Document referenceNRCC/CL 9/1/4612
TitleWWI Appeal Tribunal papers: John Charles Chaumeton
DescriptionNorth Riding appeal tribunal number: 4612
Appeal against conscription of: John Charles Chaumeton
Age: 20
Address: 71 Heslington Road, York
Occupation: Audit clerk
Local tribunal: York City Council
Central tribunal: No
Military Service Act 1916 or Attested: Military Service Act
Grounds for appeal: a) continue in current occupation
Appellant: W B Peat & Co, Chartered Accountants, employer
Summary of case: Messrs W B Peat & Co, appealed to the North Riding Appeal Tribunal stating: ‘This man is now auditing the Books of Limited Companies and releasing another man who is engaged on investigations for the War Office. He has twice been rejected by the Army medical Officers and has ne been classed C3. He has been in our service for six years. We are engaged on important work for various Government departments and Controlled Firms, and it is with great difficulty that we are now able to carry out their requirements. ’The North Riding Appeal Tribunal dismissed the appeal. However, leave was given to appeal to the Central Tribunal where the application was, again, refused on 7 Feb 1918. Amongst the papers is a letter to Mr Glew from the Clerk of the North Riding Appeal Tribunal, Mr H Thornley, querying the North Riding Appeal Tribunal’s decision. His recollection was that the tribunal allowed leave to go to the Central Tribunal. However, on the notice, the chairman, Henry Beresford Peirse, had written ‘application refused’ Thornley comments that this however may have happened through force of habit.’ Mr Glew's reply stated that he ‘clearly remember[ed] Sir Henry remarking ‘was the application refused and I replied ‘Yes, as I have held the opinion he should join up’ and this was assented to without any opposition.’ [See also NRCC/CL 9/1/3884]
Supporting evidence: Yes
Date and decision of North Riding Appeal Tribunal: 23 Jan 1918. Dismissed.
Date23 Jan 1918
Extent13 pieces
Catalogue statusCatalogued
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