Description | Annual return of lunatics in the Helmsley Union giving names, ages, where chargeable, where maintained, weekly cost of maintenance, whether lunatic or idiot, dangerous to himself or others, of dirty habits or not, and how long they have been of unsound mind. Includes:
- Job Richardson aged 52 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and sent to the North Riding Asylum at Clifton. His weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; he is an imbecile, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for 21 years
- John Bowness aged 71 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and living with his daughter at Leeming near Bedale. His weekly cost of maintenance is 4s; he is an imbecile, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for two years
- Mary Wedgwood aged 42 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; she is an imbecile, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind all her life
- Ellen Underwood aged 54 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind all her life
- Sarah Wilson aged 48 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; she is an imbecile, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind all her life
- Hannah Wilson aged 27 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; she is an imbecile, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Robert Shepherd aged 24 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. His weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; he is an imbecile, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind all his life
- James Wass aged 37 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and living with his mother Mary Wass at Hawnby. His weekly cost of maintenance is 3s; he is an idiot, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- John Pape aged 30 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and living with his mother Bessy Pape at Helmsley. His weekly cost of maintenance is 2s 6d; he is an idiot, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind all his life
- Ruth Webster aged 27 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 5s; she is an imbecile, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Robert Garbutt aged 65 years, chargeable to the Common Fund and living in lodgings at Helmsley. His weekly cost of maintenance is 2s 6d; he is a lunatic, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for five years
Exhibited at the Easter Sessions 1869 |