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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Collapse 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Collapse 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
Expand 1 - Ceylon [Sri Lanka]  travels1 - Ceylon [Sri Lanka] travels
Expand 2 - Japan and China travels 2 - Japan and China travels
Expand 3 - Parliamentary candidate for Richmond and Hornsey 3 - Parliamentary candidate for Richmond and Hornsey
Expand 4 - Homs-Baghdad Railway 4 - Homs-Baghdad Railway
Expand 5 - Euphrates - Tigris Navigation5 - Euphrates - Tigris Navigation
Expand 6 - India travels 6 - India travels
7 - 1st World War
8 - Royal Commission on Public Services in India
Expand 9 - Papers of Lord Ronaldshay as Governor of Bengal 9 - Papers of Lord Ronaldshay as Governor of Bengal
Expand 10 - Files of notes mainly collected for use in writing books10 - Files of notes mainly collected for use in writing books
11 - Printed books, journals and articles, mainly on India
12 - Miscellaneous papers relating to India
13 - Correspondence and Papers relating to the Communal Award
14 - Centre for Oriental Culture
15 - Scripts for Lord Ronaldshay/Zetland's published books
16 - Articles and Speeches by Lord Ronaldshay/Zetland
Collapse 17 - "Selected Letters"17 - "Selected Letters"
1 - Letter from WA Adam
2 - Letters from Countess Irma Adelmann
3 - Letters from Aga Khan
4 - Letter from Nawabzada Sayid Ashrafuddin Admad
5 - Letter from Air Ministry
6 - Letters from T.V. Seshagiri Aiyer
7 - Letter from Sir Frank Alexander
8 - Letter from Colonel R.D. Alexander
9 - Letters from C.T. Allen
10 - Letter from Maharaja of Alwar
11 - Letters from Right Honorable S. Ameer Ali
12 - Letter from Waris Ameer Ali
13 - Letter from Lord Ampthill
14 - Letters from E. Anderson
15 - Letter from Reverend H. Anderson
16 - Letters from Mother Mary Antoinette
17 - Letter from W A Appleton
18 - Letter from Helen Archdale
19 - Letter from Mrs M. Archdale
20 - Letter from H.F. Armstrong
21 - Letter from Edward Arnold
22 - Letter from R H Arnot
23 - Letter from Dr M J Bach
24 - Letter from C Balan
25 - Letter from Allan C & Janet Balch
26 - Letters from Stanley Baldwin with replies
27 - Letter from Balfour of Burleigh
28 - Letter from A.J. Balfour
29 - Letter from Murphy W.J. Balfour
30 - Letter from Sir S N Banerjea, Barrackpore, India
31 - Letter from Sir H Barnes
32 - Letter from George C Barnes
33 - Letter from Reverend Robert Baron
34 - Letter from Mayor J Barry
35 - Letter from Sir William Barton
36 - Letter from Maharani Gaekwar of Baroda
37 - Letter from Sukuman Basu - Rajshaki, Bengal
38 - Letter from Lord O. Beauclerk
39 - Letter from Hon. Gervase Beckett
40 - Letter from Hon. Bryan Beckett
41 - Letters from C. Maberly Bell
42 - Letter from Lady Bell
43 - Letter from Lady Beatson Bell
44 - Letter from Sir E Benn
45 - Letter from Prince of Beras
46 - Letter from Sir H. Beresford-Peirse, Chairman of Richmond Division Conservative Association
47 - Letters from Honorable Mrs Bethell
48 - Letters from Professor D RBhandarkar - Calcutta
49 - Letters from Bishnupada Bhattacharya
50 - Letter from Jir Shah Nawaz Bhutto
51 - Letters from Canon S. Bickersteth, Canterbury
52 - Letter from C.R. Davey, DD, Biggs - Oxford
53 - Letter from Maharaja of Bikaner
54 - Letter from George Binney
55 - Letter from Lawrence Binyon - British Museum
56 - Letter from C. Sumner Bird - Massachusetts
57 - Letters from Field Marshal Lund Birdwood
58 - Letters from Lord Birkenhead
59 - Letter from Oswald Birley
60 - Letters from William Blackwood
61 - Letters from Sir J C Bose
62 - Letter from C. Bose
63 - Letter from Lady Bose
64 - Letter from N Bosworth Smith
65 - Letter from H Boyle
66 - Letter from Lord Brabourne
67 - Letters from Lady Brabourne
