Document referenceNRCC/CL 9/1/1648
TitleWWI Appeal Tribunal papers: Ernest Norrison Laverack
DescriptionNorth Riding appeal tribunal number: 1648
Appeal against conscription of: Ernest Norrison Laverack
Age 24
Address: The Magpie Inn, The Groves, York
Occupation: Chemist's assistant
Local tribunal: York City Council
Central tribunal: No
Military Service Act 1916 or Attested: Attested
Grounds for appeal: a) continue in current occupation, c) education or training, d) serious hardship
Appellant: Ernest Laverack, represented by George Crombie, Solicitors, 46 Stonegate, York
Summary of case: Laverack works at a chemist's in the day time and at his mother's pub in the evenings. He has 9 yearsÂ’ experience as a chemist and having passed his preliminary examination he wants to become fully qualified. He has admitted that there would be no financial hardship. The local tribunal gave him 14 days delay of call up to find a replacement. Not to be called up for 14 days.
Supporting evidence: No
Date and decision of North Riding Appeal Tribunal: 25 Sept 1916. Dismissed.
Date25 Sep 1916
Extent5 pieces
Catalogue statusCatalogued
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