Document referenceZNK II 81
TitleProbate of the will of Thomas Lord Dundas
DescriptionAll freehold property in England, Ireland and the Islands of Granada and Dominica is devised to William Earl Fitzwilliam, Charles William Viscount Milton and Robert Chaloner of Guisborough esquire on trust to wife Lady Dundas for life. House in Arlington Street and mansion house at Upleatham and farm now occupied by testator at Upleatham with all furniture etc in the houses, also all plate in mansion house at Aske and at Upleatham, also all stores and perishable articles and all live and dead stock on farm
Subject to the above the trustees are to raise the following sums from the estates:
To wife Lady Dundas for life, such annual sum as together with the jointure provided by our marriage settlement shall make up a yearly sum of £4000 clear of all taxes except property tax in case the present property tax continues but if that tax shall be reduced or cease then a clear sum of £4000 plus the property tax
To daughter Isabella in case she shall remain unmarried £880 per annum for life, clear of all taxes except property tax in case the present property tax continues but if that tax shall be reduced or cease then a clear sum of £800 plus the property tax
To trustees or trustee under marriage settlement of late son Charles Lawrence Dundas £5000 to be held on the same trusts for the benefit of C L Dundas's children as th sum originally settled by me on his marriage
To sons the honourable and reverend Thomas Lawrence Dundas, George Henage Lawrence Dundas and Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lawrence Dundas £5000 each
To daughters Margaret Speirs, Charlotte Wharton, Frances Laura Chaloner and Mary Viscountess Milton £5000 each
If daughter Isabella is married at any time after testators death she is to have £5000
To each of stewards of estates in England, that is estates of Aske, Marske and Loftus who have been in testator's service for over one year after decease, one years salary in addition to what is owing him
To all menial servants who shall have been living with testator for one year or upwards at time of death, one years wages
All real and personal estate subject to above bequeathed to son Lawrence Dundas

Codicil of 11 Jul 1814:
If son Lawrence is not living at testator's death trustees are to pay his widow Harriet an annuity of £2000 in addition to the provision made by her marriage settlement and legacies of £5000 to each of Lawrence's children at the age of 21. The real and personal estate is then bequesthed to grandson Thomas Dundas. Since daughter Isabella has married J C Ramsden the bequests made in the willl to her are revoked and instead she is to receive £5000

Codicil of 1 Jul 1816:
Since £5000 has been secured to Margaret Bruce Dundas the sum of £5000 bequeathed to her in the case of father Lawrenc'es death during the lifetime of testator is revoked

Codicil of 2 Jun 1820:
To son George Henage Lawrence Dundas, Captain in the Royal Navy (anything contained in the will and codicils to the contrary notwithstandling) all estates in Granada and Dominica and farm called Hawscar in parish of Fylingdale subject to proportionate charge of the mortgage debts now charged upon it together with other estates and with the payment of £500 to grandson Frederick Dundas, son of late Charles Lawrence Dundas
To son Sir Robert Lawrence Dundas KCB (anything contained in the will and codicils to the contrary notwithstandling) manor and estate of North and South Loftus with alum works and property in Skinningrove and farm called Rowscrofts subject to mortgages now charged upon it and subject to the discharge of such debts as Major Alexander Todd pays the interest of and subject to the payment of £500 to grandson Frederick Dundas son of the late Charles Lawrence Dundas (in addition to the £500 charge J H L Dundas's bequest)) The legacy of £5000 to be paid to daughter Isabella in the first codicil is revoked because this sum has already been advanced to her. To servant Jospeh Heslop 100 guineas in addition to a years wages.

Probate 22 Jan 1821
Date18 Jun 1812
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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