Document referenceZNK II 85
TitleSettlement on the marriage of Henry Walker Yeoman and Margaret Bruce Dundas, eldest daughter of Lawrence Dundas
Description1 Henry Walker Yeoman of Woodlands, Aislaby, Whitby esquire
2 Thomas Lord Dundas
3 The honourable Lawrence Dundas of Marske
4 Margaret Bruce Dundas, eldest daughter of Lawrence
5 Charles William Viscount Milton and Robert Chaloner of Guisborough esquire
6 Thomas Dundas of Marske, eldest son of Lawrence Dundas and Marmaduke Wyvill of Leyburn esquire

Recites that H W Yeoman is entitled to property by virtue of the will of his father H W Yeoman 29 Sep 1798. Bargain and sale of 12 Jun 1812 and common recovery. The property is subject to charges created by the marriage settlement of 6 Dec 1786 of H W Yeoman the father with Ann Hale (who after his death married Cornelius Smelt) and a further settlement of 29 and 30 Nov 1787 ie annuity of £300 to Anne for life and a sum of £6000 to be divided between Constantine Yeoman, Bernard Yeoman and Mary Ann Yeoman brothers and sister of H W Yeoman. The property is also charged with mortgage of £4000 to Christopher Brearey 1 Feb 1815 and by deed of 1 Feb 1816 it is charged with £1897 1s 4d to Constantine Yeoman, £2003 12s 1d to Bernard Yeoman and £1154 6s 10d to Mary Anne Yeoman
And recites that H W Yeoman is entitled to the residue of a term of 21 years in a rectory granted by the Archbishop of York 27 May 1814
And recites that Margaret Bruce Dundas will be entitled to 1/5th part of £15000 raisable on the decease of Lawrence Dundas under his marriage settlement and is entitled to £500 under the will of Dame Margaret her grandmother which sums are agreed to become the property of H W Yeoman on the marriage

Now the following property is granted to trustees
All property devised by will of H W Yeoman in Ruswarp, Fylingdales, Ugglebarnaby, Eskdalesid, Newbiggin, Grosmont, Egton, Waupley, Aislaby, Seamer, Tanton in Cleveland, Whitby, Lythe and Stokesley:
8 closes on the West Side of the lane leading from the river Esk near Spittlebridge to Larphill House, 24 acres and the herbage of the lane leading from the said house to Larphill Gate standing across the lane in Hawsker cum Stainsacre which were conveyed to John Yeoman by lease and release 1 and 2 May 1761, 1 John Yeoman, 2 John Reynolds, mariner, 3 William Barker, gentleman

Moiety of messuage, alum houses and works, arable meadow or pasture ground in part of which the said alum works were formerly carried on and close called the Star formerly occupied by Richard Jackson in Eskdaleside and moiety of farms and lands of whcih Richard Jackson was seised, in Eskdaleside, conveyed by lease and release 8 and 9 Nov 1766 by Richard Jackson to John Yeoman

Manor of Newbiggin with manor house, farm and lands and messuages at Newbiggin in Egton lately occupied by Thomas Thistle, John Fletcher, Michael Thistle, William Cooper and George Duck, conveyed to John Yeoman by lease and release 5 and 6 April 1773, 1 George Duck and wife Dorothy and son Thomas, 2 John Young gentleman, 3 George Jefferson gentleman and wife Susannah (who was the only child and administratrix of Samuel Duck, yeoman), 4 John Yeoman 5 Samuel Howlet gentleman

Manor of seamer, 2/3rds of the tithes of corn and hay in eamer and messuages and lands in Seamer formerly occupied by Isaac Rowntree, Thomas Philips, William Weatherell and John Rowntree, conveyed by Christopher Waine esquire, eldest brother and heir of Francis Waine, Doctor of Physic, to H W Yeoman by lease and release 10 and 11 Nov 1786

Messuage and farm and closes calld the fold Garth, High Fogg, Common Burtree, Hubb, Lyth Hill, Smith's Close, Fatting Close (or Fatting Field Close), Ocx Close (or Old Wife Close), Coathomis Close, South Bush Close, the High Orchard, the Stack Garth and the South Garth, in Tanton in the Parish of Stokesley formerly occupied by Francis Walsh and later by John Crisp. Conveyed by John Greenside, Clerk and wife Margaret to H W Yeoman by lease and release 8 and 9 June 1878

