stewart, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
142 - Letter from William Chaloner to Thomas Dundas
143 - Letter from Ja. Veitch [Lord Elliock] to Thomas Dundas
144 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, Windsor to 'My dear Lord [Elliock]'
145 - Copy of proposed terms for feuing half an acre at sea lock to Captain Elphinston and Mr Gascoigne
146 - Letter from Sir John Inglis, Cramond to Thomas Dundas, London
147 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
148 - Stated accompt between Thomas Dundas and John Dundas, clerk to the signet
149 - Letter from Norm? Macpherson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
150 - Letter from William Walker, Exchequer to office, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
151 - Letter from William Walker, Exchequer to Office, Edinburgh to Charlie Dundas, London
152 - Letter from Charles Dundas to Thomas Dundas, Windsor
153 - Letter from J. Watson, Clackmannan to Thomas Dundas, Hartford Street, Mayfair
154 - Letter from William Walker, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
155 - Letter from Robert Graham, Gartmore to Thomas Dundas
156 - Letter from William Lennox, Woodhead to Thomas Dundas
157 - Letter from James Bruce of Kinnaird, Ardwhellary to Thomas Dundas
158 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Newcastle to Thomas Dundas
159 - Note about Christopher Pyburn, soldier in 14th Regiment of Foot, who wishes to transfer to Yorkshire Volunteers (enclosed in letter ZNK 10/2/1/158)
160 - Letter from Sir John Inglis, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
161 - Letter from Robert Kinnier, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas, Hartford Street
162 - Letter from Grissel Ross, Kirkwall to Thomas Dundas
163 - Letter from Thomas Burns, Clackmannan to Lord Kennet
164 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Thomas Dundas
165 - Letter from James Watson, Clackmannan to Thomas Dundas
166 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
167 - Letter from John Burn, Stirling to Thomas Dundas, Windsor
168 - Letter from John Bell, Jamaica, Port Royal to Thomas Dundas, London
169 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Thomas Dundas
170 - Letter from Moses Buchannan, York to Thomas Dundas
171 - Copy letter from Alexander Littlejohn (Stirling) 22 May, 1781, enclosed with ZNK 10/2/1/170
172 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske to 'My Lord' [? David Steuart, Lord Provost of Edinburgh]
173 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to [Sir Thomas]
174 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas
175 - Letter from Robert Stewart, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
176 - Draft letter made out by Stewart for Sir Thomas to transcrive and return in order to parry Chichester's demand for payment
177 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
178 - Letter from J. Hunter Blair, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
179 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
180 - Letter from David Steuart, Lord Provost, Queen Street, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
181 - Letter from Charles Dundas, St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
182 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
183 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas
184 - Letter from Charles Dundas, St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
185 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
186 - Letter from David Steuart, Provost, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
187 - Letter from J. Hunter Blair, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
188 - Letter from David Ballingal, Stirling to Sir Thomas, Arlington Street
189 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
190 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas
191 - Letter from Robert Robertson, Gossaburgh to Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh
192 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird to Sir Thomas
193 - Letter from Patrick Graeme, Graemeshall to Sir Thomas
194 - Letter from Pat Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas
195 - Letter from John Traill, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas
196 - Letter from Mrs E. Cunninghame, Bandastock to Sir Thomas
197 - Letter from Moses Buchanan, York to Sir Thomas
198 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas
199 - Letter from Robert Bruce, Lord Kennett, Stirling to Lady Dundas
200 - Letter from Robert Bruce, Lord Kennett, Kennet to Sir Thomas
201 - Letter from William Lennox, Woohead to 'My Lord'
202 - Letter from Robert Robertson, Lerwick to Gilbert Meason
203 - Letter from Gideon Gifford, Busta in Zetland to Sir Thomas
204 - Letter from Robert Hunter, Lerwick to Sir Thomas
205 - Letter from Gilbert Stuart, Musselburgh to Sir Thomas
206 - Letter from to John Pringle, Restalrig to Sir Thomas
207 - Letter from Thomas Oswald, Clackmannan to Sir Thomas, Arlington Street
208 - Letter from John Sangster, Widewall to Sir Thomas Dundas
209 - Letter from John Pringle, Restralrig, to Sir Thomas Dundas
210 - Letter from Charles Rhind, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
211 - Letter from John Atchison, Falkirk, to Sir Thomas Dundas
212 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
213 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske Hall, to Sir Thomas Dundas
214 - Letter from William Elphinstone, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
215 - Sketch of land bordering canal, enclosed with above letter (ZNK X 2/1/214)
216 - Letter from Donald Moodie, St. Helena to Sir Lawrence, Arlington St.
217 - Letter from George Hill, Danby, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington St.
218 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington St.
219 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
220 - Letter from William Butter, Edinburgh to Harry Davidson, Bristo Street
221 - Letter from John Anderson, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
222 - Letter from John Robertson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
223 - Letter from Gilbert Mason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
224 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
225 - Letter from Batholomew Rudd, Guisborough to Sir Thomas Dundas
226 - Enclosed with above (ZNK X 2/1/225) is a notice of sale of two dwelling houses, orchard, garths, three closes in Upleatham
227 - Letter from Robert Kinnier, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
228 - Letter from Katherine Masterton, 'Collage Wyend', Edinburgh
229 - Letter from Sir Alexander Livingston, West Quarter House, to Sir Thomas Dundas
230 - Letter from John Pringle, Restalrig, to Sir Thomas Dundas
231 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
232 - Account of William Butter with Sir Lawrence for work and furniture in new house at Edinburgh and Kerse: total sum owing £1,010
233 - Letter from Sir Patrick Craufurd, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
234 - Letter from John Wordie, Edinburgh ,to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
235 - Letter from John Livingston, Clerkston to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street.
236 - Letter from John MacLaurin, Adams Square to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
237 - Letter from Alexander Bruce, Powfoulles to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
238 - Letter from James Bruce, Halifax Nova Scotia to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
239 - Letter from Charles Morris, Halifax Nova Scotia, to Colonel James Bruce
240 - Letter from James Bruce, Halifax Nova Scotia to Sir Lawrence
241 - Letter from Henry Seton, Bridge Ness, to Sir Thomas Dundas
242 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
243 - Letter from Batholomew Rudd, Guisborough, to Sir Thomas Dundas
244 - Letter from Andrew Longmore, Kerse to Sir Thomas Dundas
245 - Letter from William Mackillop, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Steet.
246 - Letter from Francis Henderick, Northumberland Street.
247 - Letter from Walter Ross, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
248 - Receipt enclosed with above [ZNX X 2/1/247]
249 - Letter from John Robertson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
250 - Letter from Lady Downe, Bookham Grove to to Sir Thomas Dundas
251 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
252 - Letter from Robert Kinner, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
253 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird to Sir Thomas Dundas
254 - Letter from William McDowall, Castlesemple to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
255 - Letter from George Muat and Thomas Aitken, Sea lock to Sir Thomas Dundas
256 - Letter from Gilbert Mason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
257 - Letter from John Glasford, Glasgow, to Sir Thomas Dundas.
258 - Letter from James Hunter Blair, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
259 - Letter from Mrs A. Y. Dalrymple, Restalrig to James Hunter Blair.
260 - Copy certificate of 21 November 1761 discharging Thomas Fowler from army and admitting him Chelsea Pensioner - certified by James Hunter Balir
261 - Certificate of 29 August 1781 that Thomas Fowler is unfit to do duty as a soldier
262 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
263 - Letter from John Maclaurin, Adams Square, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
264 - Letter from Tim Dodsworth, Scarborough to Lieutenant colonel Dundas M.P. , Edinburgh.
265 - Letter from Lord Cathcart, Harley St. to Sir Thomas Dundas
266 - Letter from Colonel Jas Callander, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
267 - Letter from Lord Graham, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
268 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Moor Park to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
269 - Letter from Lord Stormont, St. James' to Lord Graham
270 - Letter from Lord Graham, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
271 - Letter from Captain Matthew Dodsworth, Grove, to Sir Thomas Dundas
272 - Letter from ?Colonel Samuel Stanton, Plymouth to Sir Thomas Dundas
273 - Letter from ?William Graham, Bruges to Sir Thomas Dundas
274 - Letter from Alexander Cunningham, Prince's Street Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, New? Edinburgh
275 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, at Mr Dundas of Carronhall.
276 - Letter from Alexander Carrick, Sea Lock to Sir Thomas Dundas of Fingask, Carronhall.
277 - Letter from Henry Swinton, Sea Lock to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse.
278 - Letter from Jason Leech, Leechfield to Castlebarr, Ireland, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street.
279 - Letter from Messrs. Acton and Winter, Swithin Lane to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlingston Street
280 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird, to Sir Thomas Dundas
281 - Letter from William Morehead, Kinnaird, to Sir Thomas Dundas
282 - Letter from John Glasford, Douglas- town, to Sir Thomas Dundas
283 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, Carron Hall to Sir Thomas
284 - Letter from Andrew Longmoor, Kerse, to Sir Thomas
285 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond and Company, London to Sir Thomas
286 - Letter from Dr Henry, Merchant Street to Sir Thomas
287 - Letter from Lord Sandwich, Admiralty to Sir Thomas
288 - Letter from Walter Scott, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
289 - Letter from Mr. Wordie, James's Court to Sir Thomas
290 - Letter from G. Lumsdaine to Sir Thomas
291 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Harry Davidson
292 - Letter from William Robertson and Patrick Grinton, Bo'ness to Sir Thomas
293 - Letter from J. Henderson, Edinburgh to Hugo Arnot
294 - Letter from A. Livingstone, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
295 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
296 - Letter from James Gilchrist, 81 Strand London, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
297 - Letter from Thomas Lindsay, Kirkwall to Patrick Hagart, Caldale
298 - Letter from Pat Hagart, Caldale to Mr Pringle
299 - Letter from Pat Hagart, Caldale to Sir Thomas
300 - Letter from John Coventry, Craigriw to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
301 - Letter from S. Stanton, Plymouth to Lieutenant colonel Sir Thomas, Arlington Street
302 - Letter from Thomas Goulton, Walcot to Sir Thomas, Arlington Street
303 - Letter from W.T. Breiger, Wanstead to Sir Thomas
304 - Letter from William Davidson, Red Lion Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
305 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond and Co. London to Sir Thomas Dundas
306 - Letter from William Davidson, Red Lion Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
307 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
308 - Letter from Matthew Dodsworth, Hampole to Sir Thomas Dundas
309 - Letter from John Spottiswoode to Sir Thomas Dundas
310 - Letter from Thomas Bennet, Wolverhampton to Sir Thomas Dundas
311 - Letter from Colonel James Callander, Polmaise to Sir Thomas Dundas
312 - Letter from Robert Walker, Kincardine to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
313 - Letter from Hugo Arno, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
314 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
315 - Letter from George Gill, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
316 - Letter from William Chaloner to Sir Thomas Dundas
317 - Letter from William Cadell, Carronpark to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
318 - Letter from William Morehead, William Cadell and J. Munro, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
319 - Letter from George Straton, Stirling to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
320 - Letter from Colonel James Callander, Polmaise to Sir Thomas Dundas
321 - Letter from William Davidson, Red Lion Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
322 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
323 - Letter from T. Mackarell, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas
324 - Letter from Thomas Macdowal, Mickerstown to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
325 - Letter from George Dunbar, Dunbar House to Sir Thomas Dundas
326 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, Harrow, to Sir Thomas Dundas,Arlington Street
327 - Letter from T. Mackerell, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas
328 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
329 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
330 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
331 - Letter from Captain Dundas, Portsmouth, to Charles Dundas, London.
332 - Letter from Captain R. Dundas, Portsmouth to Sir Thomas Dundas
333 - Letter from Ensign Robert McCrery, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas
334 - Letter from William Cadell, Carronpark to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street.
335 - William Davisdon, Red Lion Square, to Sir Thomas Dundas
336 - Letter from H.T. Clements, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas
337 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, York to Sir Thomas Dundas
338 - Letter from Henry Davidson, Edinburgh to David Rae, London.
339 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
340 - Letter from Alexander Seton, Edinburgh to Harry [Sir Henry Seton]
341 - Letter from Patrick Cullen, Skreen to Sir Thomas Dundas
342 - Letter from Sir Henry Seton, Bridge Ness to Sir Thomas Dundas
343 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
344 - Letter from Ensign R. McCrery, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
345 - Letter from Lieutenant Thomas Napper, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas
346 - Letter from Lord Rockingham, Grosvenor Square, to Sir Thomas Dundas
347 - Letter from A. Wedderburn, Edinburgh to Mr. Farquharson
348 - Copy letter written to Mr. Berry about Mr. Wedderburn's proposal
349 - Letter from Thomas Lindsay, Kirkwall to Harry Davidson
350 - Letter from Sir A. Edmondson, Argyll Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
351 - Report of John Smeaton, engineer, concerning the expediency of opening the temporary cutt and lock near Dalderse from the Canal of Forth and Clyde to the River Carron
352 - Letter from William Dodds, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
353 - List of young horses at Upleatham (enclosed with ZNK X/2/1/352)
354 - Order for recruiting a regiment of foot commanded by Earl Fauconberg (Copy with Royal Sign manual?)
355 - Letter from O. Wynne, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas
356 - Letter from Sir Thomas, London to H.T. Clements, Dublin.
