Document referenceZNK X 10
TitleOffical reports and publications
DescriptionReport on the publications registered in the presidency of Bengal during 1916 under Act XXV of 1867

Report on the publications registered in the presidency of Bengal during 1918 under Act XXV of 1867

Report on the publications registered in the presidency of Bengal during 1919 under Act XXV of 1867

Report on the publications in the presidency of Bengal during 1920 under Act XXV of 1867

Annual Report on Indian papers printed or published in the Bengal Presidency during the year 1916

Annual Report on Indian papers printed or published in the Bengal Presidency during the year 1918

Annual Report on Indian papers printed or published in the Bengal Presidency during the year 1919

Annual Report on Indian newspapers and periodicals published in the Province Bihar and Orissa during the year 1919

Convention between United Kingdom and France respecting commercial
relations between France and India 19 February 1903 (Treaties series No. 9 1905)

Blue Paper on East India (Tariffs): Views of the Government of India on the question of preferential tariffs (inside the cover are Ronaldshay's MS notes) [1904]

Blue Paper on East India (Advisory and Legislative Councils, etc.): Volume I. Proposals of the Government of India and Despatch of the secretary of State [1908]

Blue Paper: Report of the Royal Commission on decentralization of India,
Volume I [1909]

Blue Paper on East India (Press Act 1910): Copy of the Indian Press Act 1910 and proceedings of the Legislative Council with the Governor General of India relating thereto [1910]

The Gazette of India Extraordinary containing the proclamation creating an
Executive Council for Bengal [18 Nov 1910]

White Paper on East India Coronation Durbar: announcements by and on behalf
of His Majesty the King Emperor at the Coronation Durbar held at Delhi on the 12 December 1911 with correspondence relating thereto 1911 (2

Blue? Paper on East India (North East Frontier): correspondence and papers
relating to the operations against Abors [1911]

Copy of proclamation creating an Executive Council in the Province Bihra
and Orissa [1912]

Blue Paper on East India (progress and condition): statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India during the year 1914-15 - 51st number [1916]

History of the rivers in the Gangetic Delta 1750 1918 by C. Addams Williams, Superintending Engineer, P.W.D., Bengal

Report on malaria in Bengal. Part I by Charles A. Bentley, Special Deputy Sanitary Commissioner on malaria research Bengal 1916. Tied with this
are letter from Bentley 10 December 1917 with the following papers:
Letter from Dr. R.B. Khambata to the Sanitary Commissioner of Bengal [29 Sep 1917]
Letter from Bentley to C.J. Stevenson Moore and a paper by Dr. C. Strickland travelling entomologist to the Federated Malay States Government containing "certain observations on the epidemiology of malarial fever in the Malay Peninsula"
Extracts from the Annual Sanitary Reports of Civil Surgeons and District Magistrates for 1916 relating to the effects of heavy rainfall and inundation on public health

Report on the "Administration of Bengal 1912- 1917 Calcutta: printed at the Bengal Secretariat Press [1917]

Report on the administration of India for the year 1916 1917, prepared for presentation to parliament in accordance with the requirements of the 26th section of the Government of India Act (5 & 6 George V c.61). Delhi, Superintendent Government printing, India [1918]

Report on Indian Constitutional Reforms n.d. [1918]

Indian Constitutional Reforms: Reports of the Franchise Committee and the Committee on Division of Functions [1919]

Report on the expansion and improvement of primary education in Bengal, by Evan E. Biss of the Indian Educational Service 1921 Calcutta: Bengal Secretariat Book Depot [1921]

Draft comments by the Bengal Executive Council on the reform proposals subscribed by W.H. Wheeler [26 Sep 1918]

Memorandum on the subject of social and official intercourse between European Officers and Indian Gentlemen (confidential) Calcutta: Bengal Secretariat Press [1913]

Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India 1915- 1916 Calcutta: Superintendent of Government printing, India [1917]

The Essentials of a University in a great centre of population: re print of part 2 of the final part of the Royal Commission on university education in London published by the Bureau of Education of the
Government of India Calcutta: Superintendent Government printing, India [1917]

Translation of "India: its importance for Great Britain, Germany and future of the world by Count Ernst Z.U. Reventlow, Berlin 1917" prepared by the Central Intelligence Office at Simla [May 1918]

Indian Constitutional Reforms: The Montaqu Chelmsford proposals a brief
version of the official report by the Secretary of State and the viceroy published for the India Office London [1918]
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