Description | Recognizance made by Charles Tempest Clarkson of the township of Whitby superintendent of police for his appearance at the next Quarter Sessions to prefer a bill of indictment against Jane Corner of the township of Whitby widow for keeping a disorderly house
Recognizance made by Charles Tempest Clarkson of the township of Whitby superintendent of police for the appearance of Isabella Brown and Jane Ross wife of Thomas Ross hawker, both of the township of Whitby, at the next Quarter Sessions to give evidence in the case against Jane Corner
Recognizance made by John Ryder of the township of Whitby sergeant of police for his appearance at the next Quarter Sessions to give evidence in the case against Jane Corner
Recognizance made by Charles Tempest Clarkson of the township of Whitby superintendent of police for him to prosecute Jane Corner; William Taylor and William Stonehouse the younger, two of the inhabitants of the parish of Whitby, having given notice to Clarkson that Jane Corner was keeping a bawdy house
Recognizance made by William Taylor and William Stonehouse the younger, both of the township of Whitby, for them to give evidence against Jane Corner Oath of William Taylor and William Stonehouse the younger of the township of Whitby that the contents of the annexed notice are true
Notice given by William Taylor and William Stonehouse the younger, two of the inhabitants of the township of Whitby, to Charles Tempest Clarkson of the township of Whitby and to the overseers of the poor of the township, that Jane Corner of the township of Whitby keeps a bawdy house on premises at Kelly's Yard in Church Street in the township of Whitby |