357 - Letter from John Berry, Bogie to Alexander Farquharson
358 - Letter from Simon Frazer, King's Arms Yard to Sir Thomas Dundas
359 - Letter from William Chaloner to Sir Thomas Dundas
360 - List of poachers enclosed with ZNK X 2/1/359
361 - Letter from J. Wastell, Risby to Sir Thomas Dundas
362 - Letter from John Bruce, Lerwick to Sir Thomas Dundas
363 - Letter from John Pringle, Caroline Park, to Sir Thomas Dundas
364 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
365 - Letter from G. Lumsdaine to Sir Thomas Dundas
366 - Letter from P. Wentworth, Towlston Lodge, to Sir Thomas Dundas
367 - Letter from J. Seton, John Street Golden Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
368 - Letter from Colonel Seton, Brompton Row to Sir Thomas Dundas
369 - Letter from John Pringle, Caroline Park to Sir Thomas Dundas
370 - Letter from Messrs. R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
371 - Letter from James Bradley Peirson, Brudges to Sir Thomas Dundas
372 - Letter from William Davidson, Red Lion Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
373 - Sir Lawrence's receipt enclosed in ZNK X 2/1/372
374 - Letter from Sir A. Golmour, Queen Street to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
375 - Letter from Simon Fraser, Kings Arms Yard, to Sir Thomas Dundas
376 - Receipt for £82 for brandy, enclosed in ZNK X 2/1/376
377 - Letter from John Bessell, 12 West Side Castle Street, Leicesterfields to Sir Thomas Dundas
378 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
379 - Letter from George Mackay, Albion Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
380 - Letter from Richard Watson, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
381 - Letter from Colonel R. Dundas, Etton near Beverley to Sir Thomas Dundas
382 - Letter from Thomas Byron, Portugal Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
383 - Letter from Colonel R. Dundas, Etton near Beverley to Sir Thomas Dundas
384 - Letter from Alexander Wright, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
385 - Letter from Caleb Readshaw, Croft to Sir Thomas Dundas
386 - Letter from R and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
387 - Letter from William Butler, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
388 - Letter from Mr Forsyth, Bond Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
389 - Letter from Peter Legh, Booths to Sir Thomas Dundas
390 - Letter from David Steuart, Lord Provost, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
391 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
392 - Letter from Lieutenant General Alex Mckay, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
393 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
394 - Letter from William Dods, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
395 - Letter from Sir A. Gilmour, Queen Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
396 - Letter from Ro. Bruce, Lord Kennet, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
397 - Copy resignation by William Willimson of office of macer
398 - Letter from Charles Wallace, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
399 - Letter from James Hopkirk, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
400 - Letter from Walter Scott, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
401 - Memorial for Lieutenant Walter Scott, requesting employment at Lerwick with a press gang
402 - Letter from Thomas Dundas, Carron Hall to Alex Carrick, Sea Lock
403 - Letter from William Jackson, Richmond Street, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
404 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel James Cunninghame, Tweedmouth, Berwick to Sir Thomas Dundas
405 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
406 - Letter from Thomas Johnes, Bath to Sir Thomas Dundas
407 - Letter from Richard Beth. Cox, Craig Court to Sir Thomas Dundas
408 - Letter from R and H. Drummond and Co, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
409 - Letter from W.Elphinstone, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street.
410 - Letter from Lord Leven, Melvill to Sir Thomas Dundas
411 - Letter from Patrick Cullen, Skreen to Sir Thomas Dundas
412 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
413 - Letter from W. Rowlandson, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
414 - Letter from W. Rowlandson, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
415 - W.Rowlandson's account for disbursements on house 1760-1766
416 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond and Co, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
417 - Letter from Alexander Carrick, Sea Lock to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
418 - Letter from Robert Menzies, No.15 Street Martin's Lane Strand to Sir Thomas Dundas
419 - Letter from Lady Tankerville to Sir Thomas Dundas
420 - Letter from John Birch, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
421 - Letter from Sir Thomas, Arlington Street to Lady Hardy
422 - Letter from Lady Hardy, Henrietta Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
423 - Letter from Lady Tankerville, Portman Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
424 - Letter from James Farquarson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
425 - Letter from Robert Menzies to Sir Thomas Dundas
426 - Letter from Earl of Buchan, kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
427 - Letter from N. Kenny to Sir Thomas Dundas
428 - Letter from Gilbert Mason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
429 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
430 - Petition by Churchwardens and overseers of Skeeby (Brompton on Swale) to Sir Thomas. (Arlington Street) recommending Mary Whitaker for place in the Beadhouse Hospital at Richmond, vacant by death of Mary Atkinson.
431 - Letter from Lieutenant colonel Ralph Dundas, Norwich to Sir Thomas Dundas
432 - Letter from Richard Watson, Northallerton to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
433 - Letter from James Hopkirk, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
434 - Letter from Lord Elphinstone, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
435 - Letter from M.Wilkinson, Warkwick Steet to Captain Anderson
436 - Letter from Hugh Debbieg, Mortimer Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
437 - Letter from Lieutenant Walter Scott, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
438 - Letter from Chas. Lockhart Macdonald, Largie by Tarbert to Sir Thomas Dundas
439 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
440 - Letter from Chas Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
441 - Letter from John Pringle, Caroline Park to Sir Thomas Dundas
442 - Letter from Archibald McDowall, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
443 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird to Sir Thomas Dundas
444 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird to Sir Thomas Dundas
445 - Letter from John Sangster, Widewall to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
446 - Letter from John Greenwood to Sir Thomas Dundas
447 - Letter from John Pringle to Sir Thomas Dundas
448 - Letter from John Monro, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
449 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Northallerton to Sir Thomas Dundas
450 - Letter from Thomas Cornfoth, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
451 - Letter from Lady Henrietta Hope, Barnton to Lord Kennet
452 - Letter from Robert Bruce, Lord Kennett, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
453 - Letter from William Jackson, Richmond Street, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
454 - Letter from John Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
455 - Letter from John Monro, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
456 - Memorial concerning the High Court of Admiralty in Scotland and the judge thereof: gives history of the court over the past century, with explanation of its functions, and declares that the judge receives no salary.
457 - Letter from William Dods, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
458 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
459 - Letter from Lord Vere, Hanworth House to Sir Thomas Dundas
460 - Letter from W.Tod, Dean Street Soho to Sir Thomas Dundas
461 - Enclosing Sir Lawerence's promissory note for £1000
462 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Windsor to Sir Thomas Dundas
463 - Letter from Andrew Longmoor, Kerse to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
464 - Letter from John Richardson, kingston Gaol to Major Robert Paul, Richmond, Surrey
465 - Letter from Major Robert Paul, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
466 - Letter from James Deans, 17 Duke Street York Buildings, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
467 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Cheltenham to Sir Thomas Dundas
468 - Letter from Alexander Shaw to Sir Thomas Dundas
469 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Gisbrough to Sir Thomas Dundas
470 - Letter from Sir Henry, Bridgeness to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
471 - Letter from John Monro, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
472 - Letter from James Hopkirk, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
473 - Letter from George Muat, Sea Lock, to Sir Thomas Dundas
474 - Letter from Robert Paul, Richmond to Lord Fauconberg
475 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, to Sir Thomas Dundas
476 - Letter from Walter Scott, Cecil Street, to Sir Thomas Dundas
477 - Letter from E.Cross, Fleet Street, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
478 - Letter from Charles Bisset, Knayton near Thirsk to James Gardner
479 - Letter from Charles Bisset, Knayton near Thirsk, to James Gardner
480 - Opinion of James Horsfall of Middle Temple, that value of annuity of £100 for life of purchaser aged about 30 years is £1300
481 - Letter from Charles Bisset, Knayton near Thirsk to James Gardner
482 - Letter from Charles Bisset, Knayton near Thirsk to James Gardner
483 - Memoranda in Sir Thomas's hand respecting the rank of the Yorkshire Volunteer Regiment of Foot
484 - Letter from Mr Wilkinson, secretary to the commander in chief, Warwick Street, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
485 - Letter from Jeremy Henderson to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
486 - Letter from Sir Thomas, Camp near Portsmouth to Montague Wilkinson, secretary to the Commander in Chief
487 - Letter from Sir Thomas Egerton, Cox Heath Camp, to Sir Thomas
488 - Letter from General H.S. Conway, Little Warwick Street, to Lieutenant General Lord George Lennox
489 - Letter from Patrick Cullen, Skreen to Sir Thomas Dundas
490 - Letter from Walter Ross, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
491 - Letter from James Callendar, Apollo Frigate Spithead to Lawrence Fell, Compton Street, Soho, London
492 - Letter from James Callendar, Apollo Frigate Spithead, to Lawrence Fell, Compton Street, Soho, London
493 - Letter from James Callendar, Apollo Frigate Spithead, to Lawrence Fell, Crompton Street, Soho, London
494 - Letter from Captain Graeme to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
495 - Memo of William Graham enclosed in ZNK X 2/1/494
496 - Memorandum concerning George Innes' petition
497 - Letter from Robert Stewart, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
498 - Letter from James Farquharson, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
499 - Letter from John Greenwood to Sir Thomas Dundas
500 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
501 - Letter from John Pringle and Alexander Farquharson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
502 - Letter from William Lennox, Woodhead to Sir Thomas Dundas
503 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
504 - Letter from Henry Holland, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
505 - Letter from Lord North to Sir Thomas Dundas
506 - Letter from R. B Sheridan, Treasury Chambers to Sir Thomas Dundas
507 - Letter from T.L. O'Beirne, Downing Street, to Sir Thomas Dundas
508 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
509 - Letter from William Morehead to Sir Thomas Dundas
510 - Letter from Thomas Macdonell, Makerstown to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
511 - Letter from Alexander Geddes to Sir Thomas Dundas
512 - Letter from Sir Thomas, London to Lord President of the Court of Session [Robert Dundas]
513 - Letter from Ro. Dundas, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
514 - Letter from Robert Hunter, Luna to Charles Dundas
515 - Letter from William Norris, secretary to Society of Antiquaries, Somerset Place, to Sir Thomas Dundas
516 - Letter from Robert Hunter, Luna, to Charles Dundas
517 - Letter from Alexander Fergusson, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
518 - Letter from Robert Hunter, Luna, to Charles Dundas
519 - Letter from John Bruce, Lerwick to Charles Dundas
520 - Letter from John Bruce, Lerwick to Charles Dundas
521 - Certificate of Lieutenant Walter Scott at Lerwick of number of seamen raised by him in Shetland
522 - Certificate by the clerk of supply for Shetland of these islands having raised seamen
523 - Letter from Alexander Pierie, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
524 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard) to Sir Thomas Dundas
525 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard, to Sir Thomas Dundas
526 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard, to Charles Dundas, Arlington Street
527 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall, to Sir Thomas Dundas
528 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
529 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas
530 - Letter from Robert Laing, Kirkwall to Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh
531 - Letter from Thomas Parker, Hull to Sir Thomas Dundas
532 - Letter from Patrick Graeme, Robert Laing, Thomas Lindsay, Patrick TrailI, John Traill, John w?, Thomas. Jameson, James Traill, James. Erskine, Will, Lindsay, Thomas. Traill, John Rud?, John Riddock, Patrick. Hagart, Sam Murray, Hary Lindsay, Magnus Lindsay, Kirkwall, to Gilbert Meason
533 - Letter from Dr Charles Bisset, Knayton near Thirsk, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
534 - Letter from Patrick Campbell of Ardchattan, Edinburgh, Lauriston Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
535 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham to Charles Bisset
536 - Letter from J. Shaw Stewart, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
537 - Letter from James Sutherland, Mey to Sir Thomas Dundas
538 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
539 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
540 - Letter from Moses Buchannan, Surat to Sir Thomas Dundas
541 - Letter from Goguel, Montbeliard, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
542 - Letter from J. Shaw Steuart, Saracens Head, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
543 - Letter from Col. W. Balfour, Doncaster to Sir Thomas Dundas
544 - Letter from Gibbs Crawford, Essex Street London to Sir Thomas Dundas
545 - Letter from Lord Fitzwilliam, Milton to Sir Thomas Dundas
546 - Letter from Robert Bruce, Lord Kennet, Brucefield to Sir Thomas Dundas
547 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
548 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
549 - Letter from William Cadell, Carronpark to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
550 - Letter from Sir William Cunyngham, St James' Square London, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
551 - Letter from J. Chalmer, Buckingham Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
552 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, London to James Farquharson
553 - Letter from Richard Vernon, Newmarket to Sir Thomas Dundas
554 - Letter from David Steuart, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
555 - Letter from Sir John Inglis, Cramond to Sir Thomas Dundas
556 - Letter from John Gray, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
557 - Letter from Sir John Inglis, Cramond to Sir Thomas Dundas
558 - Letter from James Lumsdaine, Innergelloe to Sir Thomas Dundas
559 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
560 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
561 - Letter from Lawrence Pearson, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas. Arlington Street
562 - Letter from Alexander Geddes, Cowbridge to Sir Thomas Dundas
563 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
564 - Letter from R. and H. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
565 - Letter from Donald Smith, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
566 - Letter from Gilbert Stuart, 13 Southampton Buildings, London to Charles Stuart (c/o Mr. White, Bookseller, Dublin)
567 - Letter from John and Alex Anderson, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
568 - Letter from Daniel McNamara, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
569 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
570 - Letter from Colonel Thomas Dundas, Halifax Canada to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
571 - Letter from William Chaloner, Gisbrough to Sir Thomas Dundas
572 - Letter from Messrs. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
573 - Letter from William Chaloner, Gisbrough to Sir Thomas Dundas
574 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
575 - Blank proxy form signed by Charles Dundas to act at meetings of propietors of Forth and Clyde Navigation Company
577 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird House to Sir Thomas Dundas
578 - Minutes of meeting of gentlemen at Stirling to consider the appointment of justices to the Commission of the Peace (enclosed in ZNK X 2/1/577)
579 - Letter from John Forster to Sir Thomas Dundas
580 - Letter from James Bruce, Kinnaird House to Sir Thomas Dundas
581 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
582 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, St. Hill to Sir Thomas Dundas
583 - 'Mr Rous's account' : a/c of Moor Park purchase, in Gibbs Crawfurd's hand
584 - Mr Crawfurds Account for six thousand pounds received on account of Sir Thomas Dundas
585 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
586 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
587 - Letter from Gibbs Crawford, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
588 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse near Falkirk
589 - Letter from Gibbs Crawford, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
590 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
591 - Letter from Gibbs Crawford, Portsmouth to Sir Thomas Dundas
592 - Letter from John Gray, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
