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Collapse 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Collapse 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Collapse 1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army1 - Commissary General and Contractor to the Army
1 - Account of money paid by Lawrence Dundas Esquire in provisions for troops
2 - Accounts concering the service of the royal train of artillery
3 - Account roll and quittance of Lawrence Dundas Esquire
4 - Account roll and quittance of Sir Lawrence Dundas
5 - Account roll and quittance of Sir Lawrence Dundas
6 - Accounts with the crown for supplies to troops in Germany
7 - List of supporting documents used in the general account for the year
8 - Note of letters of exchange drawn by Lawrence Dundas on Monsieur Muilman at Amsterdam
9 - Account with Mr Taylor
10 - State of a magazine to be established in Cassell
11 - Account for horses and waggons lost in the use of Hanoverian and Brunswick troops
12 - Abstract of account for loss of horses
13 - State of the hospital train
14 - State of the German bakery train
15 - State of the bread wagon train (in German)
16 - Account of horses and waggons of different trains sent by Mr Dundas 'a la Societe'
17 - State of German artillery train
18 - Statement relating to account of artillery and bread wagons
19 - Account of forage furnished by Mr Dundas
20 - Account of the Chancery of war of Hanover
21 - Account of warrants granted by Sir James Cockburn and bills for satisfying them on the Treasury
22 - State of the German bakery train, Bremen
23 - The state of the German hospital train, Bremen
24 - List of certificates
25 - Account of waggons ruined and horses killed in his Majesty's great provision train
26 - Copy account of waggons ruined and horses killed in his Majesty's great provision train
27 - Charles Ogilvy's account with Sir Lawrence Dundas
28 - Account of rye flour at Paderborn and Lymstadt (?) by J J Uckermann
29 - Current and General account of the society
30 - List of accounts that remain to be settled for the consideration of Sir Lawrence Dundas
31 - Receipted account of Sir Lawrence Dundas with Richard Oswald on contracts 1756 and 1757
32 - Account of money disbursed by Mr Taylor for Sir Lawrence Dundas
33 - Peter Taylor's account
34 - General Account of the Crown to Sir Lawrence Dundas
35 - Draft clause in claim for settlement of account
36 - Memorial for Mr Dundas concerning Mr Campbel
37 - Letter relating to provision of waggons (in French)
38 - Letter from J.J Uckerman at Munster (in German)
39 - Quittance from Major Johann Jacob Uckerman (in German)
40 - Quittance from Major Uckerman for 1000 ducats (in German)
41 - Quittance from Major J J Uckerman for 1333 1/3 ducats (in German)
42 - Letter from J J Uckerman at Fulda (in German)
43 - Letter from J J Uckerman at Fulda (in German)
44 - Letter from A Fraser relating to supplying bread
45 - Letter from A Fraser to Lawrence Dundas
46 - Undertaking by J C Uckerman
47 - Letter from A Fraser relating to a new scheme
48 - Draft letter from Sir Lawrence Dundas at Munster to Mr Ross at London
49 - Long letter from A Fraser at Zigenhain
50 - Memorandum by E Faber at Ziegenhain of receipts by Uckerman
51 - Letter from A Fraser at Ziganhain
52 - Letter from A Fraser at Fritzlar to Monsieur Collier (in French)
53 - Letter from J J Uckerman at Lichtanau bei Paderborn (in German)
54 - French translation of letter from Major J J Uckerman
55 - Receipt for 600 ducats paid to Major J J Uckerman
56 - Letter from J J Uckerman at Crosdorf to Lawrence Dundas at Marburg (in French)
57 - Letter from David Ludwig (?) at Bremen to Messrs Winkleman and Zimmer at Stanburg (in German)
58 - Memorandum of dispatch of Mr Fraser's account to Mr Rome
59 - Note signed by J H Melm, Bremen
60 - Order from Michael Bain to Lawrence Dundas to pay 40 ducats to Cornet ChiId
61 - Account by J J Uckerman with Lawrence Dundas
62 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier (in French)
63 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier, secretary to Lawrence Dundas at Hausbergen (in French)
64 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergen (in French)
65 - Letter from Sporen (?) at Hameln containing a copy of a letter from the Duke of Brunswick lo the Commissary (in French)
66 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergh (in French)
67 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergh (in French)
68 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergh (in French)
70 - Letter from James Cockburn at Hildesheim to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergh (in French)
71 - Letter to Captain Hoffmann (in French)
72 - Letter from James Cockburn to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergen (in French)
73 - Letter from James Cockburn to Monsieur Collier at Hausbergen (in French)
75 - Copy letter from the Duke Of Brunswick at Hildesheim to the Commissary (in French)
76 - Copy letter from the Duke Of Brunswick at Hildesheim to the Commissary (in French)
77 - Copy letter from James Cockburn at Pyrmont to the Commissary (in French)
78 - Copy letter from James Cockburn at Pyrmont to the Commissary (in French)
79 - Copy letter from James Cockburn at Pyrmont to the Commissary (in French)
80 - Copy letter from James Cockburn at Pyrmont to the Commissary (in French)
81 - Receipt by Uckerman (in German)
82 - Draft letter from Sir Lawrence Dundas at Fritzlar to Peter Taylor at1 Pyrmont
83 - Letter from James Cockburn of Gudenasburg to Monsieur Collier at Fritzlar
84 - General instructions from Sir Lawrence Dundas to Mr Geddes made at Bremen
85 - Order from Alex Geddes to Lawrence Dundas to pay £500 to Colonel William Faucit
86 - Letter from James Cockburn at Paderborn to Charles Ogilvy
87 - Order from Alex Geddes to Lawrence Dundas to pay £1100 to Sir James Cockburn
88 - Account by Charles Ogilvy of London of his being detained at Munster by Sir James Cockburn
89 - Draft letter by Sir Lawrence Dundas to 'His Excellency'
90 - Notes on the state of accounts of contract
91 - Rough note of disbursements
92 - Rough note of disbursements
93 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
94 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
95 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
