Document referenceQSB 1880 1/6/6
TitleBill of indictment for felony: Henry Coppick
DescriptionBill of indictment of Henry Coppick for breaking into the counting house of the Tees Bottle Company Ltd at the township of Thornaby and stealing four pencils, one box of steel pens, and a number of pen holders, the property of the Tees Bottle Company Ltd

Offence committed on 15 December 1879

Coppick had previously been convicted of felony at South Stockton Petty Sessions on 23 June 1879

Endorsed with names of witnesses and "true bill"

With certificate of conviction at South Stockton Petty Sessions on 23 June 1879 of Henry Coppick aged 15 years for stealing four cakes value 2d, the property of John Hayes on 17 June 1879 at the township of Thornaby. Coppick was sentenced to be imprisoned at the House of Correction at Northallerton for 21 days and then, his religious persuasion appearing to be Protestant, to be sent to Castle Howard Reformatory School for two years. Certificate dated 5 January 1880
Extent2 pieces
Catalogue statusCatalogued
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