593 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd to Sir Thomas Dundas
594 - Copy of a letter to Lord Sydney, one of Principal,Secretaries of State, from Mr. Livius, Chief Justice of Quebec, giving a long account of his services in America and the. unjust action of the Govenor General, Sir Guy Carlton, then Lord Dorchester, in dismissing him from office,and charging Dorchester with disobedience to the King's commands and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
595 - Letter from Patricl Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
596 - Captain Ralph Dundas' report on the French fishing mackerel on the West Coast of Ireland
597 - Letter from Alexander Menzies, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
598 - Letter from J.S. (?) Mackenzie, Belmont Castle to Alexander Ross, Argyll Street
599 - Letter from George Barnwell, Viscount Kingsland, Dublin to Richard Despard
600 - Letter from James Fr. Eskine, No.7 Berners Street London to Sir Thomas Dundas
601 - Letter from Bamber Gascoigne to Sir Thomas Dundas
602 - Letter from William Cadell, Carronpark to Sir Thomas Dundas
603 - Letter from J. Greenwood, Leicester Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
604 - Letter from John Riddock, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
605 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
606 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
607 - Letter from C[arles] D[undas], B.C. to Sir Thomas Dundas
608 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
609 - Letter from Captain ?, Montbeliard to Court of Directors of East India Company, London
610 - Letter from Robert Whitworth, 199 Leadenhall Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
611 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
612 - Letter from Berger regiment in Swiss (Arras) to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
613 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
614 - Letter from Berger regiment, Officer in Swiss (Arras) 'de Salis Samade' to Sir Thomas Dundas
615 - Letter from Robert Whitworth to Patrick Colquhoun
616 - Letter from Henry Griffin, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas
617 - Letter from Berger, officer in Swiss regiment 'de Salis Samade' to Sir Thomas Dundas
618 - Letter from Lady Anne Fitzwilliam, Upper Grosvenor Street to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
619 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbetshire to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
620 - Letter from Thomas Wingate, Clerk of the peace, Stirling to William Morehead
621 - Letter from Charlotte, Duchess Dowager of Atholl to Sir Thomas Dundas
622 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
623 - State of alum sold on account of Sir Thomas
624 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
625 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
626 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
627 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
628 - Letter from Lady Anne Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
629 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
630 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
631 - Letter from Messrs. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
632 - Letter from Reverend J. Clarke, Hungerford to Sir Thomas Dundas
633 - Letter from [Lady Anne Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
634 - Letter from Alex Ross, Argyll to Sir Thomas Dundas
635 - Letter from Messrs. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
636 - Letter from Lady Anne Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
637 - Letter from Sir Thomas, london to Gilbert Meason
638 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard to Sir Thomas Dundas
639 - Letter from Mr Weltje (?), Carlton House to Mr. Forster, Newcastle House, Loncoln's Inn Fields
640 - Letter from Thonas Johnes, Havod Aberystwith to Sir Thomas? Dundas
641 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
642 - Copy resolutions passed at a meeting of proprietors of kelp in Orkney, at Kirkwall, 13 May 1788, appointing a committee to manage opposition to the combination of consumers of kelp who are proposing to apply to Parliament to take off the duties on improved Irish kelp. (Enclosed with above letter ZNK X 2/1/641)
643 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
644 - Letter from J. Allen, Errol House, to Sir Thomas Dundas
645 - Letter from Messrs. Drummond, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
646 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske
647 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske - copy sent to Kerse
648 - Letter from L. and M. Atkinson, Newcastle to Sir Thomas Dundas, Edinburgh (crossed out)
649 - Letter from Maclean Simpson and Company, Dantzig, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
650 - Note of accomodation offered by Messrs, Chiron Sarasin and Company, banquiers, of Frankfurt for Mr Dundas (enclosed with above letter ZNK X 2/1/649)
651 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Barton Court to Sir Thomas Dundas
652 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
653 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
654 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
655 - Letter from Goguel, Montbeliard, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
656 - Note of accomodation offered by Messrs, Chiron Sarasin and Company, banquiers, of Frankfurt for Mr Dundas (enclosed with above letter ZNK X 2/1/656)
657 - Letter from Le Duc de Sandemetrio and Pignatelle, Naples, to William White, London
658 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
659 - Letter from Thomas and Samuel Classon, Dublin, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
660 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
661 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
662 - Letter from L. and M. Atkinson Brothers, Newcastle to Sir Thomas Dundas
663 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
664 - Letter from Thomas and Richard Walker, Manchester to Sir Thomas Dundas , Kerse
665 - Letter from John McDonogh, Heapstown near Boyle, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
666 - Enclosed: Mr Madden's proposal for selling alum
667 - Letter from John Glass jun. Michael Connall and John Sutherland to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
668 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
669 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
670 - Letter from James Kitching, Gateshead to Sir Thomas Dundas
671 - Letter from T. Johnes, Hafod to Sir Thomas Dundas
672 - Letter from Sir Thomas, Kerse to Thomas and Richard Walker
673 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
674 - Letter from Thomas Clarke, Liverpool to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
675 - Letter from Colquhoun and Ritchie, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
676 - Letter from Goguel and William L Dundas, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
677 - Letter from William Robertson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
678 - General Ra. Abercromby, Brucefield, to Thomas Dundas
679 - Letter from Andrew Longmoor, Kerse to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
680 - Estimate for building houses at Grangemouth for Custom house Officers
681 - Copy of account presented to Canal Company for land occupied by it
682 - Letter from William Williams, Arlington Street to [Sir Thomas Dundas?]
683 - Letter from General Ra. Abercomby, Brucefield to Sir Thomas Dundas
684 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
685 - Letter from Thomas and Richard Walker, Manchester to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
686 - Letter from Geoffrey Renney and Company, Riga to Sir Thomas Dundas
687 - Letter from Robert Laing, Kirkwall to Honorable Captain James Sutherland, Burray
688 - Letter from James Sutherland, Barra to Sir Thomas Dundas
689 - Letter from James Spottiswoode, Kishnagur to Sir Thomas Dundas
690 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
691 - Letter from W. Pitt, Downing Street to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
692 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
693 - Letter from Al. Osborn, Borrowness to Sir Thomas Dundas
694 - Copy of ZNK 10/2/1/694
695 - Letter from Thomas Lawrence Dundas, Harrow, to Sir Thomas Dundas, his father
696 - Letter from Lord Elcho, Paris to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
697 - Letter from William Watt, Burness to Balfour Steward, Cleat
698 - Letter from Grace Fea, Dover to Sir Thomas Dundas
699 - Letter from John Williams, Aske to Sir Thomas Dundas
700 - Letter from Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
701 - Letter from Charles Lawrence Dundas, Cambridge to Sir Thomas Dundas, his father
702 - Letter from Colonel James Callander, Lausanne to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
703 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
704 - Letter from James Sutherland, Burray to Sir Thomas Dundas
705 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
706 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
707 - Letter from Richard Vernon, Newmarket to Sir Thomas Dundas
708 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
709 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick to Gilbert Meason
710 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
711 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
712 - Letter from Robert Allan, Sun Fire Office to Charles Innes
713 - Letter from Robert Boswell, Edinburgh. Copy letter to Charles Innes and copy of his reply
714 - Letter from H.T. Clements, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Srreet
715 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
716 - Letter from John Craigie, Lerwick to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
717 - Letter from Sir Thomas, London to Al. Osborn (Custom House Borrowness)
718 - Letter from William Morehead, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
719 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
720 - Letter from William Chalmer, Guisborough to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
721 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
722 - Copy by Charles Innes enclosed in above letter
723 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
724 - Letter from John Williams, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
725 - Letter from James Stein, Kilbagie to Sir Thomas Dundas
726 - Letter from Robert Laing, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
727 - Letter from Rt. Graham of Gartmore, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
728 - Letter from Lady Mary Lindsay Campbell, Cannongate, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
729 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinbugh to Sir Thomas Dundas
730 - Letter from Harry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
731 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
732 - Enclosed is a copy letter from Mal. L[...]ng
733 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
734 - Letter from Christopher Wayne, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
735 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
736 - Letter from Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
737 - Letter from Moroge for M Gelquin, Dijon to J Williams (at Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street)
738 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
739 - Letter from Robert Moodie, Minister of Clackmannan to Charles Innes
740 - Letter from Captain Menzies, Clackmannan to Sir Thomas Dundas
741 - Memorandum for P Colquhoun on claim of Thomas Young, an American loyalist: wants speedy settlement
742 - Letter from General J Hale to Sir Thomas Dundas
743 - Letter from Sir Geoffrey Young, War Office to Lieutenant General Jones
744 - Letter from Edmund Estcourt, No.2 Linc to Inn Stone Buildings to Sir Thomas Dundas
745 - Letter from C. Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
746 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas
747 - Letter frm James Landers, Craigrie, to Charles Innes
748 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
749 - Letter from Al. Osborn, Custom House Borrowness to Sir Thomas Dundas
750 - Letter from Captain Menzies, Clackmannan, to Charles Innes
751 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
752 - Letter from William Cadell, Carron Park to Sir Thomas
753 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Sir Thomas
754 - Anonymous letter from Glasgow to W. Perryman (18, Catherine Street, Strand, London)
755 - Letter from Thomas Cornforth, Darlington, to Sir Thomas
756 - Letter from Alexander Ross, Argyll to Sir Thomas
757 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
758 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
759 - Letter from James Nisbet (Edinburgh, requesting payment of account for plastering at Sea Lock)
760 - Account of money due to D. and A. Deuchers
761 - Letter from Robert Sinclair, on behalf of the Committee at York consisting of himself, Sir Thomas Gascoigne, The Dean of York, Jerom Pring and S. F. Barlon to Sir Thomas Dundas
762 - Letter from Gilbert Meason to Sir Thomas
763 - Letter from Gordan, Duff, Smith and Company, Madeira, to Sir Thomas Dundas, London
764 - Bill of lading of pipe of Maderia in the Simon Taylor
765 - Letter to Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
766 - Letter to William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas
767 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas
768 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
769 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
770 - Copy circular letter received with H. Erskine's letter above requesting support against proposal to send an address in support of Pitt
771 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas
772 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
773 - Letter from Sir Edward Crofton, Dublin to Sir Thomas
774 - Letter from Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
775 - Letter from Reverend Thomas Jones, Trinity College Cambridge to Sir Thomas, Upleatham
776 - Letter to Sir Thomas
777 - Lady Day
778 - Midsummer
779 - Midsummer (Langstaff)
780 - Letter to Charles Walker, London to Sir Thomas
781 - List of persons present at the meeting at Stirling on 9 January
782 - Minutes of meeting at Stirling on 9 January
783 - Copy letter intended to have been inserted in the Mercury, dated from Stirling
784 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas
785 - Letter from Henry Erskine to Sir Thomas
786 - Letter to William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas
787 - Letter from WIlliam Lawrence Dundas, Montbeliard, to Sir Thomas
788 - Letter from Mr Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
789 - Letter from J. Smith, Mrs Smith at the Pastry Cook's Charles Street, Soho Square, to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
790 - Letter from James Forbes, Seaton from Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
791 - Enclosing a note of letting of shooting in Glen of Bunzeach, Aberdeenshire
792 - Letter from General Alexander Maitland, Totteridge to Sir Thomas Dundas
793 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
794 - Letter from Henry Dundas to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
795 - Letter to Charles Innes, Edinburgh from Sir Thomas Dundas
796 - State of the Political situation of the Northern District of Boroughs [sent by Charles Innes with ZNK X 2/1/795]
797 - Letter from Maurice Mahon, Southampton to Sir Thomas Dundas
798 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
799 - Letter from Alexander Fergusson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
800 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
801 - Anonymous letter, Edinburgh postmark Sir Thomas Dundas
802 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh from Sir Thomas Dundas
803 - Letter from Drummonds and Company, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
804 - Letter from Drummonds and Company, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
805 - Letter from Charles Wallace, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
806 - Letter from John Bruce, Carron House, to Sir Thomas Dundas
807 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
808 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
809 - Letter from H. Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
810 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
811 - Letter from James Murrary, Knarisborough to Sir Thomas Dundas
812 - Letter from H.W. Yeoman, Whitby from Sir Thomas Dundas
813 - Letter from James Gordon, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
814 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
815 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
816 - Copies of 3 letters from William Morehead (Hertbertshire) to Charles Innes
817 - Letter from Captain William Cunningham, Drogheda to Sir Thomas Dundas
818 - Letter from Fowler Hicks, Richmond, to Sir Thomas Dundas
819 - Letter from Colonel D. Dundas, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas
820 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas (marked Stirlingshire)
821 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas (marked private)
822 - Letter from Earl of Leven, Melvill to Sir Thomas Dundas
823 - Letter from Maurice Mahon, Southampton to Sir Thomas Dundas
824 - Letter from G. K. Elphinstone to Sir Thomas Dundas
825 - Letter from Henry Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
826 - Letter from Henry Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
827 - Letter from General Fletcher Campbell, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
828 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
829 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
830 - List of persons to be wrote to for the Stirlingshire second meeting [sent with ZNK X 2/1/829 letter of Charles Innes]
831 - Letter from Alexander Furgusson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
832 - Form of commission to Clerkship to H.M. Processes in Scotland
833 - Form of commission to one of six ordinary clerkships of Session
834 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
835 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington street
836 - Letter from Sir John Lambert, Paris to Sir Thomas Dundas
837 - Letter from Alexander Furgusson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
838 - Letter from Katherine Chalmers, Lerwick to Sir Thomas Dundas
839 - Letter from William Wemyss, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
840 - Letter from Henry Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
