Document referenceZNK II 30
TitleBargain and sale
Description1 Sir Thomas Dundas of Aske hall, Baronet
2 William Earl Fitzwilliam, T B Rous of Ankerwicke, Buckinghamshire esquire and Daniel Macnamera of Lincoln's Inn Fields esquire

The following property is conveyed on trust to sell to secure debts

Great House of Lodge with apurtenances in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, formerly occupied by Sir Richard Franklin, Knight and Baronet, then late of James Duke of Ormond, then late James Duke of Monmouth, then Ann Duchess of Bluchugh and Benjamin Haskins Stiles, then Sir Francis Eyles Stiles, then George Lord Anson and then Sir Lawrence Dundas
328 acres enclosed with a pale called Moor Park
Lodge lately erected in the park
88 acres of formerly arable now pasture in Rickmansworth within the pale of the park
1 acre, 1 rood of meadow in Rickmansworth parish in East Mead between lands heretofore Sir Richard Franklin west and east formelry purchased by Sir Richard Franklin from Dame Ann Colt, widow of John Colt esquire
Half an acre of meadow in the East Mead formerly purchased by Richard Franklin from John Fotherby esquire
All last mentioned premises were purchased by late Lord Anson under Chancery decree from Peter Hinde, Ellenor Hinde, Sir Francis Haskins, Eyles Stiles, William Bumstead and wife Mary, John Worgan. Giles Stamp, Edward Barriner, Mary Worgan, Elizabeth Worgan, Robert Bailey and wife Christian, Ruth Worgan and Roland Thomlinson

Close called Barley Field sometimes since divided into 3 parcels, the Chalk Dell in parcel thereof containing 20 acres
Close called Great Williams sometimes since divided into 3 parts 18 and a half acres
Cottage and buildings on Great Williams
Grove or coppice of woodland called Beechen Spring 10 acres heretofore divided into two parts and now converted into arable
Grove or coppice of wooland called Dell Spring Croft adjoining Beechen Spring 3 acres
Close called Little Williams heretofore divided into two parts, 10 acres.
All in Batchworth in parish of Rickmansworth in successive tenure of John Skidmore, Richard Hunt, George Lovell, Benjamin Skidmore and George Lord Anson who purchased them from Henry Smith and som James Smith of St Clement Danes, Middlesex

Tenement built on part of Pightle adjoining ground formerly an orchard and barn theretofore appertaining to Hampton Hall otherwise Batchworth Hall and so much of the pightle as was divided from the residue of the pightle formerly in the posession of John Rodgers
Garden or curtilage appertaining to tenement whcih was also in the occupation of John Rodgers, formelry occupied by Arabella Taylor, widow
Toft whereon lately stood another cottage formely occupied by George Child then John Skidmore, Richard Hunt and George Lovell
All in Batchworth 1 acte 2 roods 11 poles abutting east on Wall and Fishponds inclosed with pales of Great Hampton Hall, west on Mill Garden north on the mill stream and south on the road to Watford now enclosed with pales as in release of 22 July 1754 by James Smith to Elizabeth Hamilton from whom they were purchased by Lord Anson and purchased by Sir Lawrence from Thomas Anson

Loftus property as iin marriage settlement of 22 and 23 May 1764

Messuage in Arlington Street, St Georges, Hanover Square, Middlesex, occupied by Thomas Dundas whcih was built by John Earl Granville with land on west side of Arlington Street containing 40 feet in front next to the street and in depth backwards from the street towards St James Park wall fromnting on Arlington Street and St James Park west

Signed by Thomas Dundas only
Endorsed quitclaim by Lord Fitzwilliam, Rous and Macnamera to Sir Thomas reciting that the deed had never been executed by the former
26 May 1785
Date24 Jun 1783
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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