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Collapse 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
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Collapse 9 - Bills, accounts, receipts9 - Bills, accounts, receipts
1 - Account made by Thomas Dundas for the purchase of his and his brother Lawrence's houses in Edinburgh 1755-1758
2 - Receipt for £1500 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to account of Earl of Ancram
3 - Receipt for £80 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Vise
4 - Papers for Sir George Colebrook: Receipt for £600 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas for 60% on his 2 shares in a Cambrick manufactory at Winchelsea
5 - Papers for Sir George Colebrook: Receipt for £200 for 20% of shares in a Cambrick manufactory at Winchelsea
6 - Papers for Sir George Colebrook: Receipt for £200 for 20% of shares in a Cambrick manufactory at Winchelsea
7 - Bill signed by Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Lawrence Dundas to pay £50 to William Law
8 - Bill signed by Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Lawrence Dundas to pay £50 to William Law
9 - Bill signed by Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Lawrence Dundas to pay £50 to William Law
10 - Bill signed by Thomas Cornforth, Richmond to Sir Lawrence Dundas to pay £50 to William Law
11 - Account of Robert Gordon, Goldsmith of Edinburgh 1760-1763
12 - Receipt for £20000 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Joseph Godfrey
13 - Receipt for £500 paid by Colonel Masterton for Sir Lawrence Dundas to Goguel
14 - Accounts of Richard Andrew for coals and freight, 1763
15 - Receipt for £800 loan made by Alex Geddes to T Pownall
16 - Account of executors of James Heriot for wine
17 - Account to Andrew Clarke delivered at Haxter
18 - Account to Charles Ogilvy
19 - Account of Henry Foot for freight and customs etc
20 - Receipt for £200 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Browne
21 - Account of Gibbs Crawford for legal fees in purchase of Arlington Street house
22 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Charles Ogilvy
23 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Charles Ogilvy
24 - Receipt for £60 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Vise
25 - Receipt for 16s 10d for carriage by John Wakeman from Chester
26 - Receipt for two promissory notes of Messrs Drummonds of £50 each received by Thomas Nicholl from Sir Lawrence Dundas
27 - Bill for £1500 called by Alex Geddes on Governor Thomas Pownall
28 - Promissory note for £800 to be paid by Bradshaw to Sir Lawrence Dundas
29 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Charles Ogilvy
30 - Receipt for £6000 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Duke of Bridgewater
31 - Receipt for draft on Andrew Drummond and Co for £105 from Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Nicholl
32 - Bill for £360 called by Sir Lawrence Dundas on Lieutenant Bain
33 - Bill for £250 called by Sir Lawrence Dundas on Drummonds to be paid to Charles Ogilvy
34 - Receipt for £542 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Hutchinson
35 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
36 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
37 - Receipt for £200 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
38 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
39 - Receipt for £102 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
40 - Receipt for £10 10s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
41 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
42 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
43 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
44 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
45 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
46 - Receipt for £20 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
47 - Receipt for £50 10s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Nasmith
48 - Receipt for £2300 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Gilbert
49 - Receipt for 3 guineas as first payment for Lord Whitworth's State Papers
50 - State of accounts for housekeeping, receipted by (?) Ellis
51 - Receipt for £120 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Hutchinson
52 - Receipt for £515 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Hutchinson
53 - Account of Robert Davis for memoirs and prints
54 - Receipt for £509 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Andrew Clark
55 - Receipt for £11000 paid by Earl of Essex to Messrs Drummonds on Sir Lawrence Dundas's account
56 - Account of Samuel Butler for carriage supplied to Sir Lawrence Dundas
57 - Receipt for £123 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Collins
58 - 2 receipts for £100 each, paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Hutchinson
59 - Rough account of [Colonel Masterton] for various expenses, Kerse
60 - Rough account of [Colonel Masterton] for various expenses, Kerse
61 - Receipt for £525 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Garlies
62 - Receipt for £150 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to J Forbes
63 - Receipt for £180, half years interest on £8000 due to Hew Craig
64 - Receipt for £116 13s 4d for 7 months annuity due to Mrs C Wilson at her death 30 Jan 1769
65 - Bill for £34 4s 6d called by Robert Gusthart on Sir Lawrence Dundas
66 - Account of Thomas W Partington, solicitor's charges
67 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Downe
68 - Bill for £100 12s 5 1/4d called by Andrew Longmoor at Kerse on Sir Lawrence Dundas
69 - Promissory note for £8000 to be paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Ross
70 - Receipt for £7650 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Colonel John Scott
71 - Bill for £81 18s 8d called by Robert Gusthart on Colonel Masterton