68 - Letter from Earl Bradford
69 - Letter from Ida, Countess of Bradford
70 - Letter from R. Briscoe
71 - Letter from Sir F H Brown
72 - Letter from J W Brown
73 - Letters from P. Brown
74 - Letters from C. Dalrimple, Bruce
75 - Letters from G.E Buckle
76 - Letters from Maharaja of Burdwan
77 - Letter from C. W. Buring
78 - Letter from Hon. M. Burrell
79 - Letter from Viscountess Bury
80 - Letter from Miss M. Bust
81 - Letter from Harcourt Butler, Burma
82 - Letter from R A Butler
83 - Letter from Brigadier general GP Campbell, Cambridge
84 - Letter from the Archbishop of Cantebury
85 - Letter from Sir Olaf Caroe, KCSI, KCIE
86 - Letters from Edward Carpenter, Guildford
87 - Letters from Sir H Carr
88 - Letter from R A Cary, Westminster
89 - Letters from the Direcotrs of Catterick racecourse
90 - Letter from Mrs M Cattley, North Kensington
91 - Letter from Oswald J Cattley, Novo Nicholavusk
92 - Letter from Viscount Cecil
93 - Letter from Bruce Chaloner, Nunthorpe
94 - Letters from the Honourable MB Chaloner, Guisborough
95 - Letters from Austen Chamberlain, Oldham, offering Governorship of Bengal
96 - Telegram of condolence from J Chamberlain
97 - Letters from Neville Chamberlain, Treasury, Whitehall
98 - Letter from Mrs Ann Chamberlain, Basingstoke
99 - Letters from Pandit Inananda Roy Chanduri, Calcutta
100 - Letter from Nawab Syed Chandhury, Nawa Ali, Calcutta
101 - Letter from Major Desmond Chapman Houston, Germany
102 - Letter from Lieutenant F Spencer Chapman, London
103 - Letters from Admiral Lord Chatfield
104 - Letter from BC Chatteijee, Donjeeling
105 - Letter from BB Chatteijee, Calcutta
106 - Letter from Dr RP Chatteijee, Bengal
107 - Letter from G Chester Beatty, London
108 - Letters from Sir Valentine Chirol
109 - Telegram with congratulations from Princess Christian, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor
110 - Letter from Winston Churchill enquiring if KG would be acceptable
111 - Letter from Sir John Clapham CBE, British Academy
112 - Letter from Miss Edith Clark, Rhode Island
113 - Letters from Walter Clayton Smith, Beck Isle, Pickering
114 - Letters from Cyril Clemens
115 - Letter from Captain William Coates, Ripon
116 - Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Cobb, Harrow
117 - Letter from Sir AD Cockrane, Burma relating to Govenor's salary
118 - Letter from Essu Coffey, Finchhampstead rlating to escape from Denmark
119 - Letter from W Coldstream
120 - Letter from Constable and Company
121 - Letter from Carriere d'Italia
122 - Letter from Professor R Coupland, Oxford
123 - Letter from Dr James H Cousins, Madras
124 - Letter from WH Covert, Halifax Nova Scotia
125 - Letter from Sir PZ Cox from RGS
126 - Letter from Viscount Cranbourne, Dominions Office
127 - Letter from the Marquess of Crowe, India Office
128 - Letter from Sir WD Croft, India Office
129 - Letters from the Earl of Cromer, Minehead
130 - Letter from the Countess of Minehead, Cromer
131 - Letters from Sir William Crosthwaite, Middlesbrough
132 - Letters from Sir JG Cummings, KCIE
133 - Letter from Sir George Cunningham
134 - Letters from the Marquess of Curzon
135 - Letter from the Honourable Blanche Curzon
136 - Telegrams from the Honoourable F N Curzon
137 - Letter from Marchioness Curzon and others
138 - Letters from Lionel H Cust, Dalchet
139 - Letter from Lord Danesford, London
140 - Letter from Lord Darling
141 - Letter from Lord Daryington
142 - Letter from S R Das, Advocate General, Bengal
143 - Letter from Drr Gupta Das, CLE
144 - Letter from Mrs Rhys Davids
145 - Letter from C Davidson
146 - Letters from Geoffrey Dawson of The Times
147 - Letter from D Amiya Krishna, Calcutta
148 - Letter from Baron De Cortier
149 - Letter from Baroness De La Feld
150 - Letter from the Earl of Derby
