Description | Bill of indictment of Thomas Linton for obtaining 1s 1/2d by falsely pretending to William Hugill that some pots had been consigned to him (Linton) and sent by railway and were at Kirby Moorside railway station, and that money for carriage was due to the North Eastern Railway Company
Offence committed on 11 November 1879
Linton had previously been convicted of felony at the Quarter Sessions held at Northallerton on 28 June 1870
Endorsed with names of witnesses and "true bill"
With certificate of conviction at the Quarter Sessions held at Northallerton on 28 June 1870 of Thomas Linton for stealing one purse and £8 10s in money from the person of John Abbott at Thirsk on 11 April 1870. Linton was sentenced to hard labour at the House of Correction at Northallerton for six calendar months. Certificate dated 2 January 1880 |