841 - Letter from Henry Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
842 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
843 - Letter from Alex Fergusson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
844 - Letter from Surre Vischer?, Basle to Sir Thomas Dundas
845 - Letter from Lord Dumfries, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
846 - Letter from Lord Saltoun, Philorth to Sir Thomas Dundas
847 - Letter from John hall, Ipswich to Sir Thomas Cressigny (Doctors Commons)
848 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
849 - Letter from James Callander, Paris to Sir Thomas Dundas
850 - Letter from John Glas Jun. and others, Stirling to Sir Thomas Dundas
851 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
852 - Letter from C. Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
853 - Letter from Charles Napier, Merchiston Hall to Sir Thomas Dundas
854 - Letter from Robert Graham of Gartmore and William Morehead, Stirling to Sir Thomas Dundas
855 - Letter from Reverend Robert Moodie, Clackmannan to Sir Thomas Dundas
856 - Letter from Archibald Flecter, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
857 - Letter from John McKillop and Others, Stirling to Sir Thomas Dundas
858 - Letter from Reverend Robert Lascelles, Boroughbridge, to Sir Thomas Dundas
859 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
860 - Letter from Lord Buchan, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
861 - Letter from Lord Buchan to The Duke of Portland
862 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire to Sir Thomas Dundas
863 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
864 - Letter from John F. Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
865 - Letter from John F. Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
866 - Letter from Peter Speirs, Kings Inch to Sir Thomas Dundas
867 - Letter from Reverend T. W, Morley, Leyburn to Sir Thomas Dundas
868 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
869 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
870 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
871 - Minutes of Stirlingshire Meeting of 14 Feb [Sent with Mr. Innes' letter ZNK X 2/1/870]
872 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Barton, to Sir Thomas Dundas
873 - Letter from Reverend Dr. Fred Dodsworth, Thornton Watlass to Sir Thomas Dundas
874 - Letter from Andrew Longmore, Kerse to Sir Thomas Dundas
875 - Letter from William Mill, Arbroath to Sir Thomas Dundas
876 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter to J.F. Erskine
877 - Letter from William Nesbit, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
878 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
879 - Letter from Simon Frazer to Sir Thomas Dundas
880 - Letter from Charles Napier, Merchiston Hall to Sir Thomas Dundas
881 - Letter from C. Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
882 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard, to Sir Thomas Dundas
883 - Letter from William Morehead, Herbertshire, to Sir Thomas Dundas
884 - Letter from William Morehead to Sir Thomas Dundas
885 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Arlington Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
886 - Letter from Reverend Dr. Fred Dodsworth, Thornton Hall to Sir Thomas Dundas
887 - Letter from Robert Walker, Kincardine to Sir Thomas Dundas
888 - Letter Richard Ayer, Aske to Sir Thomas Dundas
889 - Letter from Harry Davidson, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
890 - Letter from C. Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
891 - Letter from Pat Carter, Drumlease to Sir Thomas Dundas
892 - Proposal for tenancy of Irish Estate
893 - Proposal for tenancy of Irish estate
894 - Proposal for tenancy of Irish estates
895 - Newspaper advertisement
896 - Newspaper advertisement
897 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Barton Court to Sir Thomas Dundas
898 - Letter Charles Wallace, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
899 - Letter from Alexander Wight, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
900 - Letter from Isabella Lady Strange, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
901 - Letter from Thomas Urquhart, Kirkwall to Lady Strange
902 - Letter from John Munro, Auchinbowie to Sir Thomas Dundas
903 - Letter from George Hill, Upleatham to Sir Thomas Dundas
904 - Copy advertisement of gamekeeper
905 - Letter from Thomas Jones, Trinity College, to Sir Thomas Dundas
906 - Letter from Mrs. J. Smith, at Mr. Hanam's Soho, to Sir Thomas Dundas
907 - Copy of minutes of meeting held at Stirling
908 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
909 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
910 - Memorial of Thomas Cowan, purser on HMS Reasonable, to Admiralty
911 - Memorial of Thomas Cowan, purser on HMS Reasonable, to Admiralty
912 - Letter from Thomas Cowan, Portman Square to Philip Stephens
913 - Letter from Thomas Cowan to Sir Thomas Dundas
914 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
915 - Roll of freehholders of Stirlingshire, with notes of the political allegiances
916 - List of freeholders disqualified
917 - Letter from Prince of Wales to Sir Thomas Dundas
918 - Letter from T. Johnes, Hafod to Sir Thomas Dundas
919 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
920 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
921 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard to Sir Thomas Dundas
922 - Letter from William Watt, copy letter, Kirkwall to Charles Innes
923 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
924 - Letter from David Steuart, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
925 - Letter Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
926 - Letter from C.Goguel, Amsterdam to Sir Thomas Dundas
927 - Letter from William Watt, copy letter, Kirkwall to Charles Innes
928 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
929 - Letter from Edward Parish, Ludgate Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
930 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
931 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
932 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
933 - Letter from David Balfour, copy letter, to John Taylor
934 - Letter from Sir Thomas, suggested draft letter, to John Taylor
935 - Letter from Balfour Stewart, copy letters, to Charles Innes
936 - Letter from Edward Parish, London to Sir Thomas
937 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
938 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
939 - Letter from Reverend James Bremner, Walls, Orkney to Sir Thomas Dundas
940 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd, Essex Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
941 - Letter from Hugh Baikie, Baikie to Sir Thomas Dundas
942 - Letter from John Forster, London, to Sir Thomas Dundas
943 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Kerse to James Moodie of Melsetter
944 - Letter from Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
945 - Letter from Montrose Town Council, copy letter to Sir David Carnegie
946 - Letter from Frances L. Dundas, Twickenham to Sir Thomas Dundas
947 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
948 - Letter from John Bruce, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
949 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
950 - Letter from Dr James Jeffrey, Paisley to Sir Thomas Dundas
951 - Letter from Sir David Carnegie, Kinniard, to Sir Thomas Dundas
952 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
953 - Letter from Colonel T. Dundas to Sir Thomas Dundas
954 - Letter from [Unknown], Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
955 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Carron House to Sir Thomas Dundas
956 - Letter from Mary Callander, Craigfort to Sir Thomas Dundas
957 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Kerse to John Ogilvy
958 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
959 - Letter from John Hunter to Sir Thomas Dundas
960 - Letter from W. Pearson, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske
961 - Letter from John Forster to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
962 - Letter from John Claridge, Craven Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
963 - Letter from John Forster to Sir Thomas Dundas
964 - enclosing receipt
965 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
966 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
967 - Letter from John Ingram, Brighelmstone to Sir Thomas Dundas, London.
968 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
969 - Letter from Sir John Lambert, Paris to Sir Thomas Dundas
970 - Account between Dundas and Lambert
971 - Receipt signed by Sir Thomas's son Lawrence
972 - Receipt signed by Sir Thomas' son Lawrence
973 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
974 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
975 - Letter from Lady Anne Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
976 - Letter from Burnet Bruce, Glasglow College to Sir Thomas Dundas
977 - Advertisement for a Treastise on the Peerage
978 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
979 - Letter from Henry Erskine, Princess Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
980 - Letter from Captain Ralph Dundas, Prince William Henry, to Sir Thomas
981 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
982 - Letter Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
983 - Letter from Thomas Lindsay, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
984 - Letter from James Moodie, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
985 - Letter from Thomas Lindsay, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
986 - Letter from Robert Craigie, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
987 - Letter from Thomas Lindsay, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
988 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
989 - Admiralty Warrant for raising seamen in Shetland and Orkney
990 - Letter from Geo. Brown, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
991 - Vote of thanks from select committee for opposing Glasgow Police Bill
992 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter to Admiralty
993 - Letter from R.W. Stephens, Admiralty to Sir Thomas Dundas
994 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter to Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall. Thomas Bolt, Lerwick.
995 - Copy attestation to press warrant
996 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
997 - Letter from G.H.L. Dundas to his mother, Lady Charlotte
998 - Letter from Patrick Hagart to Sir Thomas Dundas
999 - Letter from Daniel Burgess to Sir Thomas Dundas
1000 - Letter from Captain John Shank, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1001 - Letter from Patrick Hagart, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
1002 - Letter from James Scott, Lerwick to Sir Thomas Dundas
1003 - Copy of ZNK X 2/1/1002
1004 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick to Sir Thomas Dundas
1005 - Letter from Joshua Johnston, Stromness to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kirkwall
1006 - Letter from ?, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kirkwall
1007 - Letter from Reverend Geo. Barry, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kirkwall
1008 - Minutes of meetings held at Kirkwall - 19 May 26 July.
1009 - Letter from James Moodie, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
1010 - Letter from James Moodie to Sir Thomas Dundas
1011 - Letter from John Ouchterlony, Montrose to Alexander Wight, Edinburgh
1012 - Petition of Mrs. Ouchterlony to the King
1013 - Letter from Alexander Wight, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1014 - Letter from Mr Holland, Sloane Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1015 - Note from General Dalrymple
1016 - General Dalrymple's account of rent due to Sir Thomas
1017 - Letter from John Forster to Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske
1018 - Letter from Thomas and Richard Walker, Manchester to Sir Thomas Dundas
1019 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1020 - Letter from John Forster to Sir Thomas Dundas
1021 - Letter from Sir John Lambert, Paris to Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street
1022 - Letter from J. F. Erskine, Cannongate to Sir Thomas Dundas
1023 - Letter from Lady Anne Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
1024 - Letter from J. F. Erskine, Tower of Alloa to Sir Thomas Dundas
1025 - Observations on the bill...for regulating the exportation and importation of corn by the committee appointed at Stirling
1026 - [? Amended] copy of above [ZNK X 2/1/1025]
1027 - An account of the number of times that the [Scottish] ports have been open for oats and meal 1774-1790
1028 - An account of the average prices of oats and meal at various places in Scotland from 1774-1790
1029 - Letter from J.F. Erskine to Sir Thomas Dundas
1030 - Table shewing the corresponding prices of meal and oats
1031 - Letter from J.F. Erskine, Tower of Alloa to Sir Thomas Dundas
1032 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske to Mr. Williams
1033 - Letter from J.F. Erskine, Tower of Alloa to Sir Thomas Dundas
1034 - Letter from John Roberts, Southampton to Sir Thomas Dundas
1035 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, Carronhall to Sir Thomas
1036 - Letter from ? Favier, Dublin to Sir Thomas Dundas
1037 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter, London to Major Faviere
1038 - Letter from Henry Dundas, Somerset Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
1039 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1040 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1041 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
1042 - Letter from Charles Innes to Sir Thomas Dundas
1043 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1044 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1045 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1046 - Copies of papers relating to smithy proposed to be erected on Newton estate
1047 - Letter from Patrick Colquhoun, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1048 - Letter from Alex Ritchie, Glasgow to Patrick Colquhoun Letter from Geo. Dempster, Stirling to Patrick Colquhoun
1049 - Letter from Geo. Baker to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
1050 - Letter from Lord Saltoun, Aberdeen to Sir Thomas Dundas
1051 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter, London to Geo. Baker
1052 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1053 - Letter from James Hopkirk, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1054 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1055 - Letter from Richard Sumner and Son, Gambier, Copy letter, London to William Birch
1056 - Letter from James Pine, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1057 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1058 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, Arlington Street to John Forster
1059 - Letter from William Robertson, 57 Princess Street, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1060 - Printed resolutions about County Elections
1061 - Letter from Alexander Laird, Grangemouth to Sir Thomas Dundas
1062 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1063 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1064 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1065 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1066 - Letter from John Sangster, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1067 - Account of John Sangster with Sir Thomas for his factorship 1787
1068 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1069 - abstract of alum a/cs
1070 - Letter from Robert Spottiswood to Sir Thomas Dundas
1071 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard to Sir Thomas Dundas
1072 - Enclosing Sumner and Gambier, copy letter to Sir Thomas Dundas
1073 - Letter from James Stobie, Dunkeld to Sir Thomas Dundas
1074 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1075 - State of the charges etc. on coals carried from Monkland Canal bason to the Leven through the Forth and Clyde Navigation and through the Clyde recieved from Mr. A. Stirling
1076 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Bays Hill Lodge to Sir Thomas Dundas
1077 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Cheltenham to Sir Thomas Dundas
1078 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1079 - enclosing state of debts, rents etc
1080 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg to Sir Thomas Dundas
1081 - Letter from James Bruce, Castle Bruce to Sir Thomas Dundas
1082 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, George Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1083 - Letter George Dodds, Boulby Works to Thomas Napper, Loftus
1084 - enclosing list of alum on hand at various works in Yorkshire
1085 - Letter H.W. Yeoman, Whitby to Sir Thomas Dundas
1086 - Letter from John Seton, Golden Square Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
1087 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1088 - Letter from Simon Frazer to Sir Thomas Dundas, Kerse
1089 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1090 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1091 - Letter from Walter Hall and Company, copy letter and reply, Newcastle to Simon Frazer (London)
1092 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1093 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1094 - Letter from Simon Frazer to Sir Thomas Dundas
1095 - Letter from James Hopkirk, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1096 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1097 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Northallerton to Sir Thomas Dundas
1098 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Northallerton to Sir Thomas Dundas
1099 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, Newburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1100 - State of the alum trade from 1 January 1792 to 1 January 1793
1101 - Scale of different alum works
1102 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Aske
1103 - Letter from Geo. Baker, Elemor, Company Durham, to Sir Thomas Dundas
1104 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1105 - Letter from Walter Logan to Sir Thomas Dundas
1106 - Letter from William Wheatley, for Simon Frazer to Sir Thomas Dundas
1107 - Letter from C. Goguel, Montbeliard to Sir Thomas Dundas
1108 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Harley Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1109 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, to Sir Thomas Dundas
1110 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Upleatham
1111 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Mulgrave Castle to Sir Thomas Dundas