151 - Letters from Lady Desborough at Hertford and Hickling
152 - Letters from the Duke of Devonshire from the Colonial Office and Chatsworth
153 - Letter from J Donavan, Dublin
154 - Letters from Edith Drummond at London and Castle Bromwich
155 - Letters from the Honourable Mrs Dundas (Aunty Alice) from Torquay and Bawtry Hall
156 - Letter from Mr Durgadas of the National Liberal Club
157 - Letter from W Durran, London
158 - Letters from Anthony Eden at the Foreign Office
159 - Telegram from Elizabeth R
160 - Letter from Viscount Esher, Callendar
161 - Letter from C Evans, London
162 - Letter from Eve Fairfax with letter from Blair Niles attached
163 - Letter from Brigadier C C Fairweather
164 - Letter from Lord Feversham, Nawton Tower
165 - Letters from F V Fisher of the Society for Study of Religions
166 - Letters from the Roght Honourable H A L Fisher of the Indian Public Service Comission, Ecclesall
167 - Letters from Viscount Fitzalan
168 - Letters from Countess Maud Fitzwilliam
169 - Letter from Dr H J Fleurs, Upper Norwood
170 - Letter from P S Foster
171 - Letter from W W Foster, Richmond Town Clerk
172 - Letter from J S V Fox, Girsby Manor Lincolnshire
173 - Letter from A W Fraser, London Institute
174 - Letter from John Foster Fraser from the House of Commons and Constitutional Club
175 - Letters from L H Fraser, Hankow
176 - Letter from Sir N Fraser-Tyler, British Legation, Kabal
177 - Letter from W H Fraser, Royal Bank of Scotland
178 - Letter from J C Jessore
179 - Letter from P Frere
180 - Letter from Miss Clare Frewen, County Galway
181 - Letter from W G Frith, Manchester
182 - Letter from S Furnes, Otterington Hall
183 - Letterto Lord Gainford
184 - Letters from Lady Gainford at Headlam Hall and Harrogate
185 - Letters from O C Gangoly, Calcutta
186 - Letters from Dr Sarah Chandra Ghose in Calcutta
187 - Letters from Hemendra Prasad in Calcutta
188 - Letter from the Right Honourable George A Gibbs, Bristol
189 - Letter from George Gibson, New Zealand
190 - Letter from Lord Gisborough at the Carlton Club
191 - Letter from Miss E M Goldsmid, Bath
192 - Letters from Admiral Sir W Goodenough
193 - Letter from Viscount Goachen, Hawkhurst
194 - Letter from H W Gosling, Edgbaston
195 - Letter from Sir Edmund Gosse, London
196 - Letter from B J Gould, Bhutan
197 - Letters from W R Gourlay
198 - Letter from Mrs Gourlay, Dalry
199 - Letter from Ian Gow, Winchester
200 - Letter from Sir G D Grahame in Madrid
201 - Letter from Alexander Gray, Ashampstead
202 - Letter from General J M Grierson, London
203 - Letter from Sir J Grigg, London
204 - Letter from Lady Grimthorpe, Bembridge
205 - Letter from Gilbert Grosvenor at Nova Scotia, Editor of National Geographical magazine
206 - Letter from Sir Gordon Guggisburg, London
207 - Letter from J C Guha, Newcastle upon Tyne
208 - Letter from M N Gupta, Calcutta
209 - Letters from Noline Gupta, London
210 - Letter from Professor N K Gupta, Dacca
211 - Letter from Sir M Hailey, Grosvenor's Camp, United Province
212 - Letters from Lord Hailsham at the House of Commons and War Office
213 - Letter from Dr H Hales, Tempaford Hall
214 - Letters from Viscount Halifax, Mickleton Doncaster
215 - Letters from the Right Honourable G H Hall at the Foreign Office
216 - Letter from John Halliday, London
217 - Letter from Mrs Halliday, King's College London
218 - Letter from Hamilton of Dalzell, Motherwell
219 - Letter from General Sir Ian Hamilton, London
220 - Letter from Sir Murray Hammick, Kensington
221 - Letter from Lord Hanworth, London
222 - Letter from J W Hardcastle, Mayor of Scarborough
223 - Letter from Lord Harding of Penshurst
224 - Letter from the Earl of Harewood, Harewood House
225 - Letters from Sir P Hartog London
226 - Letter from Lady Harvey, Totnes