72 - Receipt for £213 11s 3d paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Liston
73 - Bill for £86 4s 7d called by Richard Williamson at Amsterdam on Sir Lawrence Dundas
74 - Receipt for £336 16s interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to William Davidson
75 - Bill for £500 by James Bruce on Sir Lawrence Dundas
76 - Bill for £30 called by Charles Esplin and Co on Colonel James Masterton
77 - Receipt for £50 by Sir Lawrence Dundas for Colonel Masterton to John Crawford
78 - Account of Lawrence Fell and William Turton with Sir Lawrence Dundas
79 - Account settled between Sir Alex Gilmour and George Ross
80 - Receipt for £800 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Ross
81 - Receipt for 1000 Iivres French, paid by Sir Lawrence to Andrew Lumisden for wine
82 - Receipt for 250 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas per Doctor Thomas Dundas to J M Cope
83 - Receipt for 20 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas per Doctor Thomas Dundas to J M Cope
84 - Account of Sir Lawrence Dundas with Sir John Lambert
85 - Receipt for £4 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Le Tellier
86 - Receipt for £15 15s paid by Captain Dundas per Mr Williams
87 - Receipt for £240 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Vernon
88 - Receipt for 5 guineas subscription towards reilief of sick, lame and needy in St George's hospital near Hyde Park Corner
89 - Receipt for £25 paid by Sir Lawrence to Charlotte Lemage
90 - Receipt for 5 guineas subscription to Middlesex Hospital in Marybone Fields
91 - Receipt for 5 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence to Christopher Weir on account
92 - Receipt for £1000 paid by Sir Lawrence to Alex Gray on account of George Ross
93 - Account of J Forbes with Sir Lawrence for interest to August 1773
94 - Receipt for 50 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Christopher Dawson
95 - Receipt for 20 guineas paid by Mr Wentworth to Sir Lawrence Dundas
96 - Receipt for £20 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Ann Fern
97 - Receipt for £400, paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
98 - Bill for £95 called by John Hall on Sir Lawrence Dundas
99 - Receipt for loan of £5000 paid by Charles Ogilvy to Sir Lawrence Dundas
100 - Bill for £60 11 s called by Charles Dundas on Sir Lawrence Dundas
101 - Receipt for £19 15s 6d paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Appleby
102 - Receipt for £6000 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to account of Duke of Queensbury
103 - Receipt for £319 2s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to W Williams
104 - Account of Mr Seton, lawyer
105 - Bill for £95 14s 6d called by Andrew Longmoor on Sir Lawrence Dundas
106 - Account of money given out by Alexander Hart
107 - Receipt for £392 13s 2d
108 - Receipt for £400 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
109 - Receipt for £25 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton.
110 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas
111 - Receipt for £25 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
112 - Receipt for £25 received by John Crawford of Messrs Drummonds for Sir Lawrence Dundas
113 - Receipt for £750 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
114 - Receipt for £392 13s 2d paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Hill for Lord Fitzwilliam
115 - Bill for £100 called by Sir Lawrence Dundas on Messrs. Drummonds to be paid by John Crawford
116 - Rceipt for £500 interest on bond by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Pringle
117 - Receipt for £50 half year's interest on £1000 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
118 - Account of George Jackson for surveying and mapping
119 - Receipt for £750 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
120 - Receipt for £720 rent for Newmarket house paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Vernon
121 - Receipt for £400 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
122 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Mark Bull for Mrs McDonald's annuity
123 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
124 - Receipt for £1982 10s, paid by Mr Forbes to Charles Dundas on account of Sir Lawrence Dundas
125 - Receipt for £2000 paid by George Ross of Cromarty to John Pringle on account of Sir Lawrence Dundas
126 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Hill for Lord Fitzwilliam
127 - Receipt for £40 paid by James Farquharson (on behalf of Sir Lawrence Dundas) to Thomas Teasdale for building 80 roods of stone wall adjoining Easington Low Moor, at 10/- per rood for walling, cutting, leading etc
128 - Harrow Bills for Lawrence, grandson of Sir Lawrence Dundas:Accounts of Messrs Fell and Turton for decorating and furnishing Master Dundas' lodgings at Harrow
129 - Harrow Bills for Lawrence, grandson of Sir Lawrence Dundas:Account for board, tuition etc
130 - Harrow Bills for Lawrence, grandson of Sir Lawrence Dundas:Account of Freeman and Cooper, apothecaries
131 - Harrow Bills for Lawrence, grandson of Sir Lawrence Dundas:Account for lodging and fire
132 - Account of money received by M Lumisden by order of the right honourable Sir Lawrence Dundas, and dispursed on his young friend
133 - Account of expenses at Danby Lodge with copy receipt 29 Jun 1776, and receipt by James Farquharson
134 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
135 - Promissory note for £3000 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
136 - Receipt for 15 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to C W F Breiger
137 - Receipt for 15 guineas paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to C W F Breiger
138 - Receipt for £50 half year's annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to EIizabeth DaIrympIe
139 - Receipt for £750 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
