Description | This sub-series contains records relating to the administrative responsibilities of Quarter Sessions, and includes:
- agenda for the Michaelmas Sessions 1885 [1 item]
- draft special orders and printed copies of orders, with reports of: the Analyst; the Surveyor of Bridges; the Auditor; the Finance Committee; the Chief Constable; the Police Committee; the Visiting Committee of the Prison at Northallerton; the Registry Office Committee and the Registrar; the Auditors under the Contagious Diseases (Animal) Act 1878 [12 items]
- draft entries for minute books [2 items]
- notices, statements and requests [9 items]
- financial papers [8 items]
- crime statistics [1 item]
- the Tees Salmon Conservancy [1 item]
- the appointment of Visiting Justices for Asylums [1 item]
- summary of the register of electors [1 item]
- papers relating to Justices [2 items] |