227 - Letter from Rashidul Hasan, Dacca
228 - Letter from Lady Hastings, Norwich
229 - Letter from Sir H Havelock Allen, Darlington
230 - Letter from Lady Hawkes
231 - Letters from Antony Hope Hawkins, London
232 - Letter from Carl Heath, Guildford
233 - Letter from Major General Sir Patrick Hekir
234 - Letters from A Henderson at the Foreign Office
235 - Letters from Colonel C T Hannah, Richmond
236 - Letter from Sir J G C D E Herbert, Darjeeling
237 - Letter from B Herring
238 - Letter from T Herring, Darlington
239 - Letters from Sir J P Herrett, Rothney Castle, Simla
240 - Letter from Sir Claud Hill KCSE, Isle of Man
241 - Letter from Sir A Hirtzell KCB, India Office
242 - Letter from Sir T H Holland, London
243 - Letters from Helen Hollebone, Tonbridge
244 - Letter from George N Hooper, Beckenham
245 - Letter from Esme Hope-Vere, Ecclefechan
246 - Letter from a constituent of Hornsey
247 - Letter from the Town Clerk of Hornsey
248 - Letters from Lady Dorothea Hosie, Redlynch, China
249 - Letter from A Sayed Hosson
250 - Letter from Houghton, Manchester
251 - Letter from Sir J Hubback, The Govenor, Grissa
252 - Letters from Colonel Huddleston, Hemel Hempstead
253 - Letter from Charles C Hunt, Masonic Library, Iaura
254 - Letter from Miss D Hunter
255 - Letters from Hutchinson and Company, publishers suggesting a memoir
256 - Letter from the Indian Civil Service, Annesane - minutes
257 - Letter from H R Irwin, Wareham
258 - Letters from Lord Irwin, Viceroy's camp, India
259 - Letters from Lord Islington
260 - Letter from Professor A Jha, Allahabad
261 - Letter from Barry O Jones, Victoria, Australia
262 - Letter from Clement Jones, Rugby
263 - Letter from the Countess of Kenmore, Walmer
264 - Letter from Sir John Kerr, Gerrards Cross
265 - Letter from Lord Kinderslay
266 - Letter from L W King, Masul
267 - Letter from the Honourable G Kinnaird, Chelsea
268 - Letters from Lieutenant Colonel W L Kirby, Brandsby
269 - Letter from R R Kitching, Middlesbrough
270 - Letter from K R Kripalani, Editor of the Visus Bharati Quarterly, Bengal
271 - Letter from the Maharaja of Krishnagar, Calcutta
272 - Letter from Sardar Laden La, Bahadar, Darjeeling
273 - Letters from Lord Lamington, Govenor of Bombay
274 - Letter from Sidney Lane, London to Lady Fitzwilliam
275 - Letter from R Hamilton Lang, Dedham
276 - Letter from F Langridge, London
277 - Letter from Viscount Lascelles, London
278 - Letters from Dr Bimala Charan Law, Calcutta
279 - Letters from Sir W R Lawrence, London
280 - Letter from Lord Lawrence, India Office
281 - Letter from Sir Ralph Lawson, Brough Hall
282 - Letter from C H Lea, London
283 - Letter from R Le May, Tunbridge Wells
284 - Letter from S Lenan, Winchester
285 - Letter from Mrs Margaret Lennox, London
286 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel J Levey, London
287 - Letter from W Linton, West Hartlepool
288 - Letters from the Marquiss of Linlithgow
289 - Letter from the Marquess of Londonderry, Wynyard Park
290 - Letter from Walter H Long of the Local Government Board
291 - Letters from the Lord Lieutenancy
292 - Letters from Sir H V Lovett, Oxford
293 - Letter from General Sir ceil Lowther, London
294 - Telegram from Sir R Lumley
295 - Letter from H F B Lynch, London
296 - Letter from John Lyon, Ormskirk
297 - Letters from the Honourable Mrs A Lyttelton
298 - Letter from Sir Donald MacAlister, Glasgow
299 - Letter from Mrs McCalmont
300 - Letter from McCanaland, New Zealand
301 - Letter from Professor O S McCordack, Tennessee
302 - Letters from the Right Honourable M McDonald
303 - Letter from W M McIntyre, Toronto
304 - Letter from Sir C McLeod, London
305 - Letter from Sir H M McPherson
306 - Letters from Rao Madhave, Madras
307 - Letter from the Honourable Mrs Maguire, London