140 - Account of Messrs Seton and Langland relating to Scottish political affairs
141 - Bill for £84 called by Edward Leedes on Sir Lawrence Dundas
142 - Receipt for £465 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Exchange Banking Company on account of William Davidson
143 - Receipt for 4 guineas subscription to opera for season, paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Messrs Yates and Brooke
144 - Receipt for £400 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
145 - Receipt for £50 half year's annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
146 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Hill for Lord Fitzwilliam
147 - Receipt for £500 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
148 - Receipt for £280 and £50 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Strange
149 - Receipt for £200 annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Charles Ogilvy
150 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Ayer
151 - Accounts for printing political propaganda Sept to Oct 1777
152 - Receipt for £200 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Wright
153 - Bill for £53 15s 2d called by John Walker and Co Edinburgh on Sir Lawrence Dundas to be paid to Messs Robert Scott Moncrieff and Co
154 - Receipt for £500 interest on bond for £10000 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Scott
155 - Promissory note for £2000 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
156 - Receipt for £750 paid by T R Rous per Mr Crawford to Messrs Pybus, Byde, Dorsett and Cockell
157 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
158 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Hill for Lord Fitzwilliam
159 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
160 - Promissory note for £2000 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Forbes
161 - Receipt for £750, 3 years interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Oswald
162 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
163 - Account of Thomas King, William King and Joseph Padget, mercers,
164 - Promissory note for £400 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Forbes with covering note
165 - Receipt for £50 half year annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Elizabeth Dalrymple
166 - Receipt for £100 rent for Dawney Lodge and manors of Danby and Liverton paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Downe
167 - Receipt for £750 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
168 - Receipt for £410 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
169 - Bill for £500 called by Thomas Dundas on Sir Lawrence Dundas
170 - Order to pay Captain John Bull £50 half years annuity due to Jean McDonald
171 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
172 - Receipt for £3 discount paid to Wakefield Simpson by Thomas Dundas on draft on Sir Lawrence Dundas
173 - Bill for £511 15s 2 1/2 d called by Thomas Dundas on Sir Lawrence Diundas to be paid to Michael Smith
174 - Receipt for 20 guineas half years wages paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Williams
175 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to the Honourable John Douglas
176 - Receipt for 50 guineas for a bay colt
177 - Bill for £50 called by John Roberts on James Forbes to be paid to Robert Welsh
178 - Receipt for £1000 quarter allowance paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
179 - Receipt for £500 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Scott
180 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
181 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
182 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Fitzwilliam
183 - Account of interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to George Ross
184 - Receipt for £480 rent for Newmarket House paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Vernon
185 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
186 - Receipt for £40 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to William Watson
187 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence to Elizabeth Dalrymple
188 - Bill for £200 called by Thomas Dundas on Sir Lawrence Dundas, to be paid to James Forbes
189 - Bill for £50 called by John Roberts on James Forbes to be paid to Robert Welsh
190 - Receipt for £750 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
191 - Receipt for 6 guineas subscription paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to N Kenney
192 - Promissory note for £500 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Forbes
193 - Promissory note for £500 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Forbes
194 - Bill for £50 called by Richard Ayer on Sir Lawrence Dundas to be paid to Christopher Watkin
195 - Bill for £50 called by Richard Ayer on Sir Lawrence Dundas to be paid to Christopher Watkin
196 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
197 - Account of horses sold by William Dymock to Sir Lawrence Dundas and Sir Lawrence's sale to Dymock
198 - Receipt for £1000 quarters annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
199 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Fitzwilliam
200 - Receipt for £500 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
201 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
202 - Promissory note for £600 made by Sir Lawrence to Simon Frazer
203 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
204 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Ayer
205 - Account of William Creech for 3 books
206 - Receipt for £600 on account of quarters allowance paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
207 - Receipt for £40 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Watson
208 - Receipt for £500 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Scott
209 - Receipt for £2 00 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
210 - Promissory note for £200 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
