Description | Annual return of lunatics in the Pickering Union giving names, ages, where chargeable, where maintained and when sent there, weekly cost of maintenance, whether lunatic or idiot, dangerous to himself or others, of dirty habits or not, and how long they have been of unsound mind. Includes:
- Ann Breckon aged 49 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 8 April 1847. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic with a violent temper, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for 26 years
- Anthony Normington aged 53 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 28 September 1857. His weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; he is a lunatic, dangerous to others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for 20 years
- Hannah Brown aged 73 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 22 July 1860. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic, dangerous to others, of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for eigth and a half years
- Edward Farrow aged 52 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 3 April 1867. His weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; he is a lunatic, not dangerous to himself or others, of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for two years
- Jane Dawson aged 19 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 18 October 1867. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for two and a half years
- Ann Thompson, age not given, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 3 January 1868. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for one year
- Maria Harwood aged 50 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 17 October 1868. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for 20 years with intermissions
- John Kirk aged 25 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 21 September 1868. His weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; he is a lunatic, not of dirty habits, and how long he has been of unsound mind is not given
- William Smith, age not given, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 17 December 1868. His weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; he is a lunatic, not of dirty habits, and how long he has been of unsound mind is not given
- Hannah Humble aged 49 years, chargeable to Common Charges and sent to the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Clifton on 22 January 1867. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 8s 9d; she is a lunatic, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind for two years
- Louisa Kirby aged 28 years, chargeable to Common Charges and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 3s 6d; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Rebecca Walker aged 22 years, chargeable to Common Charges and living with her mother at Sinnington. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 2s; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Elizabeth Douthwaite aged 30 years, chargeable to Common Charges and maintained in the workhouse. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 3s 6d; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Matthew Tate aged 45 years, chargeable to Common Charges and living with his aunt at Wilton. His weekly cost of maintenance is 2s 6d; he is an idiot, not dangerous to himself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Ann Spence aged 40 years, chargeable to Common Charges and living with her sister at Thornton. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 3s; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
- Ann Baxter aged 10 years, chargeable to Common Charges and living with her mother at Thornton. Her weekly cost of maintenance is 1s 6d; she is an idiot, not dangerous to herself or others, not of dirty habits, and has been of unsound mind from birth
Return exhibited at the Easter Sessions 1869 |