308 - Letter from Abdul Majid
309 - Telegrams from Sir Ian Malcolm
310 - Letter from Lady Malcolm
311 - Letter from Professor G N Mallik, Bengal
312 - Letters from Marches a D, Viti de Marco enclosing printed proposal of Anglo-Italian League
313 - Letters from HRH the Princes Royal
314 - Letter from P H H Massy, Mersina
315 - Letter from Colonel F R Maunsell, London
316 - Letters from R D Mehta, Calcutta
317 - Letter from D M Mehta, Calcutta
318 - Letter from E Mendoza, London
319 - Letter from Robert J Menz, Los Angeles
320 - Letter from the Earl of Middleton, House of Lords
321 - Letter from Lady Miller
322 - Letter from Sir Eugen Millington-Drake, Tripoli
323 - Letters from Gladys Mills (Later Phipps)
324 - Letters from the Very Reverend E Milner-White, York
325 - Letters from the Dowager Countess of Minto
326 - Letter from W Mitchell, Srinagar
327 - Letter from Rai Bahadur Mitna MC, Hoogly
328 - Letters from Professor S C Mitna, Hindu Academy, Danlatpur
329 - Letters from Sudhir Chander Mitter
330 - Letter from Sardar Bahadur Mohan Singh, Rawlpindi
331 - Letter from W H Mareno, London
332 - Letter from G C I E Morgan, Kalimpong
333 - Letter from Thomas Morris, Middlesbrough
334 - Letter from Dr G E Morrison
335 - Letter from the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, London
336 - Letter from Rai Bahadur jadunath Mozoomder CIE, Jessore
337 - Letter from N Mukherjee, Calcutta
338 - Letter from D L Murray of the Times
339 - Letters from Miss Nares, Winnipeg
340 - Letter from Ali Kan Nashad
341 - Letters from the National Bank of Scotland
342 - Letter from the National Trust relating to invitations to children's seat
343 - Letter from Lady Dorothy Neville, London
344 - Letter from Miss R Newman
345 - Letter from L S Newmarch, Baghdad
346 - Letter from Lord Newton
347 - Letters from Mrs Robert Niles, New York
348 - Letter from Philip Noel Baker, Commonwealth Relations Office
349 - Letter from Sir Firaz Khan Noon, India House
350 - Letter from the North Riding Justices
351 - Letters from T Nouvion
352 - Letter from Sir N R O'Conor, St Brendans
353 - Letter from W T O'Connor, Tehran
354 - Letters from Mrs Odling, Kalimpang
355 - Letters from Lady O'Duryer
356 - Letter from Sir H O'Neill baronet
357 - Letter from the Earl of Onslow, Guildford
358 - Letters from the Countess of Oxford, Sutton Courtney
359 - Letter from S W Page, Oxford
360 - Letter from W S Paley, New York by cable
361 - Letter from H W Palmer
362 - Letter from Miss Palmer, Exeter
363 - Letter from Captain Harold Parker of the British Legion
364 - Letter from Alan Parsons, Whitehall
365 - Letter from Miss R Parsons, London
366 - Letter from B Patra, Bhawanipore
367 - Letter from K T Paul, YMCA Calcutta
368 - Letters from Swana Pavitranda, librarian, Advaita Ashrama
369 - Letter from H D Peacock, Hurgill Lodge, Richmond
370 - Letter from Sir Alfred Pease, Pinchinthorpe
371 - Letters from Viscount Peel, India Office
372 - Letters from Dr Francis W Pember, Oxford
373 - Letter from Major Pennyman, Ormesby Hall
374 - Letter from Lord Eustace Percy, Aldury near Guildford
375 - Persian Railways correspondence
376 - Letter from Johannes Peters, Stettin, relating to Jews
377 - Letter from Daphne Philipson, London
378 - Letters from J S Philpotts, Tunbridge Wells
379 - Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Picot, London
380 - Letter from Penelope Pike, Petersfield
381 - Letter from S C Plant, Yangtze, China
382 - Letter from Ernest Platt
383 - Letter from Colonel Plomer CMG, Shrewsbury
384 - Letters from the Polish National Chapter
385 - Lord Rs letter to Captain Pollen
386 - Letter from Captain J Pollen, East India Association
387 - Letter from Lady B Pretyman, Birmingham
388 - Letters from Sir S Radhakrishnan relating to appointment to Oxford
