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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Collapse 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Collapse 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Expand 1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Expand 3 - Scottish political and public affairs3 - Scottish political and public affairs
Expand 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company
Expand 5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate
Expand 6 - Legal Papers6 - Legal Papers
Expand 7 - Household7 - Household
Expand 8 - Bonds8 - Bonds
Expand 9 - Bills, accounts, receipts9 - Bills, accounts, receipts
Expand 10 - Tailors' accounts10 - Tailors' accounts
Collapse 11 - Other financial papers11 - Other financial papers
1 - Papers taken out of pocket book 12 June 1771
2 - Papers taken out of pocket booK January 1777
3 - Papers taken from pocket book of Sir Lawrence Dundas 29 July 1777
4 - Papers taken from pocket book of Sir Lawrence Dundas 29 July 1778
5 - Papers taken from pocket book of Sir Lawrence Dundas 17 March 1779
6 - Papers "taken from pocket book 20 March 1780
7 - Papers taken from pocket book 16 April 1780
8 - Note about bond granted by Lawrence Dundas and Colonel Haldane to H Taylor
9 - Note from Francis Cooper at Basinghall Street, to Mr Davidson at Conduit Street
10 - Rough note of account with Messrs Drummonds
11 - State of account for wine between Lawrence Dundas and John Jolly (deceased)
12 - Note of money due at Christmas
13 - Note about bills drawn by Colonel Masterton
14 - State of money in the funds
15 - State of property in the funds
16 - Certificate of ยฃ5500 stock in the name of Sir Lawrence'Dundas in Royal Bank of Scotland
17 - List of money received and spent since in this country
18 - Rough copy of note on money received and spent since n this county
19 - Note of signing bonds
20 - Note of poor rates payable on Moor Park
21 - The abstract of the expence of a dinner
22 - Fragment of summary receipts
23 - Note of quantities of bricks and lime
24 - Abstarct of Sir Lawrence Dundas baronet, his annual funds in Scotland
25 - Note of interest expected to be paid preceeding 1 January 1767
26 - Note of interest
27 - Note of interest
28 - Account of monies received of Messrs Drummond by Charles Ogilvy esquire with the interests calculated due on each sum
29 - Accounts of bills drawn by Mr Hutchinson since Sir Lawrence Dundas left Aske to go to Scotland
30 - Note of payments of interest by Lords Sandwich, Weymouth and Darlington
31 - Account current between Sir Lawrence Dundas and William Aberdeen
32 - Rough note of payments
33 - State of the East India Company's affairs for the next two years
34 - Lists of accounts to be paid in London and at Moor Park
35 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Sir Lawrence Dundas to Duncan Clerk
36 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Sir Lawrence Dundas to Duncan Clerk
37 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Messrs Fatio and Cazalet to Duncan Clerk
38 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Messrs Fatio and Cazalet to Duncan Clerk
39 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Duncan Clerk to Messrs Fatio and Cazalet
40 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India Stock: Duncan Clerk to Sir Lawrence Dundas
41 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India stock: Account
42 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India stock: Cash account
43 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India stock: Rough cash account
44 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India stock: Note about interest for J Forbes
45 - Correspondence and accounts with Duncan Clerk about purchasing East India stock: List of payments
46 - State of Sir Lawrence Dundas's India Stock
47 - An account of the East India Stock which by power of attorney was intrusted to Mr Gibbs Crawfurd
48 - Note of disbursements
49 - Account of ยฃ400 received and paid by J Crawford
50 - State of debts, funds etc
51 - State of account with Mr Taylor
52 - W Williams state of cash received on account of Newmarket, London and Moor Park
53 - W Williams list of bills to pay
54 - List of bills
55 - List of bills
56 - List of board wages to be paid
57 - W Williams list of bills to pay at Moor Park
58 - W Williams list of wages to pay
59 - W Williams list of bills drawn on Sir Lawrence Dundas at Aske Hall
60 - W Williams list of wages and board to pay
61 - List of bills in hand of Williams
62 - Rough calculation of receipts and expenditure
63 - Calculation of principal and interest
64 - Calculation of principal and interest
65 - Memoranda
66 - Copy memorandum of Colonel James Masterton
67 - Notes of expenses at Harwich
68 - Notes of expenses at Harwich
69 - Note of cattle bought by Mr Longmoor
70 - Notes of transfer of stock
71 - Note of Sir Lawrence Dundas's bonds to the Royal Bank
72 - Note of vacancies at Leithfor tidesman and boatman
73 - Notes of increase in rentals of various estates
74 - Lord Weymouths state of his debts
75 - Memorandums
76 - Rough state of account with Drummonds
77 - Note of sale of stock
78 - Note of remittances of rent in hand of Williams
79 - Note possibly relating to debts of Alexander Gilmour in hand of Williams
80 - Note of inn expense
81 - Account with Simon Fraser
82 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: letter from Fraser to Sir Lawrence Dundas
83 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold:account settled
84 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: letter from Fraser to Sir Lawrence Dundas
85 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: papers
86 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: papers
87 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: papers
88 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: papers
89 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: papers
90 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: Fraser's account of stock sold
91 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
92 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
93 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
94 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
95 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
96 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
97 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: m4emorandum of cash
98 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
99 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
100 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
101 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
102 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
103 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
104 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memeorandum of cash
105 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
106 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
107 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
108 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
109 - Correspondence and accounts with Simon Fraser for stock sold: memorandum of cash
110 - Receipts of difffernt persons for money lent
111 - Account with Thomas Dundas
112 - Note of payments in hand of Masterton
113 - Bill of Mr Dundas paid by John Campbell
114 - List of debtors names with principal sums and dates from which interest is due
115 - Note from Ogilvy to Sir Lawrence Dundas about money owing
116 - Account of money owing from John Fremantle
117 - General account of money paid by Mr Bruce for Sir Lawrence Dundas and son while abroad
118 - 65 papers of jottings
119 - Account book, labelled 'French Annuities'ยท
Expand 12 - Bank books12 - Bank books
Expand 13 - Papers relating to investments in ships13 - Papers relating to investments in ships
Expand 14 - Horse racing14 - Horse racing
Expand 15 - Newmarket house15 - Newmarket house
Expand 16 - American affairs16 - American affairs
Expand 17 - Honours and offices17 - Honours and offices
Expand 18 - Dundas family history18 - Dundas family history
Expand 19 - Gout receipts and powders19 - Gout receipts and powders
Expand 20 - Moor Park papers20 - Moor Park papers
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous papers21 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 22 - Newspapers22 - Newspapers
Expand 2323
Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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