Document referenceZNK X 4
TitlePenisular War Papers - Notebooks
Description3 parchment covered pocket note books containing notes of reconnaissance expedition, with distances, directions, potential food and water supplies, defensive positions etc.

e.g. 8 May 1810. “Linhares is situated on a high point below and connected with the lofty range of the Serra d’Estrella. The ruins of a Moorish Castle which was strengthened by two keeps, denote its having been considered a point of importance before the invention of gunpowder. It now offers no defensive advantage. The
town is abundantly supplied with water by a small stream that passes close to the castle. It contains 150 inhabited houses and affords quarters for 1100 men and stabling for upwards of 100 horses. In the quarters above mentioned is included a small chapel. The church would contain 100 in addition. The road from hence to Figueiro descends the hill by a good road, chiefly formed of a strong and well constructed pavement. At the foot of this bill and at the distance of a mile from Linhares the Ribeira de Linhares is passed by a ford. Near this spot are several small mills which work 10 pair of stones but are not now all in use use.....'

One book covers the period 8 May to 15 June 1810 and area between Celorico and Alva, another (which also contains several sketches of roads and contours) covers the period 14 June to 27 August 1810 and area between Condixa, Espinhal and Quinta de Capella, and the third has only a few entries (for the same year), mainly tables of distances
Extent3 Items
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesCopies of these items are available on microfilm [MIC 3026/1908 ]
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