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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Collapse 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Collapse 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Expand 1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Expand 3 - Scottish political and public affairs3 - Scottish political and public affairs
Expand 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company
Expand 5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate
Expand 6 - Legal Papers6 - Legal Papers
Collapse 7 - Household7 - Household
1 - Accounts of William France: Arlington Street
2 - Accounts of William France: Moor Park
3 - Accounts of William France: Arlington Street and Moor Park
4 - Synopsis of accounts of William France for Arlington Street and Moor Park
5 - Synopsis of accounts of William France for Arlington Street and Moor Park
6 - Receipt for £500
7 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: picture frames
8 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: picture frames and packing pictures
9 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: glass frames for Moor Park
10 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: window cornices and curtains for Moor Park
11 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: sofas and chairs for Moor Park
12 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: bedding going abroad
13 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: Joiners work at Arlington Street
14 - Accounts of Messrs Lawrence Fell and William Turton: receipt for £300
15 - Accounts of Samuel Norman: inventory of work carried out for Sir Lawrence Dundas
16 - Accounts of Samuel Norman: Summary of payments to Norman 1763-1766
17 - Thomas Chippendale: receipt for £100
18 - Thomas Chippendale: receipt for £200
19 - Accounts of Thomas Chippendale and executor of James Rannie July 1763-January 1766
20 - Accounts of Robert Adam: general abstract of the totals of building works done at Moor Park
21 - Accounts of Robert Adam: draft account for designs at Moor Park, 1763-1765
22 - Accounts of Robert Adam: scroll of accounts for designs at Arlington Street and Moor Park
23 - Accounts of Robert Adam: Account current 1763-5
24 - Accounts of Robert Adam: scroll of account for designs at Arl ington Street and Moor Park (in Lady Dundas's hand)
25 - Accounts of Robert Adam: total of bills and money paid
26 - Accounts of James Lawson: furnishing, June 1763-April 1764
27 - Accounts of James Lawson: furnishing April-October 1764
28 - Accounts of James Lawson: furnishing April-October 1764
29 - Accounts of James Lawson: furnishing December 1764-September 1765
30 - Lists and accounts of pictures: receipt from P Van Dyke
31 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of pictures bought at Mr. Blackwood's sale
32 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account from John Blackwood, delivered to Sir Lawrence Dundas 16 January 1765
33 - Lists and accounts of pictures: invoice from John Greenwood
34 - Lists and accounts of pictures: invoice from John Greenwood
35 - Lists and accounts of pictures: invoice of Teniers pictures from John Greenwood
36 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of John Greenwood for Lucas Jardano picture
37 - Lists and accounts of pictures: invoice from Muilman and Sons
38 - Lists and accounts of pictures: receipt and letter from Charles Pye
39 - Lists and accounts of pictures: description of' Mary and Martha painting by Spagniolette
40 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of pictures bought at Prestage's saleroom
41 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of works bought at Adam's sale
42 - Lists and accounts of pictures: inventory of pictures, presumably belonging to Sir Lawrence in Lady Dundas's hand
43 - Lists and accounts of pictures: list of pictures belonging to Sir Lawrence Dundas, not hung up
44 - Lists and accounts of pictures: receipt by Joullain for £500 for Teniers picture
45 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of R Strange for picture frames, carriage and packing of pictures
46 - Lists and accounts of pictures: account of William Hoare, painter, dated at Bath, mentioning portraits of Sir Lawrence and Lady Dundas and others
47 - Rough note of position of six pictures
48 - Pencil sketch of a picture of a man and woman at a table
49 - Neilson's MS list of Gobelins tapestries
50 - Letter from Neilson (Paris) to James Bruce (at Thomas Dundas's Hanover Square)
51 - Letter from Neilson (Paris)
52 - Letter from Neilson (Paris)
53 - Letter from Neilson (Paris)
54 - Memoir du montant des nouvelles tapisseries
55 - Estimate by John Adam for offices proposed to be built at North end of Kerse House
56 - Note of the joiners and carpenters work done for Sir Lawrence Dundas at Aske
57 - Account of the expense of building work for Sir Lawrence Dundas at Ask by Mr Carr
58 - Note of sundries sent from Mr. Smith to Aske Hall
59 - John Carr: receipt for 50 guineas for supervising works at Aske
60 - John Carr: receipt for 50 guineas for surveying buildings at Aske
61 - John Carr: account for marble chimney pieces
62 - John Carr: receipt for 200 guineas
63 - John Carr: receipt for £100 for years attendance
64 - John Carr: receipt for £80 (for attendance at Aske) and £20 (for Edinburgh plan)
65 - John Carr: receipt for £100
66 - John Barbe junior (Boulogne), customs duties on various items
67 - French bill for China etc
68 - Receipt by N T Dale for repairing ceiling at Moor Park
69 - Account of Thomas Chamberlain, Greek Street, Soho, for ironmongery etc December 1762-February 1764
70 - Estimate of Mr Husband for a stable at the King's Arms, Richmond
71 - Rough note in the hand of Sir Lawrence Dundas, of expenses of furnishing
72 - List of mirrors and tapestries at Moor Park (in French)
73 - Receipt from Henry Laughton for money for frames at Arlington Street
74 - Account of the executor of Charles Smith for bedstead, bedding, drapery and carpets etc
75 - Account of David Adamson (measured by James Wickes?) for painting at Arlington Street
76 - Account for two large emblematical figures representing Hercules and Minerva,painted in chiaro scuro by G B Cipriani
77 - List of images in lead for sale by Mr Deschamps
78 - Estimate by Thomas Allwood for making a glass frame
79 - List of pictures bought from Mr Blackwood, addressed on dorse to Sir Lawrence Dundas at Kerse
80 - Inventory of plate belonging to Sir Lawrence Dundas, taken at Moor Park
81 - Inventory of Arlington Street
Expand 8 - Bonds8 - Bonds
Expand 9 - Bills, accounts, receipts9 - Bills, accounts, receipts
Expand 10 - Tailors' accounts10 - Tailors' accounts
Expand 11 - Other financial papers11 - Other financial papers
Expand 12 - Bank books12 - Bank books
Expand 13 - Papers relating to investments in ships13 - Papers relating to investments in ships
Expand 14 - Horse racing14 - Horse racing
Expand 15 - Newmarket house15 - Newmarket house
Expand 16 - American affairs16 - American affairs
Expand 17 - Honours and offices17 - Honours and offices
Expand 18 - Dundas family history18 - Dundas family history
Expand 19 - Gout receipts and powders19 - Gout receipts and powders
Expand 20 - Moor Park papers20 - Moor Park papers
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous papers21 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 22 - Newspapers22 - Newspapers
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Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
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