389 - Letter from Ravensdale
390 - Letter from Sir Stanley Reed, London
391 - Letter from Charles I Reid, New York, suggesting lecture tour
392 - Letter from C L Reid, Mayor, Reading
393 - Letter from Mrs Reid
394 - Letter from J Reith, Director General of the BBC
395 - Letter from Lord Rennel, RGS
396 - Letter from Mrs Renwick (nee Clarke)
397 - Letter from E M Rich, London County Council
398 - Letter from George Richards, Dorset
399 - Letter from J H Richardson, Edinburgh
400 - Letters from the Borough of Richmond
401 - Letter from Richmond Round Table
402 - Letter from W R Rickmers, Bremen
403 - Letter from Countess Roberts, Ascot
404 - Letter from Sir Malcolm Robertson, Buenos Aires
405 - Letter from Guy D Robinson, Calcutta
406 - Letter from Sir R Rodd, London
407 - Letters from Mrs Evelyn Romanoff (nee Catley), West Ealing
408 - Letters from L J L D Earl of Ronaldshay relating to passports
409 - Letters from Algernon Rose, Authors Club
410 - Letter from Archibald Rose, Upper Burma, enclosing photographs
411 - Letter from Lord Rowallan, The Boy Scouts Association
412 - Letter from G W Rowe, London
413 - Letters from Sir Bijoy Singh Roy KCIE, Calcutta
414 - Letter from J N Roy, Jalpaiguri
415 - Letters from T N Roy, Dacca Farm
416 - Letter from the Royal Society of Arts relating to award of silver medal
417 - Letter from G W Rushton, Norwich relating to a play about Queen Victoria
418 - Letter from H F Russel, London
419 - Letter from Oswald Russell, Sunday Times Literary Editor
420 - Letter from Violet the Duchess of Rutland, Melton Mowbray
421 - Letter from Sir M E Sadler, Oxford
422 - Letter from the Marchiness of Salisbury, Hatfield House
423 - Letter from the Marquess of Salisbury, 21 Arlington Street, London
424 - Letter from Sir Samuel Herbert, Home Secretary
425 - Letter from Sir L Sanderson, London
426 - Letter from Dr Sandes, London
427 - Letter from Lord Sankey, London
428 - Letter from Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasad Sastri, Ramna
429 - Letter from H Saunderson, Newbury
430 - Letter from the Earl of Scarborough KG, London
431 - Letter from Edward Scarth, Bengal
432 - Letter from A M Scott, Calgary Alberta
433 - Letter from Lady F Scott, Kenya
434 - Letter from Sefi
435 - Letter from the Earl of Selborne, London
436 - Letters from Dr Dinesh Sen, Chandra, Rai Bahadur relating to Calcutta
437 - Letter from N C Sen, Calcutta
438 - Letter from Sir Malcolm Seton KGB, India Office
439 - Letter from Dr A L Seward, Cambridge relating to an honourary degree of LLD
440 - Letter from Lady Shackleton, Hampton Court Palace
441 - Letter from Mian Muhammad Shafi, Punjab
442 - Letter from Ranjee G Shahari
443 - Letter from Mauldi J D Shama, London
444 - Letter from Bhagabet Shastri,Kumar, Gaswani, Bengal
445 - Letter from Dr Haraprasad Shastri, Calcutta
446 - Letter from General Sir J S Shea, London
447 - Letter from General P Shears
448 - Letter from Captain G Sheiston, Olliver, Richmond
449 - Letter from Pandit Shyarn Sankar, Calcutta
450 - Letter from R Davila Silva, Abogada
451 - Letter from Sir John Simon, Foreign Office
452 - Letter from Kunwar Rajendra Singh, Sitpur
453 - Letter from Lord Sinka, Calcutta
454 - Letters from F H Skirne, London
455 - Letter from F G Sly CSI, SS Medina
456 - Letters from Margaret Smyth, Sandhurst
457 - Letter from Lady Somerlayton, Lowestoft
458 - Letter from Mrs Somerville, London
459 - Letter from Mrs C Sorabji, London
460 - Letter from Lady Southampton, Darlington
461 - Letters from L D Spencer
462 - Letters from Lord Stamfordham, Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle
463 - Letter from Earl Stanhope KG, Sevenoaks
464 - Letter from Lord Stanley of Alderley, Royal Colonial Institute
465 - Letter from H A Stark, Calcutta
