Description | This sub-series contains papers relating to the judicial business of the court, including:
Writs to the sheriff from the Northallerton, 17 July 1733 Sessions:
- a writ to summon jurors to enquire into the case against Thomas Laton
- a writ to summon jurors to enquire into the case concerning Mark Williamson
- a writ to summon jurors to enquire into the case concerning the Revd John Johnson
- a writ to summon jurors to enquire into the case concerning Nichalas Allcock
This sub-series also contains: - Affidavit of John Fawcet in the name of Richard Stonhewer, bailiff, that he has not received any sum of money, office, place, employment, gratuity or reward, for making any return at the present election and that he will return such person as shall appear to have the majority of legal votes |