Document referenceZNK X 1/2/18
TitleLetter from Sir Lawrence Dundas (Hill Street) to his wife (Aske Hall)
Description'My dearest life, from the letters I have from Masterton by last post, I am in hope this will find you at Askehall in good health, whcih I sincerly wish - I wrote you some time ago to acquaint you that Mr Collins would be there the 26th or 27th; he now informs me that he had got an unexpected call and was to be ther the 19 and stay til the 23rd; this will suit exactly your time whcih I rejoice at for I wish you to meet him; I beg you will take time and look minutely through every part of the house to see what is wanted; some of the furnitrue is old and should be changed, particularly the yellow silk drawing room below stairs, but every thing of this sort I leave to your taste, which is the best I ever met with. Enquire also what milk cows are, and give your orders how many you would have bought in the spring whcih will be time enough. I hope you will like the place whcih will be a great addition to my pleasure in it. I have not been very well. My old friend the gout has confined me for some days past, but very well otherways. This cold weather pinches me very much. I wish you may not suffer by it. Farewell my dearest life.
I ever am unalterably
Your LD'
Date18 Nov 1762
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 543]
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