Document referenceZNK X 10
Title1st World War
DescriptionParliamentary Papers [MIC 1782] etc:

Official Report on Commons Debate (extract only) [27 Jul 1914
Official Report on Commons Debate [3 Aug 1914]
Official Report on Commons Debate [4 Aug 1914]
Official Report on Commons Debate [5 Aug 1914]
Official Report on Commons Debate (extract only) [6 Aug 1914]

Diplomatic correspondence respecting the War published by the French Government presented to Parliament [Dec 1914] and Identical text of above correspondence, published by the Times as "The French
Yellow Book"

Correspondence respecting the European Crisis [British Diplomatic documents] presented to Parliament [Aug 1914] [MIC 1782/2874]

Report of a select subcommittee of the Committee of Imperial Defence on the Insurance of British Shipping in time of War, dated 30 April 1914. [Printed at Foreign Office 2 Aug 1914] [MIC /2988]

Despatch for His Majesty's Ambassador at Berlin respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the German Government presented to Parliament [August 1914] H.M.S.O.

Printed answers to Parliamentary Questions - Beligian Neutality treaty [5 Aug 1914]

Vote of credit of #100m. for naval and military operations arising out of the war [5 Aug 1914]

Supplementary estimate for additional naval officers and men [5 Aug 1914]

Supplementary estimate for additional soldiers [5 Aug 1914]

Currency and Bank Notes Bill [6 Aug 1914]

Despatch from H.M. Ambassador at Vienna respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Austro Hungarian Government presented to Parliament [Sep 1914]

Correspondence regarding the naval and military assistance afforded to H.M. Government by H.M. Overseas Dominions presented to Parliament [Sep 1914]

Correspondence relating to gifts of food stuffs and other supplied to H.M. Government from the Oversea Dominions and Colonies presented to Parliament [Sep 1914]

Despatches from H.M. Ambassador at Berlin respecting an official German organisation for influencing the press of other countries presented to Parliament [Sep 1914]

Documents respecting the negotiations preceding the war published by the Russian Government presented to Parliament [Oct 1914]

Diplomatic correspondence respecting the war published by the Belgian Government presented to Parliament [Oct 1914]

Correspondence respecting events leading to the rupture of relations with Turkey presented to Parliament [Nov 1914]

Financial Statement 1914 5: rates of income tax and super tax [18 Nov 1914]

Printed answers to Parliamentary questions naval casualties [25 Nov 1914]

[ /3230] Correspondence regarding gifts from the Oversea Dominions and Colonies presented to Parliament [Dec 1914]

Despatch from H.M. Ambassador at Constantinople summarising events leading up to rupture of relations with Turkey and reply thereto presented to Parliament [Dec 1914]

Despatch from H.M. Ambassador at Petrograd enclosing a memorandum on the subject of the Temperance measures adopted in Russia since the Outbreak of the European war presented to Parliament [Jan 1915]

Austrian and German papers found in possession of Mr. James F.J. Archibald, Falmouth [30 Aug 1915]

Newspaper cuttings, MS notes etc:

[ /3322] Cutting about killing of Belgian priests

Cuttings from the Times about Bethmann Hollweg's attempted justification of his "scrap of paper" remark, [26 7 Jan 1915]

Reprint of Will Irwin's account of Battle of Ypres in Daily Mail

8 sheets of MS notes for speeches
Catalogue statusCatalogued
CopiesA copy of this is available on microfilm [MIC 1782]
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