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Expand 1 - Ripley parish registers1 - Ripley parish registers
Expand 2 - Ripley parish records: confirmation registers2 - Ripley parish records: confirmation registers
Expand 3 - Ripley parish records: churchyard3 - Ripley parish records: churchyard
Expand 4 - Ripley parish records: Burnt Yates church fabric, furnishings and churchyard4 - Ripley parish records: Burnt Yates church fabric, furnishings and churchyard
Expand 5 - Ripley parish records: service registers5 - Ripley parish records: service registers
Expand 6 - Ripley parish records: vestry and parochial church council6 - Ripley parish records: vestry and parochial church council
Expand 7 - Ripley parish records: finance7 - Ripley parish records: finance
Collapse 8 - Ripley parish records: fabric and furnishings8 - Ripley parish records: fabric and furnishings
1 - Quinquennial survey report for Ripley church
2 - Letter relating to a glass door and an aumbrey at Ripley church
3 - Papers relating to the organ at Ripley church
4 - Report on repair work for Ripley church tower
5 - Ripley quinquennial survey report
6 - Papers relating to the new heating scheme for Ripley church
7 - Citation, faculty and other papers relating to a stained glass memorial to Elizabeth Ingilby at Ripley church
8 - Faculty for a picture by Perugino to be placed on the wall near the north door of Ripley church
9 - Faculty for a brass tablet in Ripley church in memory of Lady Alicia M Ingilby
10 - Faculty for oak tablets as war memorials in Ripley and Burnt Yates
11 - Faculty for a memorial tablet to James Cooper at Ripley church
12 - Faculty for a memorial tablet in Ripley church to the Revd W T Travis
13 - Letters relating to the church plate at Ripley
14 - Faculty for a memorial tablet to John W Ridsdale at Ripley church
15 - Faculty for the installation of electric lighting and for the rebuilding of the organ at Ripley church
16 - Faculty for a processional cross at Ripley church
17 - Archdeacon's certificate for the fitting of Ellacombe chiming apparatus at Ripley church
18 - Letters and papers relating to the stained glass windows at Ripley church
19 - Notes and papers relating to the organ
20 - Quinquennial report for Ripley church
21 - Quinquennial report for Ripley church
22 - Lists of insured church property at Ripley
23 - Papers relating to repair works and listed building status
Expand 9 - Ripley parish records: benefice9 - Ripley parish records: benefice
Expand 10 - Ripley parish records: church electoral rolls10 - Ripley parish records: church electoral rolls
Expand 11 - Ripley parish records: communicants' roll books11 - Ripley parish records: communicants' roll books
Expand 12 - Ripley parish records: church notice books12 - Ripley parish records: church notice books
Expand 13 - Ripley parish records: letters and papers13 - Ripley parish records: letters and papers
Expand 14 - Ripley parish records: charities14 - Ripley parish records: charities
Expand 15 - Ripley parish records: services and events15 - Ripley parish records: services and events
Expand 16 - Ripley parish records: parish magazines and newsletters16 - Ripley parish records: parish magazines and newsletters
Expand 17 - Ripley parish records: Ripley Castle Chronicle17 - Ripley parish records: Ripley Castle Chronicle
Expand 18 - Ripley parish records: miscellaneous papers18 - Ripley parish records: miscellaneous papers
Expand 19 - Ripley parish records: historical notes and transcripts19 - Ripley parish records: historical notes and transcripts
Expand 20 - Ripley parish records: incumbent's papers20 - Ripley parish records: incumbent's papers
Expand 21 - Ripley parish records: photographs21 - Ripley parish records: photographs
Expand 22 - Ripley parish records: Surveyors of the highways22 - Ripley parish records: Surveyors of the highways
Expand 23 - Ripley parish records: overseers of the poor23 - Ripley parish records: overseers of the poor
Expand 24 - Ripley parish records: plans and drawings24 - Ripley parish records: plans and drawings
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