1112 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave to Sir Thomas Dundas
1113 - Proposal for regulating the sale of alum until the quantity belonging to the executors of the late Lord Mulgrave sold
1114 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Newbuildings Whiby to Sir Thomas Dundas
1115 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Mulgrave Castle to Sir Thomas Dundas
1116 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Upleatham to Gilbert Crawfurd
1117 - Letter from Geo. Baker, London to Sir Thomas Dundas, Newcastle
1118 - Scale for the proportionate sale of alum until the 638 tons belonging to the executors to the late Lord Mulgrave are sold
1119 - Notes of pans, produce and stock of alum
1120 - Scale of the proportion of the late Lord Mulgrave's alum to be taken by the proprietors of the sundry works, calculated upon the produce of the reduced numer of pans at each work
1121 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Harley Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1122 - Scheme for disposing of the Mulgrave alum
1123 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Harley street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1124 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, Harley Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1125 - Letter Geo. Baker to Sir Thomas Dundas, Newcastle
1126 - Letter from James Callander? to Sir Thomas Dundas
1127 - Letter from Lord Mulgrave, London to Geo. Baker
1128 - Letter from Geo. Baker to Sir Thomas Dundas, Newcastle
1129 - Letter from John Cooke, Bedford Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
1130 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Newcastle to John Cooke
1131 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1132 - Letter from Simon Frazer, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1133 - Letter from Mr Bell to Simon Frazer
1134 - Letter from Augustus Phipps, Excise Office to Sir Thomas Dundas
1135 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Upleatham to Augustus Phipps
1136 - Letter from Edward Jones, Inner Temple Lane to Sir Thomas Dundas
1137 - Receipt
1138 - Receipt
1139 - Receipt
1140 - Letter from John Forster, Lincolns Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1141 - Letter from Sir Thomas, copy letter, Newcastle to John Forster
1142 - Letter from John Forster, Lincolns Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1143 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, Arlington Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1144 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter, Aske to Lawrence Dundas
1145 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, Arlington Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1146 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, to Sir Thomas Dundas
1147 - Letter from William Adam, Lincoln's Inn Fields to Sir Thomas Dundas
1148 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter, Aske to William Adam
1149 - Letter from Robert Dunmore, Glasgow to Sir Thomas Dundas
1150 - copy letter to James Hopkirk
1151 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, Arlington street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1152 - Letter from William Adam, Lincolns Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1153 - Letter from John Forster, Lincolns Inn to Sir Thomas Dundas
1154 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1155 - Letter from Monsieur Rollar, Rolle to Sir Thomas Dundas
1156 - Letter from James Bruce, Dominica to Sir Thomas Dundas
1157 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Sir Thomas Dundas
1158 - Letter from John Anderson moderator of the presbytery of the North Isles to Sir Thomas Dundas
1159 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1160 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Sir Thomas Dundas
1161 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1162 - Copy letter from Mr. Grant to Charles Innes
1163 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1164 - Letter from Alexander Black, Albion Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
1165 - Letter from James Bourdieu, Lime Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1166 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1167 - Copy correspondence with Mr. Peter Speirs
1168 - Letter from Mr. Cooke, Bedford Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
1169 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas, copy letter, Arlington Street to John Cook
1170 - Letter from John Cooke, Bedford Square to Sir Thomas Dundas
1171 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1172 - Copy correspondence with Mr. Young of Aberdeen
1173 - Letter from James Bourdieu, Lime Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1174 - Letter from James Cobban and other deacons, Kirkwall to Sir Thomas Dundas
1175 - Sir Thomas., copy letter, Arlington Street to Geo. Baker and H. W. Yeoman
1176 - Letter from James Chalmers, Abingdon Street to Sir Thomas Dundas
1177 - Letter from H.W. Yeoman, Whitby to Sir Thomas Dundas
1178 - Letter from Captain Lawrence Dundas, Liverpool Sir Thomas Dundas
1179 - Letter from Geo. Baker, Elemor, County Durham to Sir Thomas Dundas
1180 - Letter from Captain Lawrence Dundas, Congleton to Sir Thomas Dundas
1181 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1182 - Copy judgement in case of Chalmers v. Mckillop
1183 - Letter from Reverend Thomas Jones, Trinity College Cambridge to Sir Thomas Dundas
1184 - Letter from Sir Henry Martin, Navy Office to Sir Thomas Dundas
1185 - Letter from Alexander Black, Albion Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
1186 - Letter from Alexander Black to Sir Thomas Dundas
1187 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas, London to Sir Thomas Dundas
1188 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas to Sir Thomas Dundas
1189 - Letter from Alexander Black, Glass Compnay Albion Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
1190 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1191 - Letter from Charles Angus, Edinburgh to Sir Thomas Dundas
1192 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas to Sir Thomas Dundas
1193 - Letter from Lord Fitzwilliam to Sir Thomas Dundas
1194 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Wentworth to Sir Thomas Dundas
1195 - Letter from Charles Lockhard, Boness to Sir Thomas Dundas
1196 - Letter Reverend C. Readshaw, Richmond to Sir Thomas Dundas
1197 - Richmond Sale notice
1198 - Letter from James Johnson, Bruton Place to Sir Thomas Dundas
1199 - Letter from W. North, Chelsea to Sir Thomas Dundas, Newcastle
1200 - Letter from Duke of Portland to Sir Thomas Dundas
1201 - Letter from Goe Rose to Sir Thomas Dundas
1202 - Letter from D. Guilloneau, London to Lord Dundas
1203 - Copy decree relating to French annuities
1204 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1205 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1206 - Letter from Reverend William Clouston, Stromness to Lord Dundas
1207 - Letter from Ralph Dundas, London to Lord Dundas
1208 - Enclosing list of directors of East India Company
1209 - Letter from Charles Dundas, Farringdon to Lord Dundas
1210 - Letter from Michael Logan, copy letter, Edinburgh to Charles Innes
1211 - Letter from James Riddock, Kirkwall to Lord Dundas
1212 - Letter from Oliphant and Son, London to Quarter Master Clarkson, Newcastle
1213 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas, Kerse
1214 - Letter from L.D. Bruce, London to Lord Dundas
1215 - Letter from Sir William A. Cunninghame, Livingstone to Lord Dundas
1216 - Letter from Patrick Campbell of Ardchattan, Inversk to Lord Dundas
1217 - Letter from Bourdieu Chollet and Company, Lime street to Lord Dundas
1218 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1219 - Letter from Ann Nesbit, Edinburght to Lord Dundas
1220 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1221 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas, Arlington Street to Lord Dundas
1222 - Letter to Morehead Loudoun, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1223 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1224 - Letter Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1225 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1226 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Kerse to Lord Dundas
1227 - Letter from Sir W. A. Cunnynghame, Livingstone to Lord Dundas
1228 - Letter from Basil Alves, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1229 - With memorial of B.A. Fort Major of Edinburgh Castle
1230 - Letter from Lawrence D. Bruce, London to Lord Dundas, Kerse
1231 - Letter from Morehead Loudoun, Glasgow to Lord Dundas, Newcastle
1232 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas, Arlington Street to Lord Dundas
1233 - Letter from Gilbert Laing, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1234 - Letter from John Anderson, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1235 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1236 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1237 - Letter from Lady Charlotte Dundas, Kerse to Lord Dundas
1238 - Letter from Gilbert Meason, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1239 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftu to Sir Thomas Dundas
1240 - Letter from Alexander Laird, Grangemough to Sir Thomas Dundas
1241 - Copy letter from Alexander Laird to Charles Innes
1242 - Letter from James Andrew, Linlithgow to Lord Dundas
1243 - Letter from Thomas Dacre, Temple to Lord Dundas
1244 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1245 - Letter from Alex Fergusson, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1246 - Memorandum on Lord Alva
1247 - Letter from Thomas Napper, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1248 - Letter from Patrick Carter, Dublin to Lord Dundas
1249 - Letter from Lady Dundas [Widow of Sir Lawrence], Elderslie House to Lord Dundas
1250 - Letter from Thomas Dacre, Temple to Lord Dundas
1251 - Letter from John Hale, London, to Lord Dundas
1252 - Letter from John Forster, Lincolns Inn, to Lord Dundas
1253 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1254 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1255 - Letter from Andrew Clarke, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1256 - Letter from John Seton, London to Lord Dundas
1257 - Letter from Lady E.E. Dundas to Lord Dundas
1258 - Report from a deputy Lieutenant for West Lothian
1259 - Printed plan for preserving the public peace within the county of Midlothian
1260 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth House, to Lord Dundas
1261 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1262 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth House to Lord Dundas
1263 - Letter from James Callander, to Lord Dundas
1264 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1265 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth House, to Lord Dundas
1266 - Letter Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1267 - Memorial of Lord Dundas to the Treasury about lease of Bishopric of Orkney
1268 - Copy lease of bishopric of Orkney
1269 - Draft precept for making out a new lease
1270 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1271 - Letter from Anna (Mrs Gibbs), Gower Street to Lord Dundas
1272 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy letter, to Mrs Gibbs Crawford
1273 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas to Lord Dundas
1274 - Note about Gibbs Crawfurd's trustee
1275 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1276 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, Upleatham to 'My Lord'
1277 - Letter from John Davidson, Newcastle to 'My Lord'
1278 - Letter from Duke of Portland, Whitehall, copy circular
1279 - Letter from R. Caghlan, Jeremie Island of St. Domingo, to 'My Lord'
1280 - Letter from C.Goguel, Basle, to 'My Lord'
1281 - Letter from Alexander Stirling, Glorat, to 'My Lord'
1282 - Letter from Governor James Bruce, Bath to 'My Lord'
1283 - Letter from Alexander Black, London Glass Company to Lord Dundas
1284 - Letter from C.Goguel, Montebeliard to Lord Dundas
1285 - Letter from Messrs. Ross and Ogilvie, Argyll Street, to Lord Dundas
1286 - Lieutenant Samuel Stanton's order to pay his half pay to WIlliam L. Dundas
1287 - Captain Samual Stanton's oath relating to his half pay
1288 - Letter William Harrison, Land Revenue Office to Lord Dundas
1289 - Letter from Mrs Julia Eliza Soulsby, Hallington, to Lord Dundas
1290 - Letter from A.S. Wedderburn, Birkhill, to Lord Dundas
1291 - Letter from William Robertson, 45 Queen Street Edinburgh, to Charles Innes
1292 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Ardenteney to Lord Dundas
1293 - Letter from Michael Nickson, Hollywood near Belfast, to Lord Dundas
1294 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick to Lord Dundas
1295 - Letter R.Beatson, Burntisland to Sir Thomas Dundas
1296 - Letter from John Malcolm, Manse of Firth, Orkney, to Lord Dundas
1297 - Letter from G.Turnbull, Grenada to Lord Dundas
1298 - Letter from James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1299 - Letter from William Chaytor, Spennithorne to Lord Dundas
1300 - Letter from Alexander Fraser, Grenada to Messrs. Tod and Co. (Marchants, London)
1301 - Copy of agreement of Alexander Fraser and Dr. John Hay with Robert Gentel to build a water mill at Dougaldston, Grenada.
1302 - Letter from Robert McFarlane, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1303 - Letter from Henry Blegborough, Richmond to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1304 - Letter from Water Logan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas, Colchester
1305 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske to Lord Dundas
1306 - Letter from David Crawford, Newcastle to Lord Dundas
1307 - Letter from A.S. Wedderburn, Birkhill to Lord Dundas
1308 - Letter from James Colquhoun, Stirling to Lord Dundas
1309 - Letter from Tod and Company, London to Lord Dundas, Stilton
1310 - Account
1311 - Letter from Har. Knott, Battlefield near Boyle to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street.
1312 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1313 - Letter from Richard Ayer, Aske to Lord Dundas, Stilton
1314 - Receipt for mustard
1315 - Letter from Batholomew Rudd, Marske to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1316 - Letter from Benjamin Craven, Colchester to Lord Dundas
1317 - Letter John Williams, Speenhamland to Lord Dundas
1318 - Letter Richard Ayer, Aske to Lord Dunda. Stilton
1319 - Letter Charles Ross, London to Lord Dundas
1320 - Letter from David Crawford, Newcastle to Lord Dundas, Stilton
1321 - Letter Duke of Portland, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1322 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, Norman Cross to Duke of Portland
1323 - Letter to James Callander, Craigforth to Lord Dundas
1324 - Letter from John Spottiswoode, London to Lord Dundas
1325 - Letter from D. Smith, Great St. Helens to Lord Dundas
1326 - Letter from Thomas Rowntree, London to Lord Dundas
1327 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1328 - Letter from Mathew Raine, Charterhouse, to Lord Dundas
1329 - Letter from Alexander Geddes, Salisbury to Lord Dundas
1330 - Letter from Louis Dusoulier, 19 Coventry Street to Lord Dundas, Stilton
1331 - Letter from Malcolm Monro, Stirling to Lord Dundas
1332 - Letter from Major Faviere, Dublin to Lord Dundas, St James Street, London.
1333 - Letter from Tod and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1334 - Letter from R. Dixon, Maddox Street Hanover Square to Lord Dundas
1335 - Letter from Julia Eliza Soulsby, Hallington to Lord Dundas
1336 - Letter from James Callander, London to Lord Dundas
1337 - Letter from John Seton, Golden Square, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1338 - Letter Wentworth Serle, Jersey to Lord Dundas
1339 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1340 - Letter from Duke of Portland, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1341 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, London to Lord Dundas
1342 - Letter from Duke of Portland, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1343 - Letter from Duke of Portland to Lord Dundas
1344 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn to Lord Dundas
1345 - Mr. Forster's account with Lord Dundas
1346 - Letter from Henry Dundas, Parliament street to Lord Dundas
1347 - Letter from W. Windham, War Office to Lord Dundas
1348 - Letter from W. Windham, War Office to Lord Dundas
1349 - Act to enable His Majesty more effectually to provide for the defence and security of the realm during the present war, and for indemnifying persons who may suffer in their property by such measures as may be necessary for that purpose (38. Geo. Ill c. XXVII)
1350 - Letter from Henry Dundas, Parliament Street to Lord Dundas
1351 - Letter from Henry Dundas to Lord Dundas
1352 - Letter from Henry Dundas to Lord Dundas
1353 - Letter from R. Blake, Essex Street to Lord Dundas
1354 - Letter from Thomas [Pigold?], Knepton to Major Faviere, Dublin
1355 - Letter from William Chaytor, Richmond to Lord Dundas
1356 - Letter from Simon Frazer, Kings Arms Yard to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1357 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1358 - Letter from William Chaytor to Lord Dundas
1359 - Letter from George Cooke, Lincoln's Inn to Lord Dundas,Edinburgh
1360 - Alum cleared in the port of Whitby: gives totals for each owner per month
1361 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1362 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1363 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1364 - Voucher
1365 - Voucher
1366 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1367 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1368 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1369 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1370 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1371 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1372 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1373 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1374 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1375 - Voucher
1376 - Voucher
1377 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1378 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1379 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1380 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1381 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1382 - Voucher
1383 - Voucher
1384 - Letter from Sheldon Craddock, Hartforth to Lord Dundas
1385 - Extract from Hartforth School Trust Deed
1386 - State of Mrs. Hagart's claim (on settlement of accounts of her late husband) who was Dundas' factor.
