Document referenceZNK II 51-52
TitleMortgage (lease and release) on the manor of Marske, Redcar and Upleatham
Description1 Sir Lawrence Dundas and sife Lady Charlotte Dundas
2 Lawrence Dundas, their eldest son
3 Ralph Willett of Morley, Great Cranford esquire

Manor of Marske

Rectory of Marske with tithes in Marske and Redcar and advowson
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Elizabeth Atkinson, widow at rent of £90
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Joseph Agar at rent of £74
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Joseph Barker at rent of £100
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Barker at rent of £10 6s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Bladderwick at rent of £62
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by George Bracke at rent of £1 2s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by George Beadnal at rent of £42 12s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Wiliam Blakey at rent of £4 4s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Mary Bell, widow at rent of £13 13s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Ann Coates, widow at rent of £73.3s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Cowper at rent of £3 16s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Wiliam Calvert at rent of £19 12s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Calvert at rent of £42
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Joseph Clarke at rent of £20
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Dalton at rent of £56
Woods and grounds in Marske now in the hands of Sir Thomas Dundas, annual value £94 14s 6d
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Errington at rent of £136 8s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Robert Errington at rent of £73 6s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Roger Eston at rent of £3 10s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Mr Terry now B Rudd at rent of £17 10s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Sarah Gardiner, widow at rent of £31
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Joseph Harker at rent of £157 13s 6d
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by William Hutton at rent of £6 6s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Hutton at rent of £39 14s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by the Reverend Langstaff at rent of £23 4s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Linskill at rent of £30 9s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Mr Mornay at rent of £44
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Robert Petch at rent of £120
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Porritt at rent of £36
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Cuthbert Phillips at rent of £5
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Robert Greenwell at rent of £14 4s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Isaac Potter at rent of £4 4s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by William Rodgers at rent of £10
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Robinson at rent of £60
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Edward Scarlett at rent of £52 10s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Scrafton at rent of £93
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by George Scrafton at rent of £38
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Thomas Scott at rent of £4 4s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Mrs Smith at rent of £64 15s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by George Suggitt at rent of £33 15s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Thompson at rent of £2 15s
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by John Thompson junior at rent of £14
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by Richard Watson at rent of £100
Messuage or farm in Marske occupied by William Weatherill at rent of £90
Cottage and small parcels of land in Marske occupied by the Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Marske, widow Brack, Robert Brack, John Barker, Mary Batson, Mr cass, Robert Clarke, George Davisin, Joseph Duck, William Errington, William Flintstaff, Henry Flounders, Mary Harrison, Christian Mewburne, Thomas Hutoon, William Jackson, George Harburn, John Harforth, Anthony Jefferson, William Noddins, William Rowntree, John Barker, penelope Rowntree, John Hogg, Shaw, William Stainton, Anthony Smith, Margaret Stephenson, Edward Stephenson, jane Wilsonwidow, George Wilson and Thomas Wilson, at rents totalling £28 1s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Ralph Agar at rent of £21
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by John Busby at rent of £24 4s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by John Carter at rent of £3
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by John Carter and George Carter at rent of £11 10s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Diana Carter at rent of £9 9s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Richard Dobson at rent of £10 6d
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Roger Eston at rent of £33 2s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Lawson Fleck at rent of £7 7s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Elizabeth Hartford at rent of £8 3s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by widow Henderson at rent of £28
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Benjamin Hewitt at rent of £46 10s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by widow Charlton and Richard Charlton at rent of £6 6s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Thomas Mawer at rent of £8 8s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Jonathan Milner at rent of £39
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Richard Outhwaite at rent of £39 10s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Thomas Potts at rent of £5 10s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Thomas Robinson at rent of £120
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by Christopner Robinson at rent of £6 10s
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by William Rowntree at rent of £19
Messuage in Redcar occupied by John Thwaites at rent of £6
Messuage or farm in Redcar occupied by William Wilkinson at rent of £15 8s
Cottages and small parcels of land in Redcar ocupied by the overseers of the Poor of Redcar, James Andrew, Thomas Bilton, John Busby, Wiliam Binnegall, John Boagay, John bright, widow Davison, Widow Dale, John Dobson, widow Farmaby, widow Fleck, widow Graham, William Langley, John Mann, John Minnikin junior, John Otter, John Potts, widow of William Potts, widow of Christopher Potts, widow of Ralph Potts, widow of Allan Potts, Michael Potts, Ann Peacock, William Robinson, Isaball Stockton, William Sharp, Alexander Simpson, Thomas Thompson, William Waister, John Watson, widow Walton, Robert Walton, Thomas Ward, at total rent of £10 15s
Woods and lands in Upleatham now in the hands of Sir Thomas Dundas of yearly value £159 19s
Messuage or farm in Upleatham occupied by Jane Conn at rent of £5
Messuage or farm in Upleatham occupied by Richard Mawer at rent of £63
Messuage or farm in Upleatham occupied by Thomas Pickering at rent of £69 18s
Messuage or farm in Upleatham occupied by Richard Watson at rent of £105
Messuage or farm in Upleatham occupied by James Wilkinson at rent of £10
Cottages and small parcels of land in Upleatham ocupied by Robert Ellerby, William Harrison, John Headlam, Richard Hodgson, Robert lee, John McCole, the Overseers of the Poor of Upleatham, William Taylor and Thomas Wilson at total rent of £18 0s 6d. And all appurtenances: alum mines are specifically mentioned

Lady Charlotte has postponed the payment of her annuities but it is provided that upon reconveyance of the property the annuities provided in her marriage settlement shall be secured to her again on the property in Marske and Redcar (but not Upleatham). Subject to a term of 1000 years in the whole property to secure younger childrens portions and subject to the above annuities. The property on reconveyance is to be settled to use of such persons as Sir Thomas and Lawrence Dundas may direct by any deed or writing or if no such appointment is made to such uses as Sir Lawrence in case he should also survive his father shall appoint by deed or will and in default of such appointment to the uses of the marriage settlement of 1764
Date3 Mar 1791
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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