466 - Letter from W H Stephenson, West Hartlepool relating to 'Voltegeur
467 - Letter from Lady Stevenson-Moore, Haslemere
468 - Letters from Lord Stonehaven
469 - Letter from Viscountess Sydney Stonehaven, Ury
470 - Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Storey, London
471 - Letter from Lord Strabolgi, London
473 - Letters from J Strachey, St Loe, London
474 - Letter from W H Strelling, Hull relating to Germany and Hitler
475 - Letter from H A Stuart, Devon
476 - Letter from the Reverend Doctor O H Stursburg, Bengal
477 - Letters from H H Raj Rana Suigh Sir Bhawani, Bahadur of Thalawar KCSI
478 - Letter from Sirday Syes, Ali Khan, Hyderabad
479 - Letter from Sir P Sykes, London relating to an assasination attempt
480 - Letter from Sir R Sykes, Sledmere
481 - Letter from Maharaja Bahadur Tagore, Tagore Castle
482 - Letters from Miss G Talbot
483 - Letter from H G Tennant, Cranbrook
484 - Letter from Mrs E Thesiger, London
485 - Letter from F W Thomas
486 - Letter from P R Thompson, Marton, North Yorkshire
487 - Letter from the Editor of the Times newspaper relating to the Russian Scheme
488 - Letters from Vi Tollemack, Sunningdale
489 - Letter from Arthur F Townsend, Musnia, relating to Baghdad Railway
490 - Letter from the Honourable Mrs Townshend, Bodlam Manor
491 - Letters from Colonel G Chevenix Trench
492 - Letters from Professor G M Trevelyan, Cambridge
493 - Letter from Dr A Cotterell Tupp, London
494 - Letter from Professor R Turner, University of London
495 - Letters from John Tweed in London and Upper Egypt
496 - Letter from Violet Tweedale, Torquay
497 - Letters from T Upcher, Sheringham Hall
498 - Letter from Sir Robert Vansittart, Foreign Office
499 - Letters from Professor C H Van Tyne, Michigan
500 - Letter from Arthur Vassall, Oxford
501 - Letter from Major H Vaux, Ganeshkhind
502 - Letter from P C Vellacot, Harrow
503 - Letter from F J Vokins, Richmond
504 - Letter from Laurie C Wallis, Burwell
505 - Letter from W T Wallis
506 - Letter from the War Office
507 - Letter from Major C Ward-Jackson
508 - Letters from Sir H Warren KCVO, Oxford
509 - Letter from J H D Webster (Colin Folly), London
510 - Letters from Hugh H Weir, Chemulpo, Korea
511 - Letter from Mrs L A Wenge, Victoria BC
512 - Letter from Sir H Wheeler, Patna
513 - Letter from Lady Wheeler, London, relating to death of Sir H Wheeler
514 - Letter from Sydney White
515 - Letter from M W Wickham-Boynton, Burton Agnes
516 - Letters from W H Wilkinson, Yunnanfu
517 - Letters from Lieutenant Colonel H B Harpenden
518 - Letter from P S Wilkinson, Govenor of Bengal
519 - Letter from Miss E W Wiliams, Hertford
520 - Letter from T A Williams, Malton
521 - Letter from Lord Willingdon
522 - Letter from Marquess of Willingdon
523 - Letter from Colonel J S Wilson, CMG, OBE, Maidstone
524 - Letters from Lord Winterton, London
525 - Letter Dr Percy Withers, Banbury
526 - Letter from Sir Gerald W Wollaston, KCB, KCVO, Garter
527 - Letter from H A S Wortley, Nottingham
528 - Letter from R Wyndham, Fyzabad
529 - Letter from A S Yahuda, London
530 - Letter from Sir Charles E Yate, Madeley Hall
531 - Letter from York Lodge relating to Honorary membership no 236
532 - Letter from Innis Young, Grosvenor House, London
533 - Letters from Sir Francis T Younghusband from Ampthill and Kashmir residence
534 - Letters from Marquess of Zetland KI
535 - Letters from Lillian, Marchioness of Zetland
536 - Letter from Cicely, Marchioness of Zetland
540 - Correpsondence relating to the National Trust
541 - Goblin Tapestries Correspondence
542 - York race committee papers
543 - Racehorses/stud papers
544 - Lord Ronaldshay's biography of Lord Curzon
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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