1387 - Letter from William Havard. London to Lord Dundas
1388 - Names objected to in [North Riding] commission of the peace
1389 - Letter from Lord Fauconberg, London to Lord Dundas
1390 - Letter from Sir William Foulis, Ingleby to Lord Dundas
1391 - Letter from William Losh and Company, Newcastle on Tyne, to John E. Waller, Loftus.
1392 - Letter from William Losh and Company, Newcastle on Tyne, to John E. Waller, Loftus.
1393 - Letter from George Cooke, Lincoln's Inn to Lord Dundas
1394 - Letter from Edward Stears, H.M.S. Brunswick Portsmouth to Lord Dundas
1395 - Letter from C. Goguel, Stuttgart to Lord Dundas
1396 - Letter from Forster, Cooke and Frere, Lincoln's Inn to Lord Dundas
1397 - Letter from James Bull, Dungeness Barracks to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1398 - Letter from Williams, Pall Mall, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1399 - Memorial of James Scot, tacksman of Backiskale in Sanda, Orkney to Lord Dundas
1400 - Letter from J. Seton Karr, Golden Square to Lord Dundas
1401 - Letter from T.D. Peirie, Camp north of the Kestuah River to Lord Dundas
1402 - Letter from John Debrett, Piccadilly to Lord Dundas
1403 - Receipt from John Debrett
1404 - Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho to [Lord Dundas]
1405 - Letter from George Cooke, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas, Ipswich
1406 - List of leases to made out for Lord Dundas' Irish estate
1407 - Letter from Charles L. Dundas, Aske, to Lord Dundas
1408 - Letter from Everard Home, Sackville Steet to Lord Dundas, Broomwell Camp, Melton, Suffolk
1409 - Letter from Alexander Black, Albion Place, London to Lord Dundas
1410 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas, Broomwell Camp, Melton, Suffolk
1411 - Share certificate
1412 - Share certificate
1413 - Share certificate
1414 - Receipt
1415 - Receipt
1416 - Receipt
1417 - Account of Thomas Faris (Irish Estate)
1418 - Account of Thomas Faris (Irish estate)
1419 - Account of Orkney kelp shipped by Mr. Watson, factor for Lord Dundas for behalf of Messrs. Hays, Dunbar
1420 - Letter from C. Yorke, Whitehall to Lord Dundas, Ipswich
1421 - Notes for duty on income 'sent to Mr. Charles Reeve 35 Half Moon Street from Ipswich'
1422 - Notes on return of property (Ireland and Dominica)
1423 - Letter from C.Goguel, Stuttgart to Lord Dundas
1424 - Letter from Aislabie and Eade, 152 Minories to Lord Dundas, Ipswich
1425 - Account
1426 - Account
1427 - Letter from Forster, Cooke and Frere, Lincoln's Inn to Lord Dundas
1428 - Copy letter from W. Ward
1429 - Letter from Alexander Black, Albion Place London, to Lord Dundas
1430 - Letter from George Clint, Fleet Street, to Lord Dundas
1431 - Letter from C.Smelt, Bath to Lord Dundas
1432 - Letter from G. Harwas (Hussum)
1433 - Letter from Edward Hurry (?), Howdon Dock to John Wardell, Guisborough
1434 - Letter from Forster, Cooke and Frere, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1435 - Letter from Margaret Hayes, Whitby to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1436 - Certificate from William Readman, overseer of Hinderwell, for Mary Pearson
1437 - Letter from H. and R. Baird, Canal Bason, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1438 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Markse to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1439 - Report on the Shetland Islands Petition (printed)
1440 - Letter from H. and R. Baird, Canal Bason to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1441 - Letter from C. Yorke, Whitehall to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1442 - Address to King by House of Commons
1443 - Letter from Comte Sellon, Geneva to Lord Dundas
1444 - Copy Letter from Treasury to Collector of Customs, Kirkwall
1445 - Letter from Lord Hawkesbury, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1446 - Letter from Lord Hawkesbury, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1447 - Letter from Lord Fife, Duff House, to Lord Dundas
1448 - Letter from Mr Birch, Chancery Lane to Lord Dundas
1449 - Account
1450 - Letter from William Marsden, Admiralty to Lord Dundas
1451 - Letter from Lord Hawkesbury, Whitehall to Lord Dundas
1452 - Schedule of Levy Money
1453 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1454 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough to Lord Dundas, Colchester
1455 - Letter from John Wardell to Lord Dundas, Aske
1456 - Letter from John Wardell to Lord Dundas, Aske
1457 - Letter from Thomas Tyrie, [Consgarth?] Orkney, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1458 - Letter from John Barrow, Circular, Admiralty to Lord Dundas
1459 - Proclamation on rewards for discovering seamen
1460 - Letter from Thomas Bell, Ipswich to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1461 - Letter from David Walker, Costerdale to Samuel Walker, Ipswich
1462 - Letter from Samuel Walker, Ipswich to Secretary at War
1463 - Letter from Simon Frazer, India House to Lord Dundas
1464 - Letter from Leonard Harker, Maske to Lord Dundas
1465 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Marske to Lord Dundas
1466 - List of Marske tenants and advances in rents
1467 - Letter from Charles Hatchett, Lower Hall, Hammersmith to Lord Dundas
1468 - Letter from M. Robinson Boulton, Soho to Lord Dundas
1469 - Letter from M. Robinson Boulton to Lord Dundas
1470 - Letter from G. Turnbull, Grenada to Lord Dundas
1471 - Sales of ashes
1472 - Letter from James Laid, copy with copy reply, Glasglow to Charles Dundas
1473 - Letter from James Callander, Cape Good Hope, toLord Dundas
1474 - Letter from James Davidson, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1475 - Letter from Thomas Henderson, Roseau to Simon Fraser
1476 - Letter from James Laing, Dominica, to Simon Fraser
1477 - Letter from J. Brownas, Soho near Birmingham, to Lord Dundas
1478 - Letter from James Laing, copy, Dominica to Simon Fraser
1479 - Letter from James Pirie, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1480 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1481 - Letter from F. Freeling, General Post Office, to Lord Dundas
1482 - Return of the Lerwick Volunteer Infantry
1483 - Letter from Duncon Yule, copy letters to Charles Innes
1484 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1485 - Letter from Charles Innes to Lord Dundas
1486 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow to Lord Dundas, London
1487 - Letter from William Ward, 12 Castle Street Holborn, to Lord Dundas
1488 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond to Lord Dundas
1489 - Letter from Messrs. Scott and Depoulary to Lord Dundas
1490 - Letter from [Lord Dundas?] to Messrs. Parker, Gerrard, Ogilvy and Company (Montreal)
1491 - Letter from Lord Buchan, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1492 - Letter from Andrew Smith, Manse of Holme, to Lord Dundas
1493 - Memorial of the clergy in the bishop of Orkney to Lord Dundas
1494 - Letter from James Buchanan, Ingram to Lord Dundas
1495 - Letter from Robert Liston, copy, Milburn, Edinburgh to John King
1496 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1497 - Printed Q.S. order laying out rates for carriage of goods
1498 - Notice of meeting of Royal Institution
1499 - Admiralty Order on removing embargoes, with two copies
1500 - Copy of Admiralty Order on removing embargoes
1501 - Copy of Admiralty Order on removing embargoes
1502 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Marske to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1503 - Letter from Joseph Walker, Birmingham to Lord Dundas
1504 - Letter from Hanson and Brich, Chancery Lane to Lord Dundas
1505 - Receipt
1506 - Letter from David Steuart, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1507 - Letter from Anne Ure, Airth Manse to Lord Dundas
1508 - Letter from Alexander Bruce, Kennet to Lord Dundas
1509 - Letter from Archibald Speirs, Elderslie to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1510 - Letter from William Strang, Lopness, Orkney to Lord Dundas
1511 - Letter from Charles Innes, Arlington Street to Lord Dundas
1512 - Memo of Lord Dundas' powers to charge estates
1513 - Minute of meeting of noblemen etc. of Eastern District of Stirlingshire about Edinburgh - Glasgow mail coach service
1514 - Letter from Archibald Speirs, Renfrewshire, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1515 - Letter from Alexander Bruce, Kennet, to Lord Dundas
1516 - Letter from William Handyside to Charles Innes
1517 - Letter from James Buchanan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1518 - Letter from Walter Logon, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1519 - Letter from Lieutenant John Pierie to Lord Dundas
1520 - Letter from Alex Bruce, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1521 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond to Lord Dundas
1522 - Letter from Greenwood and Cox, London, to Lord Dundas
1523 - Letter from Archibald Speirs, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1524 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1525 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1526 - Letter from Charles Innes, Elderslie House, to Lord Dundas
1527 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas, Portsmouth
1528 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas, Portsmouth
1529 - Letter from Charles Innes, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1530 - Letter from Charles Innes, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1531 - Letter from Charles Innes, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1532 - Letter from Rundell, Bridge and Rundell, Ludgate Hill, to Lord Dundas
1533 - Letter from Reverend James Hall, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1534 - Letter from James Buchanan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1535 - Letter from James Buchanan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1536 - Letter from James Buchanan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1537 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1538 - Letter from Alexander Ross, Argyll Street, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1539 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1540 - Letter from Rundell Bridge and Rundell, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1541 - Letter from Rundell Bridge and Rundell, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1542 - Letter from James Watson, Crantit, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1543 - Sketch of house at Grain
1544 - Letter from C.Royes, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1545 - Letter from Tod and Company, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1546 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1547 - Letter from Handyside to Miss Strange, East Acton.
1548 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1549 - Letter from Lord Archibald Hamilton, Hamilton Palace, to Lord Dundas
1550 - Letter from James Watson, Crantit to Lord Dundas. Aske
1551 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1552 - Letter from James Watson, Crantit, to Lord Dundas
1553 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
1554 - Letter from Patrick Neill, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1555 - Copy of proposed dedication
1556 - Letter from F.F. Foljambe, Jun, Osberton, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1557 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1558 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1559 - Letter from Lord Grenville, Downing Street, to Lord Dundas
1560 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond, to Lord Dundas, Up[leatham
1561 - Letter from John Williams, Chiswick, to Lord Dundas
1562 - Letter from Edward Williams, London, brother, Reverend John Williams, Chiswick.