2/5ths of a moiety formerly of Richard Jackson, a piece of ground formery part of moors and commons of Eskdaleside but since enclosed by Act of Parliament, 36 acres abutting west on lands of William Coates, east on lands of Sarah Copperwite, widow and John Hall, north on the highway and south on the common, purchased by Richard Jackson from William Chapman, Adam Chapman, Richard Chapman and Richard Hay: and close called the Scarr, 10 acres abutting south on the highway from Sleights to Grosomont Bridge, North on River Esk, west on lands late of Robert Broron esquire and wife Tabitha and east on premises late of Henry Noble and piece of coppice extending in a straight line from Hern Nook down to the river Esk in Eskdaleside: messuage and alum works and houses for alum workmen: 1/5 part of this was conveyed by George Richardson the younger and wife Catherine to H W Yeoman by lease and release of 26 and 27 February 1790 and another 1/5th part was conveyed to H W Yeoman by lease and release of 2 and 3 December 1794, 1 Catherine Jackson, 2 Martha Jackson, 3 William Major and Richard Harrison 4 H W Yeoman

Manor of Ugglebarnby, Manor of Eskdaleside of Sleights, conveyed to H W Yeoman by bargain and sale of 19 May 1790. 1 John Mathews the younger and John Mollar gentleman, 2 John Mathews the elder, 3 Walefield Simpson and Francis Warsdale, 4 H W Yeoman

Manor house and garth formerly occupied by William Bains and Edward Bill the Esther Sleightholme widow and Edward Bill in Ugglebarnby conveyed to H W Yeoman by lease and release 1 John Mathews the younger and wife Anne, 2 Stephen Wright the younger and Thomas Wright Master Mariner, 3 H W Yeoman

New erected building formerly used as a stable built by John Mathews on a piece of ground on west side of the highway near Slights chapel, sold by John Mathews to Henry Clarke, John Coates and John Moss, formerly occupied by H W Yeoman, conveyed by Clarke, Coates and Moss to H W Yeoman by lease and release 2 and 3 Jan 1797

Moiety of Ponty's Garden, 3 roods 26 perches, cose of meadow or pasture called Chubb Hills, lately divided into two pieces containing 4 acres 8 perches and 4 acres 32 perches, these properties were formerly estaimated as 12 acres and are in the constabulary of Ruswarp, lately occupied by H W Yeoman and [bllank] Newham, bounded east by lands formerly of John Walker anf the Quaker's burial ground, south by the turnpike road from Sleights to Whitby, west by grounds of Mark Noble and Mr Thomas Scarth and North on Highway leading to Flowergate in Whitby: Conveyed by Robert Burton and Wife Barbara to H W Yeoman by lease and release 8 and 9 Jun 1791

Messuage and farm occupied by Richard Robinson at rent of £13, messuage and farm occupied by Daniel Moon at rent of £17, messuage and farm formerly occupied by Thomas Dobson at rent of £9, messuage and farm formerly occupied by Thmas Awd... at rent of £14, messuage and farm formerly occupied by Richard Calvert at rent of £12 12s, all lying in Waupley, parish of Loftus and formerly occupied by John Dodds, John Thompson, Margaret Wilkinson, widow, John Lyng, Richard Calvert, Philip Smith, Mary Sproates, spinster, William Cornforth and Margaret Stephenson, spinster, since occupied by Richard Trowsdale, John Redhead, William Redhead, Robert Cowles, Robert Frankland and Joseph Gowling, part of this property ie 6 messuages and 14 oxgangs formerly belonging to Handell Priory and the remainder formerly belonged to Grosmont Priory; also all tithes on above property: conveyed to H W Yeoman by elease and release 6 and 7 April 1792, 1 Richard Wilkinson gentleman, 2 Thomas Fenwick esquire and Richardmoorson gentleman 3 H W Yeoman and John Davidson esquire, H Constantine, Lord Mulgrave, Sir Thomas Dundas and Robert Milner esquire

