Document referenceZNK X/1/2/17
TitleLetter from Sir Lawrence Dundas (Hill Street) to his wife (Kerse)
Description'I received my dearest dear life's letter of the 2nd instant by last post. I worte my dear soul last Saturday upon my arrival here. I thank God I have keept well and free from all complaints since I saw you and I hope I shall. I have not seen many people since my coming here, Sunday after my arrival I wnet to Whittun and dined with Lord Shelburne, and yesterday and to day I have dined at home, for I assure you I had many letters to look over and consider off and several things to write my people in Germany upon this grand event of the preliminaries being signed, which I am happy with. I go to Court to morrow with Lord Shelburne to kiss His Majesty's hands. All my affairs with Lord Holderness will be finished very soon, so by the time you come to Aske hall you may take posession as your own. I wish you could be there about the 26th. Mr Collins, my friend is to be at York upon business till about that time but he promised me to be with you the 26th or 27th at Aske. He is the best man you can possibly advise with about every thins so I entreat you may contrive to be there at that time and tell Mastertone this. As the meeting of the Parliament is put off to the 25th I shall be obliged a day or two after that to go to Wiltshire and shall be returned just about the time you are here supposing you be the 27th at Aske Hall so our meeting in London will be at same time. I notice what you say about Charles Dundas, but give yourself no trouble at what people may think or say, he may be very usefull to us, and make himself very happy. Pray bring up E Bruce: he will be company to you and it may be of great service to the girl, and you know how I love Sir Michael. Give your orders about every thing befor you leave Kerse, especially about the water coming in, and let the lead be bought now as it is cheap; consult Adams about this etc. Farewell. God preserve my dearest dear, I am unalterably
Your LD
Compliments to good Mrs Gordon and all with you'
Date9 Nov 1762
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 543]
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