96 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
97 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
98 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
99 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
100 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
101 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
102 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
103 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
104 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
105 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
106 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
107 - 'Papers taken out of my pocket book' 2 Sep 1762
108 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
109 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
110 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
111 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
112 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
113 - 'Papers taken out of red pocket book 19 July 1763'
114 - 'Chanson' in French
115 - Scrap of paper with notes
116 - List of clothing endorsed 'liste du, coffre a Mr le General'
117 - List of things sent to Bremen from London, Amsterdam and Rotterdam since Mr Dundas left Bremen
118 - List of things 'given to John McGrath'
119 - List of things which remain in the chest at Monsieur le General Dundas's at Bremen
120 - Inventory of all that 'Monsieur Ie General Dundas' has in his house at Bremen
121 - List of everything belonging to the stables of Mr Dundas at Bremen
122 - Wearing apparel belonging to Lawrence Dundas esquire at Bremen in the care of mr John MacGrath
123 - List of the papers and accounts regarding German affairs
124 - Agreement of Lawrence Dundas with J F Collier, Charles OgiIvy, Andrew Clark and Alex Geddes for sharing cntract
125 - Quitclaim by Collier, Ogilvy, Clarke and Geddes to Sir Lawrence on settlement of accounts
126 - Final account of Lawrence Dundas, J F Collier, Charles OgiIvy, Andrew Clark and Alex Geddes
127 - Letters from Sir James Cockburn (cover)
128 - Letters to Charles Ogilvie (copy)
129 - Letters to Mr Collier relating to dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
130 - Letters to Mr Collier relating to dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract (copy)
131 - Letters to Mr Collier relating to dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
132 - Letters to Mr Collier relating to dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract (copy)
133 - Notes by Sir Lawrence on a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
134 - Notes by Sir Lawrence on a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
135 - Notes by Sir Lawrence on a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
136 - Notes by Sir Lawrence on a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
137 - Notes by Sir Lawrence on a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
138 - Case with counsel's opinion relating to a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
139 - Case for counsel's opinion relating to a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
140 - Brief relating to a dispute with Sir James Cockburn on latter's claim for payment of share of profits of contract
141 - Memorandum by Sir Lawrence Dundas relating to his claims on Treasury for settlement of his accounts
142 - Memorial of Sir Lawrence Dundas to the Treasury
143 - Memorial of Sir Lawrence Dundas to the King
144 - Letter from Treasury to Sir Lawrence Dundas
145 - Draft reply of Sir Lawrence Dundas to the Treasury
146 - Memoire de la Chancellerie Royale Electorale des Guerres d'Hannovre, touchant le compte entre elle .. et' Monsieur le Chevalier Dundas
147 - Cover for papers relating to Sir Lawrence's claims on Treasury for settlement of his accounts
148 - Pocket notebook containing 'memorandums begun 1 June 1761'
149 - Copy warrant for payment of Sir Lawrence Dundas's claim
150 - Copy letter from Comptroller's Office Horse Guards to Sir Thomas Dundas requesting state of account
151 - Letter from Sir Thomas Dundas (Upleatham) to Gibbs Crawfurd
152 - Letter from William Molleson (Horse Guards )to Gibbs Crawfurd
153 - Letter from Gibbs Crawfurd (Parliament Street) to Sir Thomas Dundas
154 - Letter from Edmund Estcourt (Lincolns Inn) to Sir Thomas Dundas
155 - Letter from P Deare (Somerset Place)
156 - Extract. from accounts of Paymaster of the Forces 1764-1765 giving detai Is of payments to Sir Lawrence Dundas
157 - Slip of paper
158 - Slip of paper
159 - Letter book of Lawrence Dundas
160 - Letter book of Lawrence Dundas
161 - Letter book of Lawrence Dundas
162 - Letter book of Lawrence Dundas (London)
163 - Letter book of Lawrence Dundas (Germany)
164 - Account book including copy warrants etc for horses and waggons
165 - Account book including copy warrants etc for horses and waggons
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Expand 3 - Scottish political and public affairs3 - Scottish political and public affairs
Expand 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company 4 - Royal Bank of Scotland and Equivalent Company
Expand 5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate5 - Papers relating to settlement of Scottish estate
Expand 6 - Legal Papers6 - Legal Papers
Expand 7 - Household7 - Household
Expand 8 - Bonds8 - Bonds
Expand 9 - Bills, accounts, receipts9 - Bills, accounts, receipts
Expand 10 - Tailors' accounts10 - Tailors' accounts
Expand 11 - Other financial papers11 - Other financial papers
Expand 12 - Bank books12 - Bank books
Expand 13 - Papers relating to investments in ships13 - Papers relating to investments in ships
Expand 14 - Horse racing14 - Horse racing
Expand 15 - Newmarket house15 - Newmarket house
Expand 16 - American affairs16 - American affairs
Expand 17 - Honours and offices17 - Honours and offices
Expand 18 - Dundas family history18 - Dundas family history
Expand 19 - Gout receipts and powders19 - Gout receipts and powders
Expand 20 - Moor Park papers20 - Moor Park papers
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous papers21 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 22 - Newspapers22 - Newspapers
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Expand 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
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