Moiety of messuage and orchard as the same were formerly divided ie messuage whih was sometime rebuilt by Francis Mead and heretofore in posession of William Lyth with orchard lying towards the north and barn in the middle of it, 2 closes called High Fields heretofore in one close containing 7 acres 1 rood 19 perches, lane adjining 2 roods 12 perches, 2 close called Inn Fields alias Summer Banks 5 acres 1 rood, 2 perches, little close called the Wood End, part of close formerly called the Calfe Holes 1 acre 1 rood 22 perches, all in Aislaby parish of Whitby formerly occupied by Elizabeth Knaggs widow, afterwards William Lyth then John Moss. Also messuage with barn and garden etc. The Intack 1 acre 2 roods, the Laith Field containing 1 day work and an half, 2 closes called Four Days Work closes, the Middle Field containing two days work, the Low Holms containing one day work and a half, the Summer Pasture containing 4 acres: All in Aislaby heretofore occupied by Benjamin Brown then Hannah Woodhouse widow. All these properties were lately occupied by John Ruddock, Robert Andrew, John Cross and Christopher Featherstone, afterwards Henry Clarke and lately H W Yeoman. Conveyed to H W Yeoman by lease and release of 6 and 7 July 1792, 1 H Clarke, 2 H W Yeoman, 3 Christopher Richardson

Piece of wood groud called Oakhill, parcel of meadow or pasture part of the barley Field, 1/4 acre lying between above piece of wood ground and following piece of wood ground; piece of wood ground extending down a steep precipice to the River Esk in Aislaby: This property is bounded east by property of William Elgie, H W Yeoman north and West and River Esk south, conveyed to H W Yeoman by William Elgie and Henry Simsin, banker by lease and release 6 and 7 Aug 1794

Farm house and land called East Farm 58 acres 33 perches: West Field Close, 2 Lay Fields, 3 Calf Garths, Doghill Close, Low Ox Close, Green Plain Spot Close, Grass Field, 3 Parkhill Closes, Long Bank and 2 Sicker Sykes in Aislaby lately occupied by John Wood. Farm house and land called West Farm 93 acres 1 rood 10 perches: The Intack, The Folly, the Two Brickers, the Ings, the Calf Garth, Orchard High Leys or Plain Fields, 2 Middle Bricks, 2 MiddleLeys, Breck Spring Close, the Two Far Leys, Highwood Close, Low Wood Close and Low Bricks in Aislaby lately occupied by William Robson: Conveyed to H W Yeoman by lease and release 25 and 26 March 1796, 1 Leonard Pickard and wife Anne, 2 John Robinson and John Telford, 3 H W Yeoman, 4 Christopher Richardson

Farm house and site of another messuage with barns etc and closes 139 acres: the paddock, Well Close, the Main Bridge, Fog Close, House Close, Low Fog Close, 3 Calf Closes, 3 Paddocks, 2 Pole (or Powell) Closes and North Bush Close, the Old Orchard and the Esk or Ash Garth in Tanton, formerly occupied by John Walsh, John Dodds and Thomas Wardell, afterwards Esther Pennyman then William Nightingale the Thomas Metcalfe lately George Calvert and Robert Johnson. Frontstead of a messuage and closes adjoinng 2 acres 23 perches. Close 9 acres 18 perches bounded east by lands purchased by leonard Pickard from Sir James Pennyman at north by Highway from Stokesley to Tanton, south by lands of Sir James Pennyman formerly occupied by George Boyes then Ralph Greenside, lately George Calvert and Robert Johnson. Conveyed by Leonard Pickard to H W Yeoman by lease and release 25 November 1796

Manor of Waupley, messuage, farm and lands in Egton formerly purchased by John Yeoman from Barbary Yeoman spinster

Messuage, farm and lands in Egton formerly purchased by H W Yeoman from William Law

8 messuages in Whitby occupied by William Elgee, Dymock Wells, William Noble, John Ellerby, {blank} Morley, George Smith, George Witton and Thomas Blackbeard, messuage in Whitby occupied by Richard Rudyard, 5 cottages adjining messuage above occupied by Elizabeth Atkinson, Francis Harrison, Robert Turnbull, Henry Hill and Elizabeth Peacock, widow, garden occupied by Richard Rudyars 1 acre

The following property is execepted from this grant:
Messuage and close 1 acre 2 roods in Aislaby lately occupied by John Wilkinson, closes 17 acres 1 rood lately occupied by John Wilkinson, messuage and 57 acres in Grosmont Bridge, Egton, lately occupied by John Gatenby, 22 acres of land in Hawsker lately occupied by Thomas Watson, piece of land in Hawsker used as a ship yard and 2 warehouses and boiling house in Hawsker lately occupied by John Piper and Company and Francis Agar and Company.

To the use of H W Yeoman until the marriage then to the use of H W Yeoman for life. Jointure £1000 per annum. If there is one child to marriage who is a son he is to have a portion of £20000, if a daughter she is to have £15000, if there are 2 children £25000 is to be divided between them, if there are 3 children £30000 is to be divided between them
Date3 Feb 1816
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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