Document referenceZNK X/1/2/11
TitleLetter from Sir Lawrence Dundas (Bremen) to his wife
Description'Since I wrote my dear Peggie I have had the pleasure of receiving two of her letters one of them dated the 16th the other the 28 September. I notice that you had only received my letters of 15th and 19th August. I wrote you also of the 2nd and 23rd and 27th all which letters I see have miscaried. Swan behaved so very ill that I was obliged to turn him off. He pretended to have lost many of my things but I believe he either stole or sold them, for I hear since he left me that he abounds in money. The servant Colonel Maitland sent me is arrived and I hope will answer very well. During the time that I wanted one I was obliged to be satisfied with Sanders your old footman who came over her withMr Geddes, and indeed because I had employed him about three weeks as my servant he would not do the work of the house again as a footman, so I have turned him off.
Since I came from the army I have had a little fit of the goute about ten days duration. I am now perfectly recovered and I hope it will do me a great deall of good every other way. I am quite well and have had no chargrin this campaigne for our affairs have allways gone well to the entire satisfaction of every person, reports of which have been made to the Treasury when quite different reports have been made of other people.
You desire to know when I hear'd of Thomy which is very seldom. His last letter was dated the first of August, a very short letter of inconnected stuff. It was a sort of answer to what I wrote him in June from Rotterdam when I sent him an account of neat £1300 he had spent in about a twelvemonth. I desired him to give over the foolish expensive way he had been in, but in place of that Mr Craufurd writes me last week that since June he had drawn about five hundred pounds, so that in about fifteen months he has spent about £1800, an expence that my circumstances cannot afford. Besides the little attention he gives to my letters as to expence, I understand he has gone an expedition to Turin without every acquainting me. I assure you, I am not at all pleased.
So far in answer to yours of the 16th that of the 28 brought me the plan of the new offices. I am very well satisfied with the alterations. The only thing I think you wnat is a kitchen or place for the work people dressing their victualls. You know that this is a place that they must have and I don't see any place unless you turn the little stable into a house of that sort and run a chimney up on the North gavel. Contrive the best way you can for a place of this sort must be and it won't do above the stairs. Perhaps you have some other place in view whcih let me know. All the other part of the plan I like very well. Pray order John Moir to take care of having the drains properly made. Write me how much of the building is finished and when the whole will be roffed in. I should be also glad to know how you like the alterations made on the house, particularly the little room going to your own bed chamber and the dining room and if the enlarging the vestibule is approved of. When does Moir propose to finish the dining room? I hope the wood is all prepared and well seasoned. I am glad Mr Addison has undertaken to provide you with clinkers. I beg you to order a good quantity for we shall want them. I am glad you have so good a cropt. Preserve all the hay you can and wheat straw. Is the houses at Dunkirk all pulled down? Order the place to be dressed up if they are. I am sorry to notice my brother is not well. Why don't he write me? Tell Ronald Craufurd to order one of his people to get all of my papers etc. from Robert Seton's clerks. I see the poor man is dead. What pictures you have to spare at Kerse you may order for your house at Edinburgh which I hope you have given orders to fit up in a plain way so as we may lodge in when passing. I hope soon to receive Bowie's plan. I am glad to be out of Scotland during the election bustle. Farewell my dearest life.
Your LD'
Date11 Oct 1760
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
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