Document referenceZNK II 102
TitleConveyane to trustees £7400
Description1 Thomas Earl of Zetland
2 C W W Fitzwilliam of Awalton, Northamptonshire, MP and A F W Keppel Stephenson of 5 Paper Buildings, Inner Temple

Recites marriage settlement of Thomas Ear of Zetland (then he honourable Thomas Dundas) and Sophia Jane, 21 Apr 1825 and appointment of new trustees, 26 Apr 1860

Now the following property is conveyed to the trusts of the marriage settlement:

Messuage and farm with 14 closes, ie 62 acres, 3 roods, 6 perches in Marske and Upleatham called Throstle Nest formerly occupied by John Morris deceased, afterwards William Morris deeased, lately Elizabeth Morris
Messuage with orchard behind and 2 closes called the Garth and the Three Lands, closes called the Two Cote Garths, the Moor End Field, Low Pittel Close and Rogers Close, close called the Upper End of the Pittel Close 2 acres, close called Turley Close or Moor End Close 4 acres, total 36 acres in Upleatham amd Marske
Close called the Mains, 7 acres 2 roods 32 perches bounded north by land called Kit Plummer Lane leading out of the high road from Marske to Upleatham to Horseclose Farm, south and west by Thomas Earl of Zetland at east by lands formerly of Thomas Stephenson now Thomas Earl of Zetland
Close called the Roads 8 acres 8 perches bounded north by land from Marske to Saltburn, south and east by Thomas Earl of Zetland and west by uninclosed field called the Roads belonging to Thomas Blatherwick. William Agar, Robert Thompson and others, 3 closes adjoining: High Catflats 5 acres 2 roods 10 perches, Middle Catflats 2 acres 1 rood 2 perches and Low Catflats 3 acres, 32 perches bounded north by lane leading out of the High road from Marske to Upleatham called Catflatt Lane, south and west by Thgomas Earl of Zetland and east by land formerly of Thomas Stephenson now of Thomas Earl of Zetland and lands formerly belonging to John Beadnall deceased, now his devisees, 4 closes adjoining each other: Mickledales High East Field 3 acres 1 rood 32 perches, Mickledales Low east Field 4 acres 2 roods 28 perches, Mickledales High West Field 2 acres 2 roods 35 perches and Mickledales Low West Field 3 acres 27 perches bounded north by High Road from Marske to Upleatham, south by lands formelry Mrs Watsons now Ralph Agar east by lands of Thomas Earl of Zetland and west by lands formerly Mrs Layton now divisees of John Beadnall all formerly the inheritance of Jonathan Milner and devised by him to John Junn (except 1 acre, 1 rood and 11 perches recently sold by Lord Zetland to the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company)
The first item of property above is subject to an annuity of £20 to Thomas Metcalfe of Upleatham, Yeoman for life
Date2 Apr 1861
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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