Document referenceZNK II 24-25
TitleMortgage and further charge (lease and release) £50000
Description1 Sir Lawrence Dundas of Aske Hall, Baronet and wife Dame Margaret
2 Thomas Bates Rous of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, Middlesex esquire
3 Robert Drummond and Henry Drummond of Charing Cross, Middlesex esquires and Henry Beauclerk of green Nortons, Northamptonshire, clerk, executors of the will of John Drummond of Charing Cross, deceased
4 Gibbs Crawford of St Clements Danes, Middlesex esquire

Recites mortgage for £30000 (lease and release) between sir Lawrence Dundas, James Masterton of Sackville Street esquire, Lieutenant Colonel, trustee for Sir Lawrence and T B Rous

Towns and lands of Frankfort, Carrowhubbuck, Kinard, Leakanslave, Ballintyan, Maherebrack, Drinaghanmore, Lowerdrum, Upperdrum otherwise Drurin and Coller otherwise Culler, Drinaghhanbegg, Quigeboy, Leffeny in Tireragh, North Gabramore, South Cabramore, Carrowndead otherwise Carrowndune and Leekancahill otherwise Leaclanhahill
Towns and lands of Castlecarragh, Largadrommin otherwise Drommin, Cloonecagh, castlecarragh, Meenamaddow and Mooneclogh being part of Castlecarragh, Armagh and Crecussan
Towns and lands of Ballinglegg and Portavade, Carracunarsih, Carrowcullen, Mullaghroe otherwise Millaghroe, Leardan, Aghacarow, Allacallane, Heapstowne, Cloonemona, Gortean, Knockanearle and Berlagh otherwise Bulagh, Drumane, Kellstraghlane, Cloocaglia, Ruskeybegg, Liscourie, Derrynaghron, Clooticarne, Killkear, Carricknahorne, Moytermaconagh, Cloghminagh, Carrowrevagh, Carrowreagh, Curraduly, Liscoan, Killoughts, Lumcloone, Clooneconey
Towns and lands of Grawny, Finisklin, Ardmoyle, Aghagowlah, Drumore, Tawnemucklagh, Fullaghan, Ardsoime, Ardmolin, Kilmacray, Mahanagh, Tawrane, Grangemore with it's sub-denominations to wit beaghy, Clonemacmullen, Killerdee, Osna otherwise Orsna and Fallcens in the counties of Sligo and Ross Common in Ireland

Now Sir Lawrence borrows a further £20000 to be secured on the following property whcih is also made collateral security for the above £30000 secured on the irish estate

Manor of North Loftus, messuages and cottages and one farm called Deep Dale Farm and 9 Oxgangs of land in North Loftus occupied by John Smith, John Close and George Trattles
Closes called Gamlin Potts, The West Garths and two messuages and farm holds with lands (formerly) occupied by Zachary Harnage More, Now occupied by James Farquharson
Messuage and farm hold and lands occupied by William Harland
Messuage and farm hold lands called Yarm Flat and Normans Rigge or Chapman's Farm abutting on the grounds of easington occupied by William Harland and Francis Robinson
Patch Close occupied by William Harland and Robert Robinson
Closes and grounds called the Springs and close called Gallowhow (heretofore) occupied by Z H More (now occupied by James Farquharson)
Messuage and farmnold called Streethouse with land occupied by Thomas Stibbs
Watercorn Mill
Round Close occupied by Richard Garbutt
Close called Micklehow occupied by John Smith
Redcliffe Close and New Close heretofore occupied by Z H More together with the Alum mines, rock, alum works and Wreck Scarrs adjoining all in North Loftus

Close of arable, meadow and pasture as the same or have been formerly divided called Fyling Bottoms 80 acres and a messuage in one of the closes
16 pasture gates or balks for 16 oxen or kine in Fyling pasture otherwise Roe Pasture being parcel of 21 pasture gates there formerly belonging to Robert Allottsons farm, all in the parish of Fylingdales occupied by Adam Boyce

