Document referenceZNK X 10
Description3 files of copy typescript correspondence relating to the project for securing a concession for building a railway for an Anglo French company. A.J. Barry was the consulting engineer in London and his chief correspondent in Paris was Andre Tardieu. Negotiations were conducted with the French Foreign Minister (Stephen Pichon), the French Ambassador in London (Paul Cambon), the French Ambassador in Constantinople (Bompard) and Louis Mallet at the British Foreign Office. Bernard Maimon acted as intermediary between the proposed consortium of Youssouf Said who sought the concession at the Porte.

Copy correspondence 1st file:
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 13 Jul 1909
Note on negotiations in connection with Youssouf Said Bey's application for a concession for a railway from Homs to Baghdad
Youssouf Said (Constantinople) to Houloussi Bay (Constantinople) 15 Feb 1910
Note on the Ormstein Willcox Application
Note from English Charge d'Affaires to the Sublime Porte 5 Nov 1909
Barry (Pera) to Mr. Fitzmaurice 13 Mar 1910
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 23 Mar 1910
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 24 Mar 1910
Rene Rouet (Paris) to A.J. Barry 23 Mar 1910
French Official correspondence:
Bompard to Pichon 3 Nov 1909
Bompard to Pichon 28 Nov 1909
Dieschner to Pichon 30 Dec 1909
Paul Cambon to Pichon 14 Jan 1910
Paul Cambon to Pichon 27 Jan 1910
Note of Sir Edward Gray
Cambon to Pichon 28 Jan 1910
Bompard to Pichon 28 Feb 1910
Jules Cambon to Pichon 7 Mar 1910
Bompard to Pichon 10 Mar 1910
Bompard to Pichon 15 Mar 1910
Bompard to Pichon 16 Mar 1910
Bompard to Pichon Mar 1910
Bompard to Pichon 22 Mar 1910
Pichon to Paul Cambon 22 Mar 1910
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 31 Mar 1910
B[ompard/] to P. Cambon n.d.
B.B. (Paris) to Barry 7 Apr 1910
Maimon (Paris) to Tardieu (Paris) 7 Apr 1910
Tardieu to 7 Apr 1910

Copy Correspondenc 2nd File:
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 13 Apr 1910
Mallet to Barry 12 Apr 1910
Barry (London) to Tardieu (Paris) 13 Apr 1910
Tardieu (Paris) to Barry 13 Apr 1910
Barry (Westminster) to Lord Ronaldshay 18 Apr 1910
Barry (Paris) to Mallet 15 Apr 1910
Tardieu and Barry (Paris) to the Minister 15 Apr 1910
Memo of conversation between Messrs. Pichon, Barry, Maimon and Tardieu at Quai d'Orsay 16 Apr 1910
Tardieu (Paris) to Barry 17 Apr 1910
Barry to Tardieu 23 Apr 1910
Mallet to Barry 22 Apr 1910
Barry to Mallet 23 Apr 1910
Memo of interview at Foreign Office between Messrs. Tardieu, Mallet and Barry 23 Apr 1910
Notes on two conversations between Paul Cambon and Tardeiu 22 Apr 1910
Tardieu to Pichon 24 Apr 1910
Barry to Mallet 28 Apr 1910
Tardeiu to
Youssouf Said (Constantinople) to Barry 21 Jul 1909
Tardieu to Barry 26 Apr 1910
[Barry] to Maimon 28 Apr 1910
[Barry] to Mallet 30 Apr 1910
Barry and Tardieu to the Minister [Pichon] 29 Apr 1910
Tardeiu to Barry 30 Apr 1910
Pichon to Cambon 3 May 1910
Barry to Mallet 10 May 1910
Maimon to Tardieu 6 May 1910
Tardieu to Barry 7 May 1910
Tardieu to the Minister [Pichon] 6 May 1910
Barry to Tardieu 10 May 1910
Tardieu to Barry 11 May 1910
Maimon to Barry 12 May 1910

Copy Correspondence 3rd file:
Maimon to Tardieu 12 May 1910
[Pichon] to French Ambassadors in St. Petersburg, Berlin and Rome 14 May 1910
[Pichon] to [Cambon] 14 May 1910
Mallet to Barry 17 May 1910
Memorandum of French Foreign Minister to the Ambassadors at London, Berlin,
St. Petersburg and Rome 17 May 1910
Maimon to Barry 18 May 1910
Tardeiu to Bompard 18 May 1910
Tardieu to Tallat Bey 18 May 1910
Tardieu to Youssouf Said Bey 18 May 1910
Tardieu to Dr. Nazim Bey 18 May 1910
Tardieu to Barry 18 May 1910
Barry to Maimon 19 May 1910
Barry to Tardieu 19 May 1910
Barry to Mallet 19 May 1910
Barry to Tardieu 24 May 1910
Barry to Maimon 24 May 1910
Tardieu to Barry 25 May 1910
Tardieu to Barry 27 May 1910
[Tardieu] to [Pichon] 21 May 1910
Pichon to Tardieu 26 May 1910
Tardieu to Pichon 27 May 1910
[Tardieu] to [Youssouf Said Bey] 27 May 1910
[Tardieu] to [Maimon] 27 May 1910
[Tardieu] to [Bompard] 27 May 1910
Barry to Tardieu 30 May 1910
Extent3 Files
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is availble on microfilm [MIC 1758]
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