Document referenceR/M/RM
DescriptionCircuit records for Richmond WM circuit 1859-1997 and Swaledale circuit 1997-2010

Chapel records for Catterick WM chapel 1850-2013, Gilling WM chapel 1892-1961, Hudswell WM chapel 1909-1974, Moulton WM chapel 1910-1958, Bargate PM chapel 1860-1996, Richmond WM chapel 1807-2001, Skeeby chapel 1879-1993, Tunstall chapel 1966-1973, Hunton chapel 1829-1995, Colburn chapel 1901-2013, Catterick Camp 1928 & 1962, Scorton 1904-1996, Ravensworth 1976-1978, Brompton on Swale 1977-1978, unidentified chapels 1942-1979

Baptism registers for Richmond WM 1824-1947, Catterick WM 1842-1936, Moulton WM 1864-1880,

Marriage registers for Moulton WM 1866-1880, Skeeby chapel marriages 1904-1985, Richmond 2003-2007, and Colburn 1992

Burial register for Moulton WM 1865-1913,

Circuit plans for Richmond 1826-1986; and Swaledale 1997-2006

Printed histories 1984-1994

Manse and other clergy accommodation in Richmond 1968-1985, Colburn 1968-1976; and Cattwerick Garrison 2010-2013

Darlington district records 1973-1993

Miscellaneous records 1915 & 1986
Catalogue statusCatalogued
Access conditionsOpen
CopiesParts of this collection have been microfilmed [MIC 0879, 2335, 3117, 4055].
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