211 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
212 - Promissory note for £500 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to James Forbes
213 - Receipt for £500 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T B Rous
214 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Fitzwilliam
215 - Receipt for £1000 quarters allowance paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
216 - Receipt for £68 7s 5d paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lawrence Fell
217 - Bill for £52 10s called by L Pearson on Sir Lawrence to be paid to Thomas Williams
218 - Receipt for 40 guineas opera subscription paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to R B Sheridan
219 - Bill for £50 called by John Roberts on James Forbes to be paid to Robert Welsh
220 - Promissory note for £2000 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
221 - Receipt for £275 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Strange
222 - Receipt for £1481 14s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Moffatts and Co
223 - Receipt for £1000 quarters allowance paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
224 - Promissory note for £1500 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
225 - Bill for £50 called by Richard Ayer on Sir Lawrence to be paid to Christopher Watkin
226 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
227 - Bill for £94 15s 3d called by James Farquarson on Simon Frazer to be paid to Sir Lawrence Dundas
228 - Receipt for £400 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
229 - Receipt for £25 paid by Sir Lawrence to (?) Flodman for Moor Park Garden
230 - Bill for £122 9s called by James Farquharson on Simon Frazer, to be paid to Sir Lawrence Dundas
231 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Ayer
232 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Ayer
233 - Receipt for £100 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Mary Ferrier
234 - Order by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer to pay £500 to William Williams
235 - Receipt for £76 16s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Gray
236 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
237 - Receipt for £20 paid by Mr Burrows by order of Thomas Dundas to Charles Dundas on the Orkney journey
238 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to William Morehead
239 - Receipt for £496 10s paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to W Williams
240 - Receipt for £100 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Stewart factor for John Chichester
241 - Receipt for £1000 quarterly allowance paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Thomas Dundas
242 - Receipt for £280 3s 2d interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord Fitzwilliam
243 - Promissory note for £1500 made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Simon Frazer
244 - Receipt for £275 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Strange
245 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
246 - Account of William Faden for 2 charts, 1 June 1779-May 1780.
247 - 'Mr Forbes' notes all cleared to 17 February 1780'
248 - Receipt for 10 guineas subscription paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to T Martindale
249 - Receipt for £500 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Scott
250 - Receipt for £200 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to John Douglas
251 - Receipt for £50 half years annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to D Middleton
252 - Bill for £165 called by Waiter Ross on Sir Lawrence Dundas
253 - Receipt for £100 paid by Walter Ross on account of Sir Lawrence Dundas to Andrew Crosbie
254 - Receipt for £50 paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Robert Welsh on account of Captain John Roberts
255 - Account of Gibbs Crawford for various bills
256 - Receipt for £400 rent for Newmarket house paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Richard Vernon
257 - Receipt for £400 interest paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Hew Craig
258 - Receipt for £50 half year's annuity paid by Sir Lawrence Dundas to Jean McDonald
259 - Promissory note for £259 7s 6d made by Sir Lawrence Dundas to William Tod and Co
260 - Copy of account with Gibbs Crawfurd
261 - Bill for £200 drawn by Sir Lawrence Dundas on William Williams, to pay to Thomas Forsyth
262 - Copy account of money due by Sir Lawrence Dundas to estate of William Beaty, Grenada
263 - Receipt for 2 guineas paid to Thomas Nugent for copy of History of Vandalia
264 - Receipt for 1 guinea paid to Robert Douglas for copy of Baronage of Scotland
265 - Account for household expenses, receipted
266 - Receipt for £100 paid by Waiter Ross to Andrew Crosbie on account of Sir Lawrence Dundas
267 - 90 Receipts for payments into Sir Lawrence Dundas's account at Messrs Drummonds
268 - Account book, probably of Sir Lawrence Dundas's valet
Expand 10 - Tailors' accounts10 - Tailors' accounts
Expand 11 - Other financial papers11 - Other financial papers
Expand 12 - Bank books12 - Bank books
Expand 13 - Papers relating to investments in ships13 - Papers relating to investments in ships
Expand 14 - Horse racing14 - Horse racing
Expand 15 - Newmarket house15 - Newmarket house
Expand 16 - American affairs16 - American affairs
Expand 17 - Honours and offices17 - Honours and offices
Expand 18 - Dundas family history18 - Dundas family history
Expand 19 - Gout receipts and powders19 - Gout receipts and powders
Expand 20 - Moor Park papers20 - Moor Park papers
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous papers21 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 22 - Newspapers22 - Newspapers
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Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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