Description | Bill of indictment of John Gibson otherwise called George Gibson for stealing one overcoat, one pair of boots, and two pounds weight of horse hair, the property of William Greaves
Includes indictment of Gibson for receiving the stolen goods
Offences committed on 19 May 1875
Gibson had previously been convicted of felony at the Quarter Sessions for the West Riding held by adjournment at Wakefield on 23 February 1874
Endorsed with names of witnesses and "a true bill"
With certificate of conviction at the Quarter Sessions for the West Riding held by adjournment at Wakefield on 23 February 1874 of George Gibson for breaking into a building and stealing two pounds weight of horse hair, the property of John Creaker Fawcett, at the parish of Garforth in the West Riding on 28 January 1874. Gibson, who had a previous conviction for felony, was sentenced to hard labour at the House of Correction at Wakefield for 12 calendar months. Certificate dated 3 June 1875 |