1563 - Copy letter from John Williams to Smithson
1564 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1565 - Letter from Margaret Graham, Baxter's Wynd, Stirling, to Lord Dundas
1566 - Memorial
1567 - Letter from Gabriel Wood, Barbados, to Lord Dundas
1568 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1569 - Letter from John Kid, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1570 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1571 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale, Richmond, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1572 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1573 - Letter from Edmund Estcourt, Lincolns Inn, to Lord Dundas
1574 - Letter from Alexander Ritchie, Glasgow, to James Laird
1575 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1576 - Memo. of case of Robert Carrick, excise office
1577 - Plan of the proposed collection of minerals and office of essay
1578 - Printed circular from William Sarvis, surveyor, of Knightsbridge, London, on dry rot, addressed to Charles Dundas, Arlington street
1579 - Annual report of the Visitors to the Proprietors on the account of the Royal Institution to 31 Dec 1803
1580 - Letter from Hugo Arnot, Chorley, to Lord Dundas
1581 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1582 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1583 - List of offeres for Lumphinnins Farm
1584 - Letter from Tod and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1585 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1586 - Letter from Charles Innes to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1587 - Letter from J. Stainton, for Carron Company, Carron, to Charles Innes
1588 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1589 - Letter from Alexander Ross, Argyll Street, London, to Lord Dundas
1590 - Letter from John Selby, Grangemouth to Charles Innes, Kerse
1591 - Account of dues collected for Lord Dundas
1592 - Letter from Charles Innes, kerse House to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1593 - Letter from Archibald Shannan, Grangemouth, to Charles Innes
1594 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Grangemuir, to Lord Dundas
1595 - Letter from Peter Craig, London, to Lord Dundas
1596 - Letter from A. Graham Stirling, Rednock House Callander, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1597 - Letter from Colonel J. Mahan, Carlton House, to Lord Dundas
1598 - Letter from Hugo Arnot, Chorley, to Lord Dundas
1599 - Letter from John Campbell, London to Lord Dundas
1600 - Letter from James Buchannan, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1601 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1602 - Letter from Simon Fraser, London to Lord Dundas
1603 - Copy letters from James Laing (London) to Thos. Henderson, nephew John Laing and attornies in Dominica
1604 - Letter from Alex Black, London to Lord Dundas
1605 - Letter from Simon Fraser, London to Lord Dundas
1606 - Letter from Walter Sands, Camilla, Spithead to Lord Dundas
1607 - Letter from Greenwood and Cox, Craigs Court to Lord Dundas
1608 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Frankland, Albany to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1609 - Letter from J. Seton Karr, Golden Square to Lord Dundas
1610 - Letter from John Jerrall, Stokestown, Ireland to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1611 - Letter from Charles Innes, Kerse House, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1612 - Letter from Thomas Kincaid, Carron flatts by Grangemouth, to Charles lnnes, Edinburgh
1613 - Advertisement and memoir of Kincaids land at Dalbaith town
1614 - Letter from Robert Sherbourne, Ravenhead to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1615 - Letter from Conner Ward, Boyle, to Lord Dundas
1616 - Letter from Charles Costello, Edmonstown, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1617 - Letter from Committee of freemen of Richmond to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1618 - Letter from James Watson, Crantit, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1619 - Letter from Caleb Readshaw, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1620 - Letter from James Leech, Dublin, to Lord Dundas
1621 - Letter from Reverend Robert Moodie, Clackmannan, to Lord Dundas
1622 - Letter from John Wilson, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1623 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1624 - Letter from Alexander Geddes, Salisbury, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1625 - Letter from Caleb Readshaw, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1626 - Letter from Charles Innes, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1627 - Letter from Charles Innes to Lord Dundas
1628 - Letter from Ann Tucker, Tenderden, to Lord Dundas
1629 - Certificate from Colonel J. D. Arabin
1630 - Silhouette/portrait of John Sulivan
1631 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1632 - Letter from William Hustler, London, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1633 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Marton, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1634 - Letter from Duke Northumberland, Northumberland House, to Lord Dundas
1635 - Letter from Jonathan Backhouse, Darlington to C. L. Dundas, Aske
1636 - Letter from Lord A. Hamilton, Hamilton Place, to Lord Dundas
1637 - Letter from George Loutit, London, to Lord Dundas
1638 - Letter from James O. Davis, Sedbergh, to C. L. Dundas, Aske
1639 - Letter from Tod and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1640 - Letter from George Loutit, London, to Lord Dundas
1641 - Printed Correspondence between Ch. Cockerell (Hyde Park Corner) and the Society for the Suppression of Vice
1642 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1643 - Letter from John Wardell to Lord Dundas
1644 - Cancelled note for loan
1645 - Cancelled note for loan
1646 - Printed proposals for subscriptions for a bridge at Alloa
1647 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham to Lord Dundas
1648 - Sketch Map
1649 - Letter from J.N. and B. Pearse, Lothbury, to Lord Dundas
1650 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1651 - Admiralty Order
1652 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow to Lord Dundas
1653 - Letter from J. Lockwood, Doncaster, to Lord Dundas
1654 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1655 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1656 - Letter from Walter Logan to Lord Dundas
1657 - Letter from Walter Logan to Lord Dundas
1658 - Letter from Walter Logan to Lord Dundas
1659 - Letter from William Handyside to Lord Dundas
1660 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1661 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1662 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1663 - Letter from James Davison, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1664 - Letter from Archibald Constable and Company, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1665 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1666 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1667 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1668 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1669 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1670 - Letter from J.F. Erskine, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1671 - Letter from Mrs Johanna Stuart Fergusson, Camelon House, to Lord Dundas
1672 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1673 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1674 - Letter from Alexander Blair, Portland Place, to Lord Dundas
1675 - Letter from J.F Erskine, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1676 - Letter from J.F Erskine to Lord Dundas
1677 - Remarks on the augmentation of stipends
1678 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1679 - Letter from Jos. Davison, Blue Manufactory, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1680 - Weekly state of blues
1681 - Letter from Wormald, Gott and Company, Leeds, to Lord Dundas
1682 - Letter from Jos. Davison, Blue Manufactory, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1683 - Sample card
1684 - Letter from Jos. Davison, Blue Manufactory, Loftus to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1685 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1686 - Letter from Richard Smithson to Lord Dundas
1687 - Weekly state of Prussian Blues
1688 - Letter from Jos. Davison, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1689 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1690 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1691 - Account of sundries delivered out of Sloop Cupid from Liverpool through the canal to the Alum House, William Usher
1692 - Letter from Jos. Davison, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1693 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1694 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1695 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1696 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1697 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1698 - Letter from John Rodham, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1699 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1700 - Letter from James Robertson, London, to Lord Dundas
1701 - Letter from William Usher to Lord Dundas
1702 - Letter from T. Palmer, East Grinstead, to Lord Dundas
1703 - Letter from Bartholomew Rudd, Marske, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1704 - Printed resolutions of Yarm Bridge Committee
1705 - Letter from Henry Hale to Lord Dundas
1706 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1707 - List of spring wheat and of grass wanted
1708 - List of spring wheat and of grass wanted
1709 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1710 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1711 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1712 - List of crops of New Farm
1713 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1714 - Plan
1715 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1716 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1717 - Calculations on power of water threshing machine
1718 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1719 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1720 - List of crops and acreages
1721 - Plan of New Farm at Upleatham
1722 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1723 - Letter from Mrs. Callander to Lord Dundas
1724 - Letter from J. Griek to [Mrs. Callander]
1725 - Letter from Mrs. Callander to Lord Dundas
1726 - Letter from Thomas Faris, Dublin, to Lord Dundas, Milton, Peterborough
1727 - Observations on rental of Irish estate
1728 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
1729 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
1730 - Letter from Warren Hastings, Chipping Norton to [?]
1731 - Letter from Warren Hastings, Chipping Norton, to [?]
1732 - Letter from John Haig, Murryfield, to [?]
1733 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1734 - Letter from William Rankin, Grenada, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1735 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Carron House, to Lord Dundas
1736 - Letter from Archibald Speirs to Lord Dundas
1737 - Letter from Andrew Foulis, Glasgow, to [Archibald Speirs]
1738 - Letter from Archibald Speirs to Lord Dundas
1739 - Letter from Dr. Robert Rennie, Kilsyth, to Lord Dundas
1740 - Suggested plan for new gothic farmhouse ar Castlecary
1741 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1742 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Carron House, to Lord Dundas
1743 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1744 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Carron House, to Lord Dundas
1745 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Pettersweem, to Lord Dundas, Chatham
1746 - Letter from John Ogilvy, Carron House, to Lord Dundas
1747 - Continuation of the state of accounts between Lord Dundas and Mr. Ogilvy
1748 - Captain Sutherlands charges
1749 - Letter from John Seton Karr, Golden Square London, to Lord Dundas
1750 - Letter from H. Blenkinsop, Eton, to H. Arnot, Hatchetts Hotel Picadilly
1751 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1752 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1753 - Letter from Sir Thomas Livingstone, Falkikr to Lord Dundas
1754 - Letter from J. O'Connor, Blakes Hotel Jermyn Street, to Lord Dundas
1755 - Letter from James Laird, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas
1756 - James Laird: Notes on decomposing muriate of soda
1757 - Letter from John Woodham, London to Lord Dundas
1758 - Letter from Coalbrookdale Company to Lord Dundas
1759 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1760 - Letter from Messrs Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1761 - Broker's account of sale of stock
1762 - Letter from William Adam, bloomdbury Square, to Lord Dundas
1763 - Minutes of meeting of committee for erecting statue to Mr Fox
1764 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus to Lord Dundas
1765 - Note of cargo in the Commerce
1766 - Letter from Colonel J. McMahon, Carlton House, to Lord Dundas
1767 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas, Brighton
1768 - Peititon from Elizabeth Ventress of Roxby
1769 - Letter from John Forster, South End, to Lord Dundas
1770 - Copy correspondence between H.W. Yeoman and John Forster
1771 - Letter from Hugo Arnot, Stockwell, to Lord Dundas
1772 - Letter from Alexander Black, Albion Place Glass Company, to Lord Dundas
1773 - Letter from Walter Logan, Glasgow, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1774 - Extract from report on state of works of Forth and Clyde Navigation
1775 - Comparative toll dues for 1810 and 1811
1776 - Comparative toll dues for 1810 and 1811
1777 - Letter from Coalbrookdale Company to Lord Dundas, Aske
1778 - Letter from William Addison, Highgate, to Lord Dundas
1779 - Letter from Reverend Patrick Duffy to Lord Dundas
1780 - Letter from William Gell, Gilbraltar, to Lord Dundas
1781 - Letter from [?] , Captain of Gilbraltar, to Lord Dundas
1782 - Letter from William Campbell, Callander, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1783 - Letter from Samuel Lowe, Handsworth Birmingham, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1784 - Letter from John Webster, St Lukes Hospital, to Lord Dundas
1785 - Notification of order for admission of George Carter
1786 - Instructions for persons applying for admission of patients
1787 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, Arlington Street to John Webster
1788 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1789 - Letter from Archibald Neilson, Mitre Court to Lord Dundas
1790 - Letter from John Ker, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
1791 - Memorandum of state of arbitration between Lord Dundas and Marquis of Douglas about mills and dams.
1792 - Letter from Austin Cooper, Dublin, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1793 - Admiralty Order
1794 - Admiralty Order
1795 - Letter from W. Forbes, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1796 - Letter from William Gell, Rhodes, to Lord Dundas
1797 - Letter from Wormald Gott and Wormald, Leeds to Lord Dundas, Aske
1798 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1799 - Letter from Sir John (Mr Justice) Bayley, 41 Bedford Square, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1800 - Letter from Lord Dundas, Upleatham, to Sir John Bayley
1801 - Letter from James Callander, Cape of Good Hope, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1802 - Letter from Simon Fraser, Houstoun and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1803 - Letter from John Borthwick, Kerse, to Lord Dundas
1804 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1805 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1806 - Letter from Leonard Rasibeck, Stockton, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1807 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1808 - Letter from Miss M.M. Richau, Alnwick to Messrs. Hanyside and Kerr (Edinburgh)
1809 - Letter from Messrs. Handyside and Kerr to Miss Richau
1810 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London to Lord Dundas
1811 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1812 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1813 - Letter from Reverend Robert Moodie, Clackmannan, to Lord Dundas
1814 - Letter from Sir Henry Englefield, Pekersham, to Lord Dundas
1815 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1816 - Letter from Sir William Forbes and Company, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1817 - Letter from Charles Herriot, Haddington, to Lord Dundas
1818 - Letter from Hugh Baird, Canal Basin, to Lord Dundas
1819 - Letter from John Mouat, Lerwick to Lord Dundas
1820 - Letter from John Mouat, Lerwick, to Messrs. Handyside and Kerr
1821 - Letter from Sir William Cunynghame, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1822 - Letter from Arthur Nicholson, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1823 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1824 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1825 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1826 - Letter from Archibald Barclay, Unst Zetland, to Lord Dundas
1827 - Letter from Sir. H. Moncrief Welwode, Edinburgh, to William Handyside
1828 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1829 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1830 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Grangemuir, to Lord Dundas
1831 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1832 - Letter from Sir William Maxwell, Monreoth, to Lord Dundas
1833 - Letter from William Innes, Sandside, Caithness, to Lord Dundas
1834 - Letter from Joseph Parke, 71 Cornhill London, to Lord Dundas
1835 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1836 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1837 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1838 - Letter from George Trail, Westray Orkney, to Lord Dundas
1839 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1840 - Letter from Alexander Fraser, Dominica, to Simon Fraser Houston and Company
1841 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
1842 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1843 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1844 - Letter to William Honeyman [Lord Amadale?], Queen Street to William Handyside
1845 - Letter from John Bruce, Shetland, to Lord Dundas
1846 - Letter from Alexander Aitken, Cuper Fife, to Lord Dundas
1847 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1848 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1849 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1850 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Grangemuir, to Lord Dundas
1851 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1852 - Letter from Joseph parke, 91 Cornhill, to Lord Dundas
1853 - Letter from Jeremiah Carter, Leeds, to Lord Dundas
1854 - Letter from William Handyside, Ediburgh, to Lord Dundas
1855 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1856 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1857 - Letter from Thomas Bolt, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1858 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburn, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1859 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1860 - Letter from William Mclver, Liverpool, to Lord Dundas
1861 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1862 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1863 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1864 - Letter from William Rankers, Grenade, to Lord Dundas
1865 - Letter from William Hunton, Alum House Loftus, to William Usher, Loftus
1866 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1867 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1868 - Letter from Al. Fraser, Domincia to Honorable Simon Fraser, Houstoun and Company, London
1869 - Letter from William Hunton, Alum House, to William Usher, Loftus
1870 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1871 - Letter from Mr Masham, Surgeon Chiropodist, to Lord Dundas
1872 - Letter from George Traill of Hollan, Kirkwall, to Lord Dundas
1873 - Letter from Duke of Kent, Kensington Palace, to Lord Dundas
1874 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1875 - Letter from Sir William A. Cunyngham, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1876 - Letter from Thomas Homer, Regents Canal Office, to Lord Dundas
1877 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1878 - Letter from Messrs. Handyside and Ker, Edinburgh, copy to Messrs. Anderson and Russell
1879 - Letter from Richard Watson, Stainton near Yarm, to Lord Dundas
1880 - Letter from William Handyside. Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1881 - Letter from Leiutenant George Pratt, H.M.S. Christian off Flusling, to Lord Dundas
1882 - Letter from Caleb Readshaw, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1883 - State of account between Lord Dundas and W. Ward Jackson
1884 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1885 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1886 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1887 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
1888 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1889 - Letter from William Fraser Alexander Neilson, London, to Lord Dundas
1890 - Letter from Alexander Fraser, Castle Bruce, to Simon Fraser Houstoun and Company
1891 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
1892 - Letter from Thomas Homer, Regents Canal Office, to Lord Dundas
1893 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1894 - Letter from Reverend John Williams, Chiswick, to Lord Dundas
1895 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1896 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
1897 - Letter from Thomas Walker, Longford near Manchester, to Lord Dundas
1898 - Letter from Alexander Fraser, copy, Dominica, to Simon Fraser Houstoun and Company ,William Fraser and Company
1899 - Letter from Reverend Andrew Dishington, Stronsay Manse Orkney, to Lord Dundas
1900 - Letter from Thomas Stapleton and Company, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1901 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1902 - Letter from H.P. Phene, Melksham, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1903 - Letter from William Handyside, Kennett, to Lord Dundas
1904 - Letter from Thomas Homer, London, to Lord Dundas
1905 - Letter from Duke of Kent, Kensington Palace, to Lord Dundas
1906 - Letter from W. Morgan, Ravendale, to Lord Dundas
1907 - Statement of costs in sale of Sligo estate
1908 - Letter from Thomas Wharton, Halesowen near Birmingham, to Lord Dundas
1909 - Letter from James Hay, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1910 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1911 - Letter from M. Blaiklock, London, to Lord Dundas
1912 - Letter from William Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
1913 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1914 - Letter from William Handyside to Lord Dundas
1915 - Letter from William Handyside to Lord Dundas
1916 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1917 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1918 - Letters from Charles Delahoyde and John Harness, Copy, Sion, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1919 - Letter from William Fraser, Alexander, Neilson and Company, London, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1920 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Grangemui, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1921 - Letter from Austin Cooper, Dublin, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1922 - Letter from Mrs. E. O'Brien, London, to Lord Dundas
1923 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Earl Fitzwilliam, Harrogate.