Messuage and farm with lands called Foulsike otherwise Foulworth in the township of North Loftus
Site where a cottage formerly stood in North Loftus with garth, orchard and garden occupied by William Fentris
Messuage in Easington occupied by Leonard Woodhill
Close 90 acres in Easington occupied by Leonard Woodhill
2 closes called the Middleheads, the Leasing lying betwixt them 10 acres in North Loftus lately occupied by William Pindar (now occupied by Thomas Johnson, Jonathan Oysten and William legg)
Closes in Hawsker called The Bottoms 28 acres
Messuages and garths in Loftus occupied by Thomas Boyce and Agnes MacDonald
2 closes called the Marrs, 4 acres and 2 closes called the Cross Flatts, 7 acres in Loftus occupied by Thomas Woodhill. Manor south of Loftus
Messuage and farm formerly occupied by Z H More, 4 oxgangs
Messuage and farm occupied by John Young, 4 oxgangs
Watercorn mill and piece of woodland 3 acres occupied by Christopher Sanderson
Cottage and garth occupied by John Hill
Cottages and garths ocupied by Thomas Taylor and Michael Wilkinson
2 frontsteads occupied by Roger Beckwith esquire
Messuage and close called Rosecrofts as the same was once inclosed and divided into several closes with appurtenances in Liverton Fields ad Loftus 9formerly) occupied by Z H More now occupied by Nicholas Ladley, formerly part of the possessions of Guisborough Priory 12 acres formerly occupied by Joseph Eden
2 closes called the High Ings and the Low Ings occupied by Isaac Kid
Closes called Thwartways 11 acres
Close called Green Garth 1 acre occupied by Ralph Jackson and Thomas Sayer
4 beast gates in Roe Pasture in Fylingdales occupied by Thomas Purselove
10 pasture gates in Raw Pasture and a moiety of 4 pasture gates in the same pasture occupied by William Purselove
2 pasture gates or moiety of 4 pasture gates in Fylingdales Raw Pature or Fyling Ox Pasture occupied by William Purselove
2 closes called the Ings and Warsett in the parish of Loftus lately occupied by William Nicholson
Moiety of the manor of Skinnigrove
Captial messuage called Skinningrove hall (formerly occupied by Penelope leaman deceased, now William Redhead)
Messuage closes called the Banks and Greens 25 acres, the Sea Lands or Cliff Corn Field 17 acres 1 rood 34 perches, the Warsett meadow 9 acres 3 roods 29 perches formerly occupied by Brian Crossley
Messuage and closes called the Syke Close Meadow, the pasture about the house, the Warsett pasture, the corn field on the north side of the messuage, 80 acres lately occupied by William Nicholson now William Rigge
Messuage and close calle the Banks and other closes 11 acres, 3 roods, 5 perches formerly occupied by Agnes MacDonald and now in hand
Messuage and croft called Miln Pasture 3 acres occupied Benjamin Grange
Other part oc close called Milne Pasture 4 acres, 1 rood, 30 perches formerly occupied by Beck Seaton
Messuage and part of Milne Holmes formerly occupied by William Andrews
Messuage and other part of Milne Holmes formerly occupied by Robert Lawson
Messuage occupied by William Hood
Messuage called the Miln House occupied by William Dalton
Messuage and croft occupied by Thomas Walker
Messuage occupied by Thomas Redman
Messuage and garth occupied by Alice Roper
Piece of ground called Pennyman |ngs 25 acres (formerly) occupied by George Pressick now Thomas King
Closes called the High Pasture, Ox Pasture, Calfe Close, Tenants Pasture, Miln Close, Trattles bank, Leasmans Close and Street Close and Simpsons Garth
Lime Kiln or kilns lately occupied by George Middleston
All the above property except Pennypan Ings are situate in Skinningrover and North Loftus on the east of Skinnigrove beck

All sea wrecks, Stone Rigg and Scarrs on the east side of Skinningrove beck with all sea weed, sea ore, tangle, ship wrecks and other wrecks of sea
Watercorn mill in Skinningrove formerly ocupied by Thomas Mills now William Nelson with mill dam and miln race
Annual free rent of £4 15s 4d
Annual free rent of 40s payable out of tenants pasture in North Loftus

All other messuages, lands, alum mines, alum works, scarrs of Sir Lawrence Dundas in North Loftus, South Loftus, Fylingdales, Hawkser, Easington and Whitby whcih were purchased by him from Joseph Godfrey esquire and were then let exclusive of the alum works at rent of £1089 9s 10d per annum

Messuage called Farm Ducks Farm or Pear Tree Farm consisting of following closes: two garths called the Cow Garth and the Ewe Garth and four closes adjoining called the Bell Flatt, the Old Flat and the two new flats in North Loftus lately occupied byGeorge Middleton
2 messuages and farms with lands in South Loftus occupied by Thomas Thackaray and John Peacock called Stonehouse Farm and Thackaray's Farm
2 closes in North Loftus called Lady Flatt and Moor Flatt formerly occupied by George Middleton, Zachary Marlay and William Campion, now occupied by William Robinson
Little close in South Loftus called Winterskall Hagg
Purchased by Sir Lawrence Dundas from Joseph Faikney of London, merchant and then yearly value of £198

Messuage and farm with lands in South Loftus formerly occupied by George Middleton lately ocupied by William Wilkinson
Cottage containing in length three rooms adjoining property heretofore of William Middleton south, garth and lands formerly of Z H More north and west and Town Street East, with 5 yards in breadth into that garth on the west side of the said rooms all along the three rooms and to have a way down the said garth to go lead bring drive and carry anything to or from the cottage in South Loftus formelry occupied by John Hill lately Richard Incaton
Messuage and 2 closes as the same were heretofore divided called Middlehead Closes 5 acres formerly ocupied by Nicholas Marley lately John Chapman in North Loftus
Messuage and 2 closes and oxgangs formerly occupied by Robert Sagget
2 oxgangs in South Loftus formerly occupied by William Millitol and all other messuages and lands formelry of Thomas Clarke in South Loftus
Messuages and farm holds and ten oxgangs in South Loftus 200 acres formely occupied by William Marshall
Purchased by Sir Lawrence Dundas of Thomas Lee and John Lee and of Joseph Faikney and wife Mary

To the use of 2 in fee subject to redemption, parties 3 and 4 are trustees of terms to attend the inheritance and now covenant to hold them to the use of 2
Detailed schedule of rental on two membranes attached giving names of tenants, names of fields, acreages and rents
Signed and sealed by Sir Lawrence Dundas and Gibbs Crawford
Date29 Sep 1778
Extent1 item
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this record is available on microfilm [MIC 2012]
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