Description | This sub-series contains records relating to the administrative responsibilities of Quarter Sessions, and includes:
- agendas for the Midsummer Sessions 1867 [1 item]
- draft special orders, and reports of: the Highway Committee; the Visiting Justices of the House of Correction; the Whitby Bridge Committee; the Finance Committee; the Bridgemaster; the Committee on Cattle Plague Accounts; the Police Committee; the Chief Constable; and the County Rate Committee [10 items]
- financial papers [7 items]
- crime statistics for the North Riding [1 item]
- papers relating to the appointment of additional constables [2 items]
- petition relating to compensation for cattle plague [1 item]
- papers relating to the creation of highway districts [1 item]
- list of Petty Sessional districts [1 item] |