1924 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1925 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1926 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1927 - Letter from John Pearse, Bothbury, to Earl Fitzwilliam
1928 - Letter from J. and B. Pearse, Lothbury, to Lord Dundas
1929 - Letter from Thomas Stapleton and Company, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1930 - Letter from Sir William B. Burdett, Dublin, to Lord Dundas
1931 - Letter from M. J. Errate, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1932 - Letter from A. Beauvais, Hill Street Berkeley Square, to Lord Dundas
1933 - Letter from Thomas Brown, London, to Lord Dundas
1934 - Letter from Reverend F. Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1935 - Letter from John Robinson, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
1936 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1937 - Letter from M.J. Errate, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
1938 - Letter from Mr Laird, Copy, Loftus, to Mr. Parke
1939 - Letter from Margaret Chalmers, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas
1940 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
1941 - Letter from Sir William A. Cunyngham, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1942 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, Upleatham, to Duke of Sussex
1943 - Letter from J. and B. Pearse, Lothbury, to Lord Dundas
1944 - Letter from A. F. Mornay, Sheffield, to Lord Dundas
1945 - Letter from John Seton Carr, Kippilaw Melrose by Berwick, to Lord Dundas
1946 - Copy clause on Grangemouth Wharfage in 24, Geo. III cap. 59
1947 - Letter from William Handyside to Lord Dundas
1948 - Letter from James Ure, Alloa, to Lord Dundas
1949 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1950 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1951 - Correspondence with Alexander Stevenson
1952 - Letter from Margaret Graham, Stirling, to Lady Dundas
1953 - Letter from Stevenson Macgill, Glasgow, to Archibald Speirs
1954 - Letter from Dr. R. Cleghorn, Glasgow, to Archibald Speirs
1955 - Letter from William Usher, Loftus, to Lord Dundas, Upleatham
1956 - Letter from Thomas Dunston, St. Lukes Hospital, to Samuel Tomkinson
1957 - Letter from Duke of Sussex, Kensington Palace, to Lord Dundas
1958 - Letter from Duke of Sussex to Lord Dundas
1959 - Letter from W.T. Aiton, Royal Gardens Kew, to Lord Dundas
1960 - Letter from Robert Blunt, London, to Lord Dundas
1961 - Bill for packing and transport and receipt by Ship's master
1962 - Bill for packing and transport and receipt by Ship's master
1963 - Letter from Malcolm Laing, Kirkwall, to Lord Dundas
1964 - Letter from Lieutenant George Stirling, Passages, to Lord Dundas
1965 - Letter from Margaret Chalmers, Lerwick, to Lord Dundas, Aske
1966 - Letter from W. Ward Jackson, Normanby, to Lord Dundas
1967 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1968 - Letter from W. Ward Jackson, Normanby, to Lord Dundas
1969 - Copy agreement between Lord Dundas and W. Ward Jackson
1970 - Plan
1971 - Plan
1972 - Plan
1973 - Plan
1974 - Letter from John Wardell, Guisborough, to Lord Dundas
1975 - Letter from Alexander Livingstone, Linlithgrow, to Lord Dundas
1976 - Letter from John Stirling, Castlecary, to Lord Dundas
1977 - Letter from William M. Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
1978 - Letter from William M. Forster to Lord Dundas
1979 - Letter from R.L. Dundas, San Pe, to Lord Dundas
1980 - Letter from William Fraser, Alexander Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1981 - Letter from Alexander Fraser, Dominica, to William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company
1982 - Letter from Willam Fraser, Alexander Neilson and Company, to Lord Dundas
1983 - Letter from Alex Fraser, Dominica, to William Fraser, Alexander Neilson and Company
1984 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1985 - Letter from Adam Callander, New Cavendish Street, to Lord Dundas
1986 - Letter from David Anderson, Greenock, to Lord Dundas
1987 - Letter from William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company, to Lord Dundas
1988 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1989 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1990 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1991 - Letter from William Fraser, Alexander Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
1992 - Letter from James Thompson, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
1993 - Letter from to Lord Dundas
1994 - Letter from William Handyside, Edinburgh, to Lawrence Dundas
1995 - Letter from Richard Watson, Stainton, to Lord Dundas
1996 - Letter from Thomas Bruce, Grangemuir, to Lord Dundas
1997 - Letter from Mr. Justice Bayley to Lord Dundas
1998 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
1999 - Letter from James Laidlaw, Red Lion Square, Circular advertising chiropody
2000 - Letter from David Anderson, Greenock, to Lord Dundas
2001 - Letter from Thomas Stapleton, Bank Richmond, to Lord Dundas
2002 - Letter from J and ? Gray, seedsman, Brompton Park to Lord Dundas
2003 - Letter from Grosvenor Chater and Company, Cornhill, to Lord Dundas
2004 - Letter from Ludovic Colquohoun, Belleville by Kilsyth to Lord Dundas
2005 - Letter from William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
2006 - Letter from Bradshaw Peirson, Lambeth, to Lord Dundas
2007 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
2008 - Temporary statement of Marske estate rentals
2009 - Letter from Thomas Stapleton and Company, Bank, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
2010 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds to Lord Dundas
2011 - Letter from William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
2012 - Letter from J.F. Erskine, Edinburgh to Lord Dundas
2013 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
2014 - Letter from Hugh Baird, Canal Basin, to Lord Dundas
2015 - Scantling of timber for lock gates
2016 - Minutes of meeting of committe of Council of proprietors of Forth and Clyde Navigation
2017 - Letter from James Laird, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
2018 - Extracts from Quarter Sessions Records relating to repair of Whitby Bridge
2019 - Extracts from Quarter Sessions Records relating to repair of Whitby Bridge
2020 - Letter from Richard Moorsom and Chr. Richardson, Whitby, to Reverend M. Dent
2021 - Copy letter from Richard Moorsom and Chr. Richardson, Whitby, to Reverend M. Dent
2022 - Letter from J. Dorrington, House of Commons, to Mr Hirst
2023 - Letter from Thomas Paul, Furnivalls Inn Coffee House, to Mr Hirst
2024 - Letter from Reverend William Dent, Crosby, to Lord Dundas
2025 - Letter from Reverend Francis Blackburne, Richmond, to Lord Dundas
2026 - Letter from John Seton Karr, Golden Square, to Lord Dundas
2027 - Letter from R. March, Barnstaple, to Lord Dundas
2028 - Letter from Sir Thomas Frankland, Thirkleby,to Lord Dundas
2029 - Letter from Caleb Readshaw, Richmond, to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
2030 - Letter from Archibald Neilson, London, to Lord Dundas
2031 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
2032 - Letter from Richard Smithson, Upleatham, to Lord Dundas
2033 - Letter from Richard Smithson to Lord Dundas
2034 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds. Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
2035 - Letter from George G. Munro, Grenada, to Lord Dundas
2036 - Letter from Jon. Brundrett, Temple, to Lord Dundas
2037 - Letter from James Bruce, Leith, to Lord Dundas
2038 - Letter from Jas Milne, Colin Macnab, Walter Mactargit, John Machead, J. Learmouth, Arthur Pollock, Grangemouth, to Lord Dundas, Kerse
2039 - Letter from Archibald Neilson, London, to Lord Dundas
2040 - Extracts from Mr. Munro's letter from Grenada
2041 - Letter from William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
2042 - Copy letters from Alex Fraser from Domincia
2043 - Letter from Sir Thomas Frankland, Thirkleby, to Lord Dundas
2044 - Letter from William Fraser, Alex Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
2045 - Letter from W.T. [Aiton?], Kew Gardens, to Lord Dundas, Aske
2046 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
2047 - Letter from John Forster to Lord Dundas
2048 - Letter from Forster, Cooke and Frere to Mr. Hepworth
2049 - Letter from J.C. Ramsden, Bryam, to Lord Dundas
2050 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, Aske, to J.C. Ramsden
2051 - Letter from John Forster, South End, to Lord Dundas
2052 - Letter from Lord Dundas, draft, Aske, to J.C. Ramsden
2053 - Letter from Lord Dundas, copy, to J.C. Ramsden
2054 - Letter from J.C. Ramsden, Byram, to Lord Dundas
2055 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, copy, Aske, to J.C. Ramsden
2056 - Letter from J.C. Ramsden, Byram, to Lawrence Dundas
2057 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, copy, Aske, to J.C. Ramsden
2058 - Letter from Sir John Ramsden, Byram, to Lord Dundas
2059 - Letter from Lord Dundas, Aske, to Sir John Ramsden
2060 - Letter from John Forster, South End, to Lord Dundas
2061 - Copy opinion of Chas. Butler,
2062 - Letter from Lord Dundas, Copy, Aske, to John Forster
2063 - Letter from J.C. Ramsden, Byram, to Lawrence Dundas
2064 - Letter from R. Hepworth, copy, Pontefract, to John Forster
2065 - Letter from Lord, Dundas, copy, Aske, toJohn Forster
2066 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
2067 - Letter from John Forster, Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Dundas
2068 - Letter from John Forster to Lord Dundas
2069 - Letter from Thomas Homer, Regents Canal Office, to Lord Dundas
2070 - Letter from John Nash to Lord Dundas, Arlington Street
2071 - Letter from Sir William Forbes and Company, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
2072 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
2073 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross, to Lord Dundas
2074 - Letter from Sir William Forbes and Company, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
2075 - Letter from C. Bonner, 54 Great Marlborough Street, to Lord Dundas
2076 - Copy letter to Duke of Sussex, Grand Master of Freemasons
2077 - Extract from letter from Mr. Munro
2078 - Letter from George Gun Munro, Grenada to Lord Dundas, Aske
2079 - Letter from John Ker, Edinburgh, to Lord Dundas
2080 - Letter from Alexander Tod, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
2081 - Letter from Alexander Tod, Loftus, to Lord Dundas
2082 - Letter from Lady Arden, St. James' Place, to Lord Dundas
2083 - List of seeds collected in New South Wales
2084 - Letter from Alexander Tod, Loftus , to Lord Dundas
2085 - Letter from Lawrence Dundas, Marske Hall, to Lord Dundas
2086 - Letter from William Oddie, Stillington Vicarage, to Lawrence Dundas
2087 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
2088 - Letter from Messrs. Drummonds, London, to Lord Dundas
2089 - Letter from Isabella K. Strange, Portman Square, to Lord Dundas
2090 - Letter from Thomas Lawrence, Russell Square, to Lord Dundas
2091 - Letter from Lord Lascelles, Hanover Square, to Lord Dundas
2092 - Letter from [?], Paris, to Lord Dundas
2093 - Letter from William Fraser, Alexander Neilson and Company, London, to Lord Dundas
2094 - Letter book containing letters from Lord Dundas, mainly dated at Upleatham and copies by Richard Smithson
2095 - Letter from Mrs Hart to Mr. Cunningham
2096 - Letter from William Chaloner to Thomas Dundas
2097 - Letter from John William to [Thomas Dundas?]
2098 - Letter from Sir Thomas to John Forster
2099 - Letter from Frederick Duke of York to Sir Thomas
2100 - Letter from Charles Dundas? to Lieutenant Colonel Dundas
2101 - Letter from Lord Sandwich to Sir Thomas
2102 - Letter from John Dalrymple, Edinburgh, to ?
2103 - Letter from Ann Guthrie, widow of John Garrock, to Sir Thomas
2104 - Petition
2105 - Anonymous letter to printer of public advertiser
2106 - Letter from Duke of Montague to Lord John Murray
2107 - Letter from Walter Ross to Henry Davidson
2108 - Letter from Edward Duke of Kent to Lord Dundas
2109 - Letter from Mrs Dawson to Lord Dundas
2110 - Testimonial
2111 - Letter from unknown sender at St. Martin's Lane to ?
2112 - Cover
2113 - Cover
2114 - Cover
Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Militia and Volunteer papers2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Militia and Volunteer papers
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bills, Accounts, Receipts3 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bills, Accounts, Receipts
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Financial Papers4 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Financial Papers
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bonds by Sir Thomas Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bonds by Sir Thomas Dundas
Expand 6 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bank Books6 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bank Books
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Sir Alex Gilmour's debts 7 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Sir Alex Gilmour's debts
Expand 8 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Diaries etc.8 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Diaries etc.
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - General Political Papers9 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - General Political Papers
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Yorkshire politics 10 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Yorkshire politics
Expand 11 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Miscellaneous Petitions, addresses etc.11 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Miscellaneous Petitions, addresses etc.
Expand 12 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Scotland12 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Scotland
Expand 13 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Verses etc.13 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Verses etc.
Expand 14 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Plate Glass Manufactory14 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Plate Glass Manufactory
Expand 15 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Ships and related papers15 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Ships and related papers
Expand 16 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Clubs: Brooks' and United Service Club16 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Clubs: Brooks' and United Service Club
Expand 17 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Dundas as J.P, North Riding17 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Dundas as J.P, North Riding
Expand 18 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Henry Holland's report on the temperature and ventilation of the House of Commons 18 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Henry Holland's report on the temperature and ventilation of the House of Commons
Expand 19 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to settlement of estates 19 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to settlement of estates
Expand 20 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Horse and Hounds 20 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Horse and Hounds
Expand 21 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Moor Park: Letters and Papers about sale21 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Moor Park: Letters and Papers about sale
Expand 22 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Micellaneous papers of Lord Dundas22 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Micellaneous papers of Lord Dundas
Expand 2323
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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