Document referenceZNK II 4-5
TitleMarriage settlement (lease and release) between Thomas Dundas and Charlottle Fitzwilliam
Description1. Sir Lawrence Dundas of Aske Hall, Baronet and wife Dame Margaret Dundas and Thomas Dundas esquire, his only son and heir apparent
2. Lady Charlotte Fitzwilliam, one of the daughters of William the late Earl Fitzwilliam
3. Charles, Marquis of Rockingham and William Kerr esquire, Earl of Ancram
4. Anne Countess Dowager Fitzwilliam, mother of Lady Charlotte and Sir Mathew Lamb of Brockett Hall, Hertfordshire, Baronet, joint guardians of Lady Charlotte Fitzwilliam
5. William, Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice and Lord George Sackville
6. William, Earl Fitzwilliam and Thomas Dundas of Fingask,Sterling, Esquire

Lady Charlotte is one of the 6 younger children of the late Earl Fitzwilliam and is entitled to £1500 portion by the marriage settlement of her parents together with £3000 legacy from her father payable at the age of 21 or marriage. These sums are to become the property of Thomas Dundas after the marriage.

Sir Lawrence conveys to 3: Manor of Aske and Aske Hall in the Parish of Easby
Farm and lands part of Hall farm 360 acres 3 roods 31 perches in the township of Aske and parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Francis Bell at rent of £100 per annum
Farm with 30 acres 1 rood in Aske and parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Francis Bell at rent of £20 10s
Farm being other part of Hall Farm 161 acres 35 perches in Askew parish of Gilling heretofore occupied by John Walker at rent of £66 per annum
Farm in Aske parish of Gilling 154 acres 1 rood 28 perches heretofore occupied by Thomas Todd at rent £30 3s 4d
Farm in Aske parish of Gilling 125 acres 1 rood 23 perches heretofore occupied by John Wilson at rent of £26 13s 4d
Farm 130 acres 6 perches in Aske parish of Easby occupied by Marmaduke Wilson at rent of £66 per annum
Olivers Pasture 8 acres 2 roods 23 perches and 3 Gingerfield Closes 12 acres in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Mathew Smales at rent of £9 5s
Farm 105 acres 3 roods 19 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by John Harding at rent of £48 per annum.
Farm 46 acres in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Samuel Sutton at rent of £13 per annum.
Farm 71 acres 1 rood 24 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Henry Close at rent of £9 per annum.
Farm 51 acres 2 roods 26 perches iin Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Richard Sadler at rent of £6 10s
Farm 31 acres 3 roods 3 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Francis Longstaffe at rent of £6
Farm 76 acres 1 rood 10 perches in Aske parish of Easby occupied by widow Stephenson at rent of £14 10s
Farm 21 acres 1 rood 25 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by James Chater and Christopher Whittill at rent £6 5s
Farm 16 arcres 2 roods 39 perches iin Aske parish of easby heretofore occupied by Wiliam Chappell at rent of £13 13s 4d
Farm 27 acres 1 rood 14 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Edward Hodgson at rent of £10 5s
Farm 12 acres 2 roods in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Henry Close butcher at rent of £8
Farm 5 acres 1 rood 8 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by henry Nicholls at rent of £3 10s
Farm 15 acres 1 rood 20 perches in Aske parish of easby heretofore occupied by Anne Broderick at rent of £5
67 acres 2 roods 21 perches of gorzey or whinny ground in Aske parish of easby heretofore occupied by Henry Cowling at rent of £7
75 acres 2 roods 11 perches of gorzey or whinney ground in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Joseph Johnson at rent of £5
15 acres 3 roods 19 perches of ground in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Henry Lancaster at rent of £4 12s 6d
2 meadow closes, 2 acres 3 roods 16 perches in Aske parish of Easby heretofore occupied by Isobel Wilson at rent £1 2s
Meadow close 3 acres 2 roods 4 perches in Aske parsh of Easby heretofore occupied by Thomas Moore at rent of £1 7s 6d
Close called Ressett 1.5 acres in the parish of Gilling adjoining the grounds of Aske formerly part of the estate of John Bolton gentleman, deceased
Common or waste ground called Aske Common 500 acres
All purchased by Sir Lawrence Dundas from the Earl of Holderness

Rectory of Marske with tithes of Marske, Redcar and advowson
Capital messuage in Upleatham called Upleathan Hall
Hall Farm heretofore occupied by Christopher Gamble at rent of £86 containing the following closes: The Park, The Rack Garth, Kiln Garth, The Moor, Straftons Moor, The Ward or Ingledue, the Great Pasture, formerly known by the name or names of the Broadfield, Five Acres and Workwell Flatt, The Cow Close, Dale and Dale Close, Dovecoat Close, 3 closes called Boownhills, 1 tillage close at the lower end of Green Pasture, The Wood Close, a parcel of land lying in Redcar Field containing 1 acre, a parcel of land in the townfield of Upleatham containing 4 cres, also closes called Capon Wood [Pihnire?], Calfe Close Pihnire, Grain Dow Ing, the Corn Closes otherwise Workwell Flatt, The Velvet Leazes and one parcel of ground in Upleatham East End Field 1 acre.
Messuage called Capon Hall and farm called Capon Hall Farm formerly occupied by Robert Corney at rent £36 per annum, with closes called The Bell Hill, Tocketts Flatt, The Hound, Kirk Flatt, Dovecoat Close, Little Cow Close, Calfe Close, Moor Close, 2 acres in the Moor End Field, a Baulke in the common field below the town of Upleatham, 2 closes called Dona Garth and Thompson Close
House and garth and Little Garth with 4 closes called The Rood Closes heretofore occupied by William Corney at rent £9 5s
Messuage and following land heretofore occupied by Thomas Pickering and Richard Pickering at rent of £49: The Miln Dales, The Miln Dales Pittells and New Dales called the Lower Farm, Bran Hill, Bome Close, 2 closes called Pindar and 2 garths at Easby
Messuage and farm called Burley Farm formerley occupied by Thomas Burley at rent of £4 4s: The Orchard, Short Garth or parcel of ground at corner of Burley Moor 1 acre and garth with common pasture for 1 beast on Burley Moor
Cottage and orchard with garth formerley occupied by John Douglas at rent of £1 1s
Messuage with Orchard and garth formerly occupied by William Wrench at rent of £1 10s
Messuage and garth formelry occupied by Richrd Wrench at rent of 19s
Messuage formerley occupied by Thomas Witherell at rent of 7s
Free annual rent of £1 11s 8d issuing out of a farm in Upleatham formerly belonging to Thomas Rachell
Free annual rent of £7 10d issuing out of a cottage in Upleatham formerly belonging to William Scrafton
Free annual rent of 2s issuing out of a messuage in Upleatham belonging to William Crow
All lying within Upleatham, Redcar, Marske and Skelton and formerly purchased by John Lowther

Sir William Sandford and Henry Marsden devised by will by Sir William Lowther to Edward, George and Thomas and Daniel Wilson and purchased from them by Sir Lawence Dundas and now let to several persons at total rents of £1685 12 1d and containing 4222 acres 1 rood 3 perches
Property as in mortgage of 28 and 29 September 1778 to the use of Sir Lawrence Dundas until the marriage, then to the use of 4 for 99 years on trust then during the joint lives of Sir Lawrence and Lady Charlotte for Thomas Dundas to receive a yearly rent of £3600 and after the decease of Lady Charlotte during Sir Lawrence's life a further yearly rent of £4000. If Lady Charlottle survives Thomas she is to receive for her jinture and bar of dower an annual rent of £2000. Subject to the rent charges to the use of 5 for 100 years on trust, then to the use of 6 for 1000 years on trust, remainder to the use of Sir Lawrence forlife, remainder to Thomas Dundas for life, remaiinder to 3 on trust to preserve contingent remainders, remainder to the first son of Thomas Dundas by Lady Charlotte in tail male, remaider to second son etc. remainder to Sir Lawrence in Fee. The term of 99 years is on trust to pay £400 per annum to Lady Charlotte for her own use. The term of 100 years in in trust to secure the jointure. The term of 1000 years is in trust to secure younger childrens portions: £20000 for one younger child to be payable at such tie as Thomas Dundas shall direct by deed or by will or at the age of 21 or marriage: if there are more than two younger children £20000 is to be divided between them. If Thomas should marry again after the death of Lady Charlotte he may, with the consent of Sir Lawrence, if he is still living, assign any of the property not exceeding in value £2000 per annum and grant rent charges not exceeding £1500 out of the estate for the purpose of a marriage settlement
Date23 